Why has punk gone so soft? I don't want to feel like everyone agrees with the shit songs are saying...

Why has punk gone so soft? I don't want to feel like everyone agrees with the shit songs are saying. Punk is supposed to be controversial... all it does now is pander to neoliberals

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People who think punk has a clear set of rules, etiquette, wardrobe etc clearly didn't get the memo of what punk is.

It can be whatever it wants to be. Genres evolve.

Oh shut up and go listen against me!. I like Fugazi too... I'm saying that one thing you cannot deny is that controversy is central to punk rock music. I'm talking about a genre that has become warped to most millennials as omg let's attend the trump protest bc we're so punk

youre literally arguing that its not edgy enough because it doesnt support your right wing idealogy

if you're upset with the state of punk music, why dont you make your own? it's one of the easiest types of music to make dude

well put.

Pop punk maybe, but not punk
Real punk is anarchist i.e. Left wing

most punk and most metal are pretty left-wing and always pandered to neoliberals you fucking retard.

gg allin and stuff like the nsbm movement are outliers.

That's a logical fallacy just because I don't think punk music is serving its purpose of being controversial does not make me a right winger. I don't support trump at all. Your statement actually proved me right
I was in a punk band once I'd rather make different music
You're retarded if you think anarchy=left wing go read a fucking book.

You just gotta browse harder, a lot of the bands keeping it real are just playing small basement shows and staying local. Check out Ritchy Rich and The Dicks ritchyrichandthedicks.bandcamp.com/

you complained about millenials and trump protests in the same sentence so you probably have some righty tendencies. Also punk bands can support whatever politics they like. Im sure theres nazi punk bands out there too, its just that most people probably find that cringey and played out anyway. Also cuckservatives generally just arent that good at creating worthwhile art even if its samey punk stuff

Ahhh everything is black and white isn't it? Damn right they can but I'm seeing a good amount of people pandering because of what's popular hmmm not very punk is it? I don't think political ideologies have any semblance of artistic ability nice thought though. And no I'm just making fun of what I see. I love assumptions though. Maybe you should start seeing that both political parties in America are an absolute shit show and stop acting like they're some sports team you have to root for.

>You're retarded if you think anarchy=left wing go read a fucking book.
no u

never said i root for either party but even still i can hold right or left ideas. Who is to say is who is pandering and who is just on that side of the fence? Lots of bands that speak for left causes have been doing so for a minute and newer ones are more than likely influenced by those bands, and theres plently of shit under the punk umbrella that isnt really outspoken politically anyway.

There's an argument there. I'd say it depends on your definition of left and right. If anarachism means ditching the government then why does the current state of the left identify with more government intervention and influence the body it governs. (I actually like socialism btw so don't tell me I'm arguing against it) I just don't think communism (most radical left) is relevant to anarchy just because some liberal philosophers talk about it. And what fucking actually good punk bands really support anarchism?

The Dillinger escape plan frontman still smears feces on his face during shows, so there's that. Think they're about to break up though

Anarchism to my understanding is the abolition of hierarchy, not necessarily a stateless society. The current left is mostly made up of liberals which is why they seem to support a state. Socialists (not Sanders style) are a fringe minority. Anarchist really aren't relevant to current stateless movements(or any movements), but ancaps aren't actual anarchists because they don't seek to abolish hierarchy.

Anarchism literally means a stateless society you god damn moron

>ancaps aren't actual anarchists
[citation needed]

As far as I know, anarchy means abolition of the government, and that's what it always meant. I see ancaps as the purest anarchists since every law or moral code is left up to the individual (as long as it doesn't violate the NAP or NAACP or whatever their stupid fucking system is called).

Fuck you idiot i hope you die. Anarchism = no government.

Not that it matters anyways, all anarchy would do is create a power vacuum so we could have some good ol fashioned warlord action

I'd vote for Lord Humungus.

>punk music serving its purpose of being controversial

found the fascist

Controversiality is dead m8

Controversial doesn't mean omg nazi. Go fuck yourself with a pinecone you and all the other neolibs are sucking every last drop of power out of the word nazi. Literally making them less scary as you compare them to every wimp with a podcast.
That's untrue look at our president. He thrives on controversy and that's what got him elected

>all anarchy would do is create a power vacuum so we could have some good ol fashioned warlord action
you're right, but some moron ancom is gonna get in here soon and try to tell you that it would actually lead to everyone sitting around a campfire singing kumbayah


-Punk record 101

>so blinded by ignorance they think the issue is the word "controversial"

>punk's sole reason is to be controversial
>controversy for the sake of controversy
Yeah no

I'm really upset with people in America right now big fucking circle jerk
Nice words that you just inserted into my mouth. I said controversy and punk have been inseparable since the genres inception

Because it became popular.


