Hi Sup Forums

hi Sup Forums

will my little 14cm cock grow anymore? it has been like this since ive been like 13, im 18 today.

also what would u do to it?

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ffs op

remember, 5.5 inches (14cm) is the average length .

yes but will it grow anymore

not likely. it's possible, but likely only half an inch. by 21 i will be max length

op you have a very nice cock

can i play with it?

14 bone pressed?

Thats not 14cm you stupid fag, that ain't even 10

that's the right question

:( do u think it will grow anymore

no not bone pressed

Doesn't matter. There's girls who like smaller weeners, and aside from the size its not even that bad imho. Cheer up, it could be worse

what would u do to it

Try to measure it right first and post a pic with a ruler at its side

Bone pressed is all that matters, any non-retard measures their dick bone pressed so that we can actually know the size, i bet its more like 15-16 cm, which is normal.

Idk bro. There are pornstars with 2" dicks, they get lots of pussy and money, so don't be ashamed of your dick

It's ok if you're a midget

>Radical acceptance

BP is kinda bullshit... you will never go so deep in girl... mine is 20 BP and 17,5 NBP (effective length - measured from where balls end) and I count with 17,5 so...

You have 2.5cm of fat on your pubis ?

>pic for reference where i measured from


here u go faggots, better?

We don't care if it's effective, it depends of the girl fat also. Bp is an objective reference. Btw, when the girl really spread her legs, you can go balls deep and touch her clit with your bonne.

that's normal length... not small not big

why are you pushing the ruler into your skin?

You're about 10cm. Sorry dicklet.

will it grow anymore

i wasnt 100% hard and i only pushed it like 0.5cm so it kinda even out, do u even math

>why are you pushing the ruler into your skin?
>asking this when everyone is asking for BP length

idk why BP length really matters though because its the visual part the really matters IMO

if you are not fat there is really no big difference between BP and NBP

im not

Take it in my mouth real good like the little slut I am

Oh look, it's another big droopy droopy limpdick boi

Are you not completely embarrassed by that sad cock that never actually gets hard?

Why are bigger dicks always so droopy and limp. Poor saps will never know what it feels like to actually have a (real) hard cock

it's actually hard, sometimes too much... if you are try to shame someone get your facts straight first... did you got your ego hurt or what? BTW this is not "big"

Are you measuring from the fat pad or pubic bone?

user is right
Your dick is limp and lame
How sad

Friendly reminder that length past 6-ish inches is basically worthless. I have 7, and have difficulty getting it all in. Great going slow, fast and deep is difficult. Its width that really counts.


It won't no. But who cares. Like a lot of people say, theres girls who don't want a monster cock in them. Size really isn't an issue most of the time. Some women like to make out it is, but honestly they do it as a power play.

when i was 18 y/old i had 17 cm. one year has passed since that now i'm have 18.5 op

My dick is just slightly bigger, at 15, sometimes 16CM, seems like it's normal, most of these dicks you see in "Dick rate thread" are just taken off the internet, it's not common for a guy to have a 20cm dick or more, 5,5'' is average.

I was super insecure, i tough my dick was a micro-dick until my current girlfriend told me she is satisfied and doesn't need anymore or any less.

Your dick is fine, and if you do some streching exercises it will grow. When it's limp just pull on it for 5 minutes everyday, in a month you will gain, varies from person to person.

maybe if you stop pooling blood at your head, like where your brain is. I can tell you do that when you get mad because the effect brings you pleasure.

Instead, focus on your lower back/shoulders so that the blood pools down there, at your peepee, and then all you have to do is push from your back or your shoulders and it should start stretching over time. This will also help your test levels and your vision, your attitude, your tempet and improve interactions with women to a more generalized one rather than a competitive one where they win because they dont pool down there and thus go fadter than you.

we ARE men after all...

An extra inch or so above 6 makes some positions a little easier though. But girth is definitely more important

Carefull with pulling your dick, you could cause tissue damage in your veins. Youknow, the same veins supplying blood to your dick.

nice dick, id like more. got kik or snap?

the dick grows till youre about 24

Sorry im not a whole

>samefaging this hard