Hey /b. i'm a 27 year old self-employed white guy fucking somebody's fiance. she is completely submissive...

hey /b. i'm a 27 year old self-employed white guy fucking somebody's fiance. she is completely submissive, takes my cum wherever i want, and looks like riley reed. anyone have any questions?

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self bump


she loves anal

ya i have a couple screen shotted snap chats. hold on


pics or it didn't happen

Yes. Why don't you an hero? Why would you think we care about your degeneracy?

Do you feel bad about it in the slightest?


if you didn't care you wouldn't ask a question

idk, jury is still out that one. she says they have an open thing and that he knows, but i think she's lying to me and him.

More please? And how do you fuck her? How did this start?

wrong @. see

How it start

i was at a party at my buddy's parents mansion when they were out of town. we both have a mutual friend and she sets up some weird shit for me and sometimes we fuck as well. she has huge tits and is now fucking a black dude. anyway.

she came over and i brought out some moonrock. everyone got high, the original friend with the big tits started asking me to suck on them and shit.

the little engaged slut was there and we ended up fucking that night in her parents bed. i don't remember it, but she described it to our mutual friend by saying "she didn't know what hole she was being fucked in".


What you going to do when her fiance walks up with a shot and his threating to kill you because you ruined his life?

Do you have unprotected sex?

I don't fuck taken chicks for the same reason i dont fuck girls i work with

>The chances of it turning to shit and haunting/annoying you for months is there

Are you not worried she will get drunk, fight with her dude and then tell him?

You then have to deal with either

>Her expecting you to take her in

or more likely

>Shit from him, be that a fist fight or him getting your facebook, msging all your family or bugging the shit out of you?

I just dont understand how anyone has time for that BS

she has a kid from a previous marriage, and she keeps me pretty under wraps. always at my place. anytime he calls, i tell her to take the call. i never get in the way of their relationship, she just worships my cock.

we never wear a condom. i usually cum deep in her asshole.

Where da rest

if she got drunk w her dude and tried to come my way, i would tell her she couldn't sleep here and she should go fix that shit. i am not her man.

my facebook is private and i would block him from everything the moment he tried to start shit. again though, she says he knows. she has maintained that he knows she is fucking someone, he just doesn't knkow who

all of them show her face. i know if you fucks find her profile you will tell her, so that's the only one you get for now. i told her to send some more, she does whatever i say, but she might be asleep

blur it out nigga

I hear girls are likely to fuck an alpha guy before they get married to a beta dude

he takes care of her kid that she had with another dude. i literally treat her like property when we're fucking, but she's addicted. it's a strange thing.


what is this

Damn that kind of makes me feel bad

should i feel bad? i really don't.

i'm not a bad person... i don't think.

I mean dude i can't tell you how to feel but I wouldn't feel right doing that. If she's in to it then I guess there's nothing wrong there, but it's not cool that she's with someone dog.

Can you an hero live stream for us?

The fact that you don't feel bad means you are a bad person. No point in trying to deny it.

You're the neckbeard cuck who got cheated on and you come here to live out a fantasy where you're the alpha


hey /b. i'm a 27 year old self-employed white girl fucking somebody's fiance. he is completely submissive, i take his cum wherever i want, and he looks like yung lean. anyone have any questions?

she says that he knows. she says they're in an open relationship, and that he's fucking pussy on the side.

nah i'm good.

i'm not opposed to saying i'm a bad person, i guess i'm just not sure if i think this is bad. i may be a shitty person, i've had a girl ask me if i was a sociopath before.

reverse image search the snapchat i put in here. lol, you're a fat neckbeard cuck, aren't you?

idk why you wanna fuck yung lean but i guess everyone has their type.

Wow go back to where you came from newfag you're not even good at this.

ya i don't often talk to people just reminding me i'm a shitty person. i'll try to get better just for you user

Those who commit degeneracy like to glorify it, which therein lays the greatest sin.

Wtf do you think reverse on the snap proves you fucking mongoloid? Self employed? Care to elaborate? Cashing your autist check every month isn't employment young child.

i think it proves you will find no other matches on the internet, greatly increasing the chances that i posted it. i do online marketing, mostly adwords, facebook, and rev content. but ya, autist checks, good one. you got me.

this has me thinking. glorifying degeneracy... it's a shitty thing to realize you're doing. do you think she's actually told him about it?

