Which is better, Sup Forums, The Middle or Modern Family?

Which is better, Sup Forums, The Middle or Modern Family?

Sue and The Middle. The Middle has heart whereas Modern Family is a clusterfuck of loud shrews and ugly fatties with scarred titties

modern family is consistently funnier.
the middle is absolutely mediocre at everything and never wavers above or below that mediocrity. it's "ok" at all times. it's just a less funny malcom in the middle.

i like both shows.
i jerk off to ariel winter.

>The Middle has heart
How come I regularly hear this from some people, while some will say it's bland and boring like ?

What's the difference in mindset? What other sitcoms do you like?

it does have heart. but it's still mediocre.
it can be both.

Fuck you OP Sue don't have under arm hair

Modern family sucks. Its basically flanderized characters: the show. And every single one of the are annoying with the exception of the dad.

Shut up you know this thread is about armpit hair or arm hair click the pic get off your mobile fucker

Calm down faggot, I don't give a shit about whatever you get off to.
I just hate MF.

The Middle is much more accessible for everybody. Modern Family is only enjoyable to white people.

>only enjoyable to white people.
I'm white and I don't understand Modern Family at all, it seems like some LA rich people shit.

>LA rich people shit
that's exactly what it is

Yeah agreed. I wouldn't say white people though. It more or less lives up to its name with it being "modern" and having a gay couple with an adopted kid, interracial couple and slutty and retarded kids.
Basically this

ModFam used to be good for Alex's tits but since they eliminated that I haven't watched a single episode.

Also someone please link me to that 60k word ModFam erotic fanfiction I forgot which site it's on. It's not literotica or the usual celeb ones at least

>LA rich people shit

It's kind of funny how they're trying to be a "modern" American family yet they live in a $3million dollar house and your actual modern American family works minimum wage jobs and welfare in shitty apartments or trailers.

I don't even think there has been a season with the new mutilated ariel yet. she only just did that this year and the most recent season was probably filmed last year.

Malcom in the far right

Yes, there has.

I don't know if they made an in-universe explanation for Alex's tits disappearing though or if they really just tried to ignore something so obvious. It'd be like just glassing over Gloria getting a reduction as if she's still the same as ever.

And until they do, Canon Alex still has giant tits.

2 internets to whomever gets pics of sue's butthole

>that mustache

holy fuck

They already tried this, it was called Rosanne.

I haven't seen any of the post Californian Surgical Saw Massacre episodes but I'm assuming they pushed her off to college where they can ignore it by dressing her like a libtard.

And it was excellent.

don't forget malcom in the middle

Sarah is 1000x more attractive than that literal who on the left, so there's your answer.


any pics of her in panty or bikini where you can seee how smooth and hairless she keeps her crotch?

Gross. I'm glad that she got beat up by her bf and that tanned Australian grabbed her ass.

Same with fucken arya stark..how the fuck did she infiltrate and get to Waldorf fast... cunt of thrones no thanks

Arm hair is the best hair



Modern Family had a better beginning and has aged gracelessly, its terrible now.

The Middle has always been good. My problem with it is that it probably has in the top 3 of costume and set design in TV history even including HBO.

Its frightening how close it looks to my poor home I grew up in and my friends homes, and my mom had similar haircuts and clothes.

I am not being ironic. So its kind of a tie.

>My problem with it is that it probably has in the top 3 of costume and set design in TV history even including HBO.
Roseanne was better!

Don't be lewd.

what did Ariel's booty mean by this?

her crotch shouldn't be lewd

The Middle for longevity and "comfiness". Modern Family has some top-tier episodes and situations, and while the characters were flanderized from the get-go and got played out after a couple seasons, they do have some great chemistry and pairings at times.

>it's just a less funny malcom in the middle
Why do people constantly make this dipshit comparison? There is nothing thematically similar with The Middle and Malcolm, with the exception that they are both sitcoms set in poorer small towns. Might as well just say they are Roseanne ripoffs at that point.

>The Middle has always been good. My problem with it is that it probably has in the top 3 of costume and set design in TV history even including HBO.
>Its frightening how close it looks to my poor home I grew up in and my friends homes, and my mom had similar haircuts and clothes.
Yeah I agree that set design is insanely accurate. It could be any crappy small-town or blue-collar suburban ranch house from the 70s to early 90s.

>to early 90s.
What happened after that? What are they like now?

I enjoy The Middle a bit more because it doesn't try to be as clever and wrap everything up at the end of every ep like MF does.

But Sarah is my waifu

No more yards, and any neighborhoods that are more "poor" or for "low income" families, are shitty townhomes or condos now. All the new neighborhood developments with standalone homes are giant ugly McMansions that are like 3000 sq feet and within 10 feet of the next shitty house.

>are giant ugly McMansions that are like 3000 sq feet and within 10 feet of the next shitty house.
What's even the point of those?

The Middle.

Families are all now dual-income families and materialistic as shit so the need room for all their stupid consumer garbage from China.

It meant she's incredibly high test and thicc.
Whoever did her breast reduction should be hanged for crimes against humanity

What I like about the Middle is it rescinates even with britbongs.
Modern Family is literally made up meme scenarios for le giggles, The Middle has realistic scenarios that all families go through.

that's why it resonates with me