Who can stand against this bitch?

Who can stand against this bitch?
Not only does she have the biggest army but she has huge dragons that destroy armies and ships by themselves.


She's going to crash and burn against Euron's superior fleet and the winters of Westeros. Nobody in her army is prepared to face an eternal winter. Jon Snow and the armies of the North are always prepared for the winter.

She's the main character no one is going to be able to stand up to her, her plot armour makes her invincible

someone better steal her dragons or GRRM is a fucking retard.

Lightbringer shall be thrust deep inside her and end her angry uptight ways

By lightbringer I of course mean Jon's cock

Fuck the Dragons.


How's anyone supposed to beat this bitch?

the same thing that crippled the german army in WW2: winter

Jon forms an alliance with the Night King to stop her

I don't think anyone can.

The 2 real issues next season is how her and Jon are both going to claim the throne and the white walkers attacking.

A happy ending would probably give Jon being Warden of the North .

There's only going to be one more season. It will probably be 12 episodes instead of 10.

Cersei's reign will be short. Dany is going to steamroller right into King's Landing. They won't do blackwater again because they wouldn't waste that much budget on a battle so similar to one they have done.

My guess is Dany gets to King's Landing in episode 3 or 4 and quickly takes it. Cersei dies after probably trying to set the rest of the city on fire. Jaime becomes queenslayer.

The rest of the season is about everyone banding together to fight the walkers. Either they win, or they all realize the game of thrones is doomed and all run back to Essos together to live there.

20 good men


becuase her army divided into various groups with various goals, interests, and ways of life divided by multiple language barriers and the only reason half of them are there is because they think they're going to get pussy

it's all going to fall apart

dragons can't hurt jon snow

dragons can't ever win. they exist to be killed. they cannot be allowed to exist in the world because they concentrate power under one name

>and the only reason half of them are there is because they think they're going to get pussy
The truth never made me laugh harder.

This is all a problem after she conquers everything. Probably going to go the Alexander the Great route. Where he conquers the world, dies and then everyone fights and factions are made.

Bitch is hitler everything make's sense nazis had planes, bitch has dragons.

She's just too smug, and her taking an entire dothraki army just like that was unbelievable.

Theyre getting real lazy with her.

spoiler alert, her ships go down in history a la Spanish Amarda

Somebody should turn the seasons into like 2 hour long movies each. Or has someone done that already?

Really, there's so much you could skip and just show dudes getting stabbed through the face over and over

This would actually be sweet.

Literal pottery

I hope she gets gang raped in every episode of S7, tries to kill herself(fails bc she's a Mary sue) and is sold into slavery

Is Ramsay right?

"If you expect this to have a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."

I will burn Kings Landing to the ground before I let that happen.

A storm sinking all of her armada

Wait, did she take the dothraki or not? It doesn't seem like taking a horde of screaming pillaging rapists with you is a good idea.

I think she might go mad. It's obvious Arya is going to become schizophrenic which is really sad

Dany and Jon will probably team up together to fight the white walkers after she kills cersei

there's only one race, the human race. dothraki are the same as westerosi on the inside; we all bleed red

Did she take every dothraki ever? Are there any dothraki left?

She cant win because her dragons will refuse to attack Jon and attack people who actually do attack him. Implying they cant smell that hes Targaryan.


Bran flakes will worg the dragons to kill the white walkers



cap this post you niggers

Bran doesn't need the dragons to kill the walkers. He's the reincarnation of Bran and he's going to warg into Bran in the past and learn the elder magic from himself

That would be the best fucking thing ever.

jon will warg them

Dothraki going to start pillaging and go off, cause danny wont provide for them. weakens her enough that the lanisters dont break right away, so danny dont go north to save the day. white walkers rekt case. Only way to save westeros is bran changing the past so they can win.

You made me go cross eyed

literally a storm that drowns atleast 2 of her dragons and 60% of her ships. Stannis had way less and almost took the kingdom himself.