Well then now I know you're full of shit thanks. Keep dreaming queer.

Fuck yes more

which part of that implies i'm full of shit? the part where i tell you reverse image searching is a good way to identify if a post is indeed original, or that i manage online marketing campaigns on very popular ad servers available to all people? also, why are you so mad? rough day at the fast food chain?

no questions, just stating you're a loser cuckboi

This nigga kys

are you actually black, or just one of those white people that says "nigga" because they think it sounds cool? actually asking.

who will probably fuck your girlfriend when she gets bored of patronizing you

The SAME FAG is strong ITT op do you actually believe this in a delusional way? or are you just looking for attention? Because I have to say if all this is true you should be posting a lot more fucking pics since you seem to not give a fuck about anyone's feelings and you're a big strong cold hearted alpha male who works on teh cumputerz. At least post a pic of her ass or tits if you're too much of a lasagna to show her face.

Yes I'm black and I'm a rapper and I'm fuckin a bitch that's married and she looks just like Sasha Grey nigga

okay so like i said when i woke up the next day, i knew we fucked cuz we woke up naked but i didn't really remember it. i refer to her as jace in person, so that's what i'll use here, but that's not her real name.
>jace and i wake up naked
>she is smilling and kissing me and shit
>says last night was fun
>i agree
>we get up and get dressed
>we exchange numbers
>go downstairs, roll joint
>everyone smokes and talks about last night
>we eat, laugh
>chill for a few hours then everyone goes their own way
>jace and i text for a little while but i eventually get a gf
>surprisingly i don't cheat on my significant others. i know that may sound hypocritical
>fast forward 7 months later - i see she got engaged on her story
>i send a single message congratulating her
>she says thank you


dude i have a small iphone, i deleted most the snapchat screenshots. idk what to tell you.

i posted the only nude i kept... i get them literally all the fucking time. i would post her social pics but like i said, she'll find out and i don't want it to end.

i never said i don't give a fuck about anyone's feelings or that i'm some alpha. i don't know if what i'm doing is wrong, i can see both sides of the argument.

Its not your fault dude, she's at fault here, as long as she know's she's just 3 holes.

You do understand how fucking unbelievable all of this sounds correct? Continue the story, if anything it's entertaining. Also where are you from? California is my guess.

Sure thing there dude.

so dude i literally tell her to always take the call if he calls when she's here. i told her that's her real life, this is just some freaky sex shit.

the other day we fucked in the shower and she's tiny - like 5'2" and i'm not very big either. i'm like 5'9" but she's so small i can do whatever i want. and i'm fucking her ass so hard when i pull my cock out there is shit on the end of it and she gets on her knees, grabs a couple handfuls of water from the shower and splashes my cock, then starts sucking it.

>it's amazing what can happen when you're not afraid to degrade me

v e r b a t i m comes out of this little whores mouth.

so it's awesome but at the same time i'm confident she's lying to me when she says that she has told her fiance

>claims she looks like a hot chick
>doesn't post anything to prove this

You're worse than the chicks on here who won't post their tits. GTFO

ya, i get that this sounds unbelievable. and for the sake of op delivering, in the next couple days i'll get her to take some requests, so remember this thread.

and yeah, california is correct. how did you know?

Crop a fuckin picture of the body at least come on fag. You know it can't be back traced

Are you me? Be sure to degrade her mentally, panties on head and such

see, this is why i wanted to have this thread, for these convos.

so in regard to degrading her mentally - she has to say "thank you sir" anytime i slap her. she loves sucking cock more than any girl i've ever met, so anytime she takes my dick out of her mouth without me pulling it out she has to say "sorry sir". if i asked her why she's in my house, she has been trained to say "to please your cock sir". that's the type of shit i'm into.

any ideas on how to expand?

Because that's the only place people just wake up and smoke moon rocks like it's a fucking normal routine. Degenerates, continue. Also this wouldn't happen any where outside of New York or Cali inb4 faggots say this is a regular occurrence in Cleveland.

This fuckhead is full of shit

Walking upright should be for any men in your house, I have no idea, but getting her started on more estrogen hormones should make her put on weight in the right areas.

