ITT: Movies you love even though the general response was mostly negative

ITT: Movies you love even though the general response was mostly negative.

Pic very related


Independence Day 2, I liked it better than the first one


I don't care what the critics say

Tron Legacy was GOAT

Agreed man, dat soundtrack vs visuals

The Phantom Menace.
Under the Skin (the plebbier the website the lower the ratings)

I'm the same age as these guys. According to the internet, I'm not an alcoholic but rather a binge drinker.


I tried watching this again because by all accounts I should love it.

I think the main actor is just terrible and made a mildly interesting story completely boring.

>I liked it better
Oh, I believe you.

Carrie 2

Chicken little t b h

>my parents watched this with me in the room when I was 8
>guy gets his testicles harpooned
>guy gets trapped under a pool cover
Thanks mom and dad for showing me Jaws, Arachnophobia, Child's Play, and the Puppet master but never showing me how to tie my shoes!


Independance day 2 is unironically the best movie of the last 2 years.

there i said it.

it did everything right

I wouldn't say I liked it better, but I did like it a lot.

Everyone was mad that it was cheesy as hell, but that's exactly what the first one was (which was also hated when released).

It knew what it was doing and delivered.

Pic related

Speed Racer. I love the cheesiness, and I think it would make a great movie to watch while high (although I haven't tried yet)

Van Helsing

Hey, be fair to them - if there had been a horror story about dangers associated with tying your shoelaces by yourself your parents would have shown you it.

Actually my favorite feel-good movie


Hi Mike