As a new genre, yes. That's why it was so powerful for its time, but you can't expect it to be like it was at its birth. No genre is like that. People by now get what punk is and there will be watered down versions, but those aren't the only examples of punk. There's a lot more variety in punk these days.

>You're retarded if you think anarchy=left wing go read a fucking book.
Kid try reading a wikipedia article then come back

I see you mentioning what I want but not posting it. Typical fucking Sup Forums bitching and picking apart my post without actually recommending some music which was the point of my post.
Sorry I don't care what Wikipedia says I don't consider anarchy and communism something that can go together

>pander to neoliberals

Are Milton Friedman types listening to punk now?

most good modern punk music isn't overtly political

That's fine, just know the whole political science world does

Then go ahead and tell me how communism (relies on government regulation of the economy) and anarchism (no government) can coexist?

>pander to neoliberals
You either don't know what that is or what punk is. Or both, you seem dumb enough

punk music was made by poor or working class people. Today all those people are more into hip hop and rap or don't give a fuck about music at all. Punk now is full of middle and upper class suburban pussies.

>thinks communism automatically means 'muh gubbermint'

They don't really coexist, they share ideas of abolishing private property and working for wages. Saying they cannot both be left is like saying libertarianism and fascism cant be both right wing

Proves no point and calls me dumb. Hmmm irony?
I agree
Okay nice you've taken political science courses and have read some theory. BUT if we're talking reality like things that actually can fucking happen, or historically communism means heavy governmental influence. If we're talking anarchy in actuality which is fucking stupid to believe could actually work btw it would exist neither in the left nor right but somewhere in between as it's own entity

This board knows nothing about punk rock

Or politics for that matter.

well neo nazis are making some pretty good punk these days Ive heard

meh im not so sure about I was watching Salad days, a doc about the D.C hc scene and many of the bands came from middle class homes and in some cases with parents that worked government jobs, especially the straight edge bands.

I mean all the racist band I've heard pretty sub par to bad. Screwdriver and angry Aryans are nothing special

See NYC hardcore/punk, Midwest punk, and southern punk rock

oh no im not doubting that punk originates from the working class but im just saying that the lack of good punk cant be because the middle class are making punk when minor threat fucking rock

>since every law or moral code is left up to the individual
Except the one thing that, for some reason, ancaps refuse to see as anything but holy - the market.

Middle class , and adolescents are prime examples

second this, most bands in the early 80's sucked. They were just get up on stage scream for a minute and a half and play as hard as you can. Listen to a lot of unpopular/unsuccessful bands and they did not give a shit about money or being successful or even being good, it was just about saying what they wanted.

Everybody in this thread should watch American Hardcore if you have not.

don't use words like neoliberalism unless you know what they mean

There's an economic and social use of the word

who even listens or cares to fucking pink in current year?

You could say that about literally any genre that wasn't invented yesterday.

you like ziltoid senpai?

You could just, run away... To your nearest polling place, and put ME, Lord Humungus in office!

New punk is NSBM, youtube.com/watch?v=sQlM4RiUfUk

nobody's got the balls enough to be outrageous anymore.
people are too afraid of police, or getting into fights, or repercussions in general.

noise has been the new punk for a while now

Jail's not even that bad. I went a handful of times in my younger days, and just started my job for the state Monday. There are no long term effects really unless you did hard time pushing weight or killed someone.

jail or prison?

Anyone gonna post any music?

this vocalist blows, sounds so restrained

I don't speak moon but this is good, I guess it's punk

Communism doesn't have a state, massive totalitarian states like the USSR were socialist at best but were more state capitalism anyways.

K well the closest things we've seen to communism are USSR, Cuba, China, and Cambodia. Those seem to be pretty good examples that humanity is too selfish for communism. Same with anarchy and the only people who argue for them are burnt out hippies

nah hes kinda right but because others are dumb
Punks buy into hippie liberal shit thinking it means the gov will have less control over people and they can govern themselves. Its the opposite of what left wing actually is, but we're talking about idiot kids not understanding how shit works

Pic posted is reason why punk has not only gone soft it's lost all of it's relevance as any form of social/political protest movement/subculture.