It's going to happen, I saw it coming like 3 seasons ago. They can't beat the white walkers without magic that no longer exists. The dryad chicks are all dead

There is a horn to control the dragons which gets discovered. She'll lose control over them to Jon.

But can't you beat them with dragon blades or I'm that case 'dragon breath (fire)'?

Yeah about that. Bitch, you're running out of napalm.

Next time, don't spend it all on religious fireworks.

wow that is actually fucking smart but you overlooked the fact that it might be retarded for a vegetable to be wielding twin fireballs. Who the fuck is going to use that magic?

the dragons die before meeting the white walker army

fireballs? original Bran fucking magiced the wall out of the ground bro. Bran is the strongest character in the world by far, doesn't matter that he's a cripple.

Fire-proof Jon, obviously.

Who's a dragon slayer? Or is it just a barrage of arrows, catapultes, etc?

>Nobody in her army is prepared to face an eternal winter.

this, the dothraki are desert arab types

Why doesn't the Lannisters just make spear launching ballistas, they're fucking flying reptiles, they aren't invincible.

would be surprised, jews have to refernce the holocaust and nazis in pretty much all their shit

Jon won't let them exist. Too dangerous. I wonder if he might can just will them to go to sleep.

My friend had this pretty bombastic theory that there's an ice dragon under winterfell. Hence "winter fell". And that dragon would rise from sensing the walkers and Jon would epically ride it into battle against the fire dragons etc. who knows.

She's going to fail in a magnificent fashion, that's the point of getting you to think she's untouchable thus far. The dragons can die, you know. Up until this point, no army has actually prepared to be attacked by dragons and planned for it, she's had the element of surprise. Against Euron's fleet, if they are prepared, 3 dragons could be taken down easily. Then what does she have, the unsullied? They are foot soldiers. This is a water battle. She will reach an all-time low right before the white walkers attack.

My season 7 hopes:

King in da norf prepares to fight White Walkers, rides to the Wall just as Bran passes through it and causes it to collapse thanks to his mark, and the fact that Benjen is actually working with the White Walkers. They begin their invasion, and naturally it is a slaughter.

Rightful Queen Cersei destroys most of Danys' army by burning Kings Landing to the ground when she takes it. Jaime attempts to stop her with reason, but fails. In his frustration as the city burns around them, he strangles her with the same hand she had made for him.

Dany starts her invasion of Westeros- only to be stopped by a swarm of Kraken, controlled by Euron that even her dragons cannot hope to stop. The ironborn see their true leader and fling Yara and Theon into the sea where they drown, Theon clings to a piece of driftwood and finds his way to shore, determined to avenge his sister.

Bran wargs into the past in an attempt to change it, but is trapped inside the Mad King Aerys, screaming to 'Burn them all', in regards to the Weirwood trees, the source of power for both the Children of the Forest, and the White Walkers, yet nobody realizes this and nobody can understand what he is really trying to say. Jaime kills him, and Bran fails.

Samwell gets cucked out of his dream by Gilly since she can't go in the library and spends the rest of his days with the Hound raising other peoples kids and calling themselves real men.

The end


u wot m8?

That seems too dues ex machina theory for me. But you think Jon could control them even though he isn't 'father' of dragons? I mean, she technically gave birth to them so you figure there loyalty is gonna lie with her and not a half blood targaryian

Why would she fight against Jon?

When she hears of the White Walkers she'll obviously rally all her armies to fight them in the North.

I just realised we've never seen jon ever really interact with fire. Does he know it can't burn him? Or does the half blood remove the immunity?

Bran can't change the past. The ink is dry. Whatever he does in the past is already apart of the timeline, he was always going to do it and the present/future is the result of it.