Oh saliva increasing drugs too, so she's always drolling for dick?

>Sup Forums
>full of shit
you must be new here
nice dubs though

nah we woke up and smoked a joint of weed for the hangover. you snort moonrocks. ya, i definitely do some degenerate shit

faggot exposed. moonrocks acannot be snorted.

This faggot is right crop the body off facebook and post it. Can't trace the crop.

My dude this is not old Sup Forums I post nudes of my wife on here all the time these fags can't do anything. The haxors are long gone blur the face.

WTF snort moon rocks you for real?

sigh. google before you speak, you stupid fuck

i want to put her on a leash. that's my next thought.

>i don't have anymore pics of her except social. i told her to do some nasty shit but it's on snapchat, she's probably still asleep

so being the perverted fuck i am, i have arranged a threesome with another girl and this one. jace will be playing riley reed, since they look similar, and this other girl will be playing francesca le. i can provide screen shots of the convos if interested....

no, he is full of shit. Colorado user here. Moonrocks are so dense and sticky you cant really break them up, let alone snort them. They wouldnt pass through your sinuses. they would get stuck. He is full of shit

Make sure you have rules, ass should be up in the air at all times etc, back arched.

What you got the speed ball moon rocks? Heroin and blow?

yeah it burns but it is very doable. it's not as bad as snorting XTC. like i said, google it, i'm sure i'm not the only one who does this

moon rocks is pure rock form MDMA where i come from. you guys sound like you're confusing them w speedballs

Yeah he's bugging out

definitely a faggot from cali. Thats the only place this synthetic mixture is called moonrocks...in gay circles in california. gaurantee this dude knows what cum tastes like


>and in magazines

it's pure MDMA. it's near impossible to find, 1 gram got these 3 girls fucking out of their mind. they were sucking each other's titties till hickies formed

No they're confusing them with this because they go by the same name

ya, you're not from california, seeing as you refer to is as "cali". and i'm not certain what slang the gay circles in california use... clearly that is more your forte

ah. got it. ya, i've seen those, i didn't know they were called moon rocks. if it's weed or THC, i smoke dabs, blunts, or edibles. the other stuff seems sort of childish to me.

no, im not from california, thank god. nothing but faggots and wetbacks out there.

Ok post the screens of the threesome porn convo I need to see that. How rich are your parents and what do they do?

not from california, you just know slang for party drugs that california gays use.

>okay user, whatever you say


also, lots of faggots i know from fagifornia refer to it as "cali". you pussies out there have so many dumb names for shit. but, tell us more about your bullshit story about fucking some chick who probably doesnt exist

my parents work at a church. i have been financially independent since i was 17 and i had to leave the home because i wasn't a christian. black sheep to the max.

3 some pics coming in just a second

Do you feel quilty for the Holocaust?

know lots of faggots from california. Welcome to the internet nigger

so this is based on a fantasy of like a sub hierarchy. the bottom sub is used by both me and my other sub. i have been fucking this one for a while, she is a flight attendant. she's semi hot, does a lot of drugs. last time we fucked i whipped her ass with a belt, she's a psychopath

edgelord confirmed. left home with a Marilyn Manson Cd and two pairs of faggot raver jeans.

Ok well lets get the faggot question out of the way. No you're not a bad person for not caring, why should you? That's on her. You say you don't cheat on your GFs so that's good enough for me. How did you meet the rich friend with the mansion?

sounds you have a lot of faggots in your life. i'm "shocked". anyway, continuing my bullshit story as in so i hit her up and we make small talk about her new piercings, as seen here
>in b4 charge your phone and sprint is shitty i know i get it fuck off


he was a max hardcore girl before he had his surgery and his penis turned into a pussy to better suit his urges.

no, i worked as a night custodian for an elementary school while i was in high school. it sucked, and so does marilyn manson. the only thing i like about manson is his interview in bowling for columbine.


Dis gonna be good

claims to be a dominant over two subs...says "dont judge me" before sending pics

Moar pls

i met the rich friend in college. he's now studying to get his pHD, he's fucking brilliant.

>she actually lost a pair of panties in his parents bedroom

to this day, no one knows what happened to them. my friend has told me his parents haven't said shit and he's too horrified to ask