Anarchism goes beyond left and right wing paradigms. The essence of anarchism is a total rejection of authority and hierarchy, something liberals and leftists have practiced sometimes even more than right wingers. Much of the spirit and ideas of early the early american revolutionaries were closer to anarchism than soviet communism, not quiet but just as Protestantism was a failed revolution. Real anarchism is gnosis and libertarianism without corporatism, it's not dogmatic marxism but it's not money worship either. The heart of punk is a respect for humanity, the human being and their autonomy, the right to bear arms and a rejection of anti human satanism. Real punk music is whatever you want it to be, it's free artistic exploration and play. Real punk music is in it's spirit, not it's message

Anarchism was an ideology founded primarily by Bakunin and Kropotkin against capitalism

Butthurt illiterate right winger white American males' revisionist history does not change this fact

Archie is Punk as fuck. Fuck You.

Nostalgic old guys and cover bands..?


False dichotomy, false narrative. Suck a cock for Soros, kill a nigger and spread your disease around to mark your territory

fill in the blank

I'm apart of ____ and it feels punk as fuck

Trump's America

So you guys will save me time from reading hippie book by saying that anarchism means we Abolish government, start a commune man, have a world relgion, and forget about wars and smoke a joint and chill out right? That's fucking lame and would never work I think Mad Max is a better representation of if anarchy were to happen. I'm sorry but I don't get how know government can fall on the left or right.

real stuff coming through, libtards and fascists might be triggered.


Why the fuck does music that speaks truth to power (To be clear that does, in fact, mean it won't be right wing) have to be punk rock? For me a lot, not all, but, a lot, of punk rock now is just white boys singing about how they're oppressed because vegan living is expensive or because a cop told them to stop harassing the elderly. Rebellious music can come in all forms and it's time for so called "punks" to stop closing themselves off from it.

Wrong board, tinfoil.

>satanic shill cuck

the house of cards is coming down boy, the satanic exploitation of the masses will come to an end

The idea of punk is that it can be created by normal, everyday people. Not just music majors or people born with incredible talent. Punk is non-political like the Ramones or Misfits. Punk leans left like Dead Kennedys or anarchist like Crass. Punk can be ultra right like Screwdriver (their first record totally wasn't racist!!). It ain't a defined thing, and if none of it out there "does it" for you, then make your own

Wrong board, tinfoil.

What the fuck was his problem???

Not an argument satanic slut

>speaks truth to power
fucking faggot

>Punk is supposed to be controversial... all it does now is pander to neoliberals
it was controversial. But since conservative values aren't the norm anymore punk isn't as intimidating.

You're the faggot, and you will never be able to suppress truth with your grotesque vanity and authoritarian foot kissing

I didn't say it was. You got kicked out of Sup Forums into /x/ and they think you're a faggot too, so now you're on Sup Forums.

I'm not a neo nazi or roleplayer, there was nothing wrong with my first post of Mark's sick af band The Founders

It's easy to say shit like that, but let's break punk into its parts... there are amazing noise rock bands like Melt-Banana and Lightning Bolt, amazing screamo bands like Ampere and Touché Amoré, amazing crust punk bands like Sarabante, Tau Cross, Tragedy, and Jungbluth, and amazing art punk bands like Iceage. Let's not forget that GG Allin was a fucking retard, but even the "scum punk" schtick of his was improved by bands like the Dwarves and Clockcleaner.

If you want the stupid violence of 80s/90s hardcore, it still exists in the metalcore/deathcore scene. Metalcore and deathcore are for retarded white trash and the music sucks you say? Exactly. The good old days weren't really that good.

The only thing I'm still waiting on is for there to be even more cross-pollination between subgenres. I want there to be an extreme punk genre the same way there's a general "extreme metal" catchall term - I want people to mix crust punk with screamo/post-hardcore with deathrock with posi-core with blackened death metal with industrial music. I think we're long overdue for extreme punk.

What fucking truth are you pedaling, buddy?

Wrong, Anarchism is about Anarchy which is about "no rulers" which is "no hierarchies", so that is the prime trait

>Ampere and Touché Amoré

have you listened to Ampere? I get why TA are contentious, but Ampere is straight up emoviolence... to be honest, I actually prefer them to Orchid because they sound less "cool" and more personal

They kind of fall flat with me.

GG Allin never made good music

Goddamnit, you're arguing over nothing. You're both right. Anarchy means no state. Anarchism is a political ideology that advocates for societal organization without a state. It's literally all about trying to organize society without a state ruling OVER it. That's why anarchists advocate for direct democracy, a rotation of representatives based on a member of the society with the majority opinion on the specific issue, exclusion as the form of punishment, etc. Anarchism is literally all about "how do we organize ourselves so there's no ruling body ruling OVER us?" I'm not advocating for it, but that's what it is.

I liked everything you said but I think ice age is a terrible band

Is Code Orange and Nails punk?