Well, maybe he's best of both worlds, he doesn't really succum to cold or fire cause he's got both bloodlines in him and (obviously) that's why he's the chosen one

I may be misremembering this, but didn't gregor say he slew the girl and threw the baby into the fire

did i just totally make that up, I didn't read the books and I just remember reading about all the mystery surrounding who/what was in the tower. Fans nailed it years ago though knowing that it was jon

Targaryen best house! Long may she reign!

kelly c will only serve to be the final downfall of cersei and rebuild king's landing. when she finds out johnson o is targ they'll unite to kill the night king. then jon will be her hand and salsa will be queen of the north.

nah m8 he threw the baby across the wall and it's fucking head exploded. That wasn't the real baby though, as the real one was swapped by varys and still (supposedly) lives. He's the aegon story arc.

Also now with cersi sans children it's ok to make her a villian to want to kill because she doesn't have that tv/PC mother does anything for her kids trope going on so she'll bite it hard

Retard, it's a magical thing not a targaryen thing. Dany's brother wasn't immune to fire...


nigga didnt get burned by fire he got burned by molten metal

Jon badly burned his hand on a lantern or torch saving Mormont's life when he was still a steward.

I thought he wasn't immune to molten gold?

Don't remember that but I'll take your word cause I'm drunk


He'll be immune to fire now because of being brought back by the lord of light.

Imagine that god damn convincing speech to a bunch of zombies

don't even pretend you wouldn't be okay with this Sup Forums

it's so fucking bizzare and mental that is actually works

>i died once, so you see.. we're not so different you and i
>*thunderous rattling*


Nah, sounds stupid as fuck.

That's good... Fuck.. But I just picture mindless frozen zombies that just go 'blllarrgblararalblrflsalfjsj' abd kinda laugh

This is a retarded theory because we already know that we are getting 2 shorter seasons. And the latest Kelly C get's to kings landing is episode 2 of season 7

Sam is actually azor ahai, he definately shot ygritte and told the little kid to take credit, gonna kill the wildling chick, then he falls in love with little sam, which has been mistaken for a boy, then he stabs her with the valyrian sword he stole and BAM lightbringer.

>Mfw realizing a song of ice and fire is referencing Jon Snow

I really don't want this bitch winning in the end.
I want everyone getting fucked up, but her the most.
God damn Mary Sue.

I hope it ends with him on the iron throne humming the theme song in a kazoo

Why join the Night King when he can marry Dany? Only way this would work out is if Dany goes mad like Aerys

>people actually think dany will die/lose

oh you poor poor souls, you truly don't understand the power of feminism these days, all logic will go out the window for her to rule, no matter the losses

Dude, that's his aunt, if it was his sister it would be K

Winter is going to fuck her in the ass. If you think anyone is winning the Game of Thrones TM then you're a retard.

I could only imagine the outcry of angry vaginas if Dany died

>My friend had this pretty bombastic theory that there's an ice dragon under winterfell. Hence "winter fell". And that dragon would rise from sensing the walkers and Jon would epically ride it into battle against the fire dragons etc. who knows.

Literally the gayest thing I've ever read.

>evil person

wait is anyone here actually dumb enough to think jon snow isn't the hero of this series?

dude jon snow is basically george washington vs the british in this series. he isn't going to lose. lol.

She'll be queen alright. Queen of the ashes of Westeros.

>entire army is made up of savages from a hot climate
>invading a cold country during winter

We'll see. Plus I'm assuming they didn't introduce Euron for no reason and that he'll become a major threatening villain next season.

I know.
The whole world is going to go to shit next season, but not an ill thing will happen to Dany and the sheep will love it.

That's pretty good she alluded to that. Hopefully just gets torched by a dragon like she torched everyone in that church

wasn't her dragon injured by a couple spear chuckers a season ago? why are they scary?

She'll take the south, sure, but the North is gonna shit on her, hard, especially because the enormous bulk of her army is not even close to ready to deal with winter. That combined with the imminent revelation of John being her brother's son she's going to break the fuck down. All she has is her dragons.

the whole point is she's bringing a huge army that will ultimately fight the night king.

>winter is here
>coldest winter in 1k years
>for those playing at home this is called foreshadowing the night king's arrival
>ruh roh not enough people to fight the night king
>good thing a woman (who will turn out to be jons half sister) with shitloads of canon fodder and an air force is coming to help