Make sure it is fucked up, keep it dark, don't hold back

Make sure it is fucked up, keep it dark, don't hold back.

Other urls found in this thread:


My folder is lame, need more shit.




Damn it the thread is already dying.




so funny


Yum, this is more like it.







wtf is wrong with Sup Forums? its losing their basics

Thankyou gore user


based gore user

That dog looks like Chloe




Wtf is up with his penis?



what do you mean? have you never seen a penis before? fucking summerchildren.

Mexican cartel?

It just looks a tad abnormal


That's hickok45 haha.

*copies anonymously*




Rip leg

compared to what? how many penises have you seen? how about this one, is it more to your liking?

That's a pretty penis.

Some dicks just look weirder than others to me.

When you fuck your retarded brother.

if every penis looked like every other penis, then there would be no such thing as penis envy and the market for guns and fast cars would collapse.

He looks like Obama

Yeah, but did I say all penises should all look the same? No, some just look weird to me, like the one I seen that somehow looked permanantly creased and twisted back a few months ago in this one thread.




okay, then, captain sensible, provide us with a set of national standards institute grade specifications for what you want to see in a penis, and we will cut off any that don't match and burn them. HAPPY?

> o no that one's too bendy

Did I ask for what I wanted to see tho? No I just point out random shit I find weird, no one has to agree or do shit.




i still want to see the first part of this vid. where they peel off his face as he screams.

I seconed this




Edgy newfag spotted

>pic related
If you missed out on what this is, google it. I haven't seen anything meme more fucked up than this. It even had an effect offline.

>pic related

If you missed out on what this is, google it. I haven't seen anything meme more fucked up than this. It even had an effect offline.

This picture pisses me off for some reason. The host of the house I am staying at has this annoying ass dog that will try take any animal or object if it was interacted with by a person, the mutt even went as far as trying to drag an infant away by the foot. So fucking annoying and fucked up, the owner doesnt do shit and lets the fucking mutt destroy everything, he refuses to train or discipline it.

>no sound

Ebola chan!!!!

blame the chink




>Taco Bell gets you every time

There's people that actually worship this shit offline as a form of witchcraft and magic.

Fucking kek



Agreed, I hate dogs, when I was little we had a dog that figured out how to open doors.

Long story short he destroyed the fucking fridge, escaped, and also managed to drag home a rabbit he killed and ripped in half in the room in front of me and my siblings, it was traumatizng. We got rid of him after that.



As the saying goes, no bad dogs only bad owners.
The guy is a cunt, the dog will prob turn on him at some point.



Yeah, it is not even full sized yet either, I am moving out and taking my reptiles and cat before it gets bigger.

Also this dog will purposly fuck with you, it waits for you to watch, then it fucking does something it knows it's not supposed to do then runs, comes back and attacks your legs and runs again, has made me bleed a few times but I can't do anything about it.

Nothing makes you feel more awake that chugging a huge cold fresh glass of bleach in the morning

Cunt owner will prob take him to the dogpound at some point cause "can't do anything with it"
People like him shouldn't own dogs or pets at all.


Thank the guy you're staying with for the doggo's behaviour!
I bet the dickhead laughs when the dog does that.

>no one pointing this one out as the disgusting thing on the net
The world has changed Charles


this is pretty extreme, brace yourselfes

Yeah, sadly he owns chickens too and the dog chases them, and even got into the eggs, but I doubt it, ha already has a dog he has had for years that is old as shit and barely moves, plus he babies the other one, and makes a lot of excuses for the dogs behavior saying "it's just playing/hungry"

My eyes!!!!!!!



I love animals, including dogs, but there are certain ones I naturally hate with a passion, they usually end up being the ones that turn out to be spoiled pieces of shits.

