Post yfw when Jon x Danyreas happens
Post yfw when Jon x Danyreas happens
Azor Ahai, i.e. Jon Snow, must kill his wife so all is going to be good.
All whorea must die
He's gonna bang sansa first
>yfw it's the reverse
Remember when some days ago Sup Forums was collectively jerking off to the idea of Dany going lesbian?
Doesn't she dabble in the books?
Why not both?
It won't. He's either going to marry her or willfully bend the knee when he tells her of the white walker threat and she agrees to help with her dragons.
>tfw a song of ice/jon and fire/daenerys is really literally literal
>tfw everything is becoming predictable from now on
>tfw suddenly it lost alot of charm
nigga this shit was pridictable since season one.
>can barely act manlet
>can barely act 6/10
sick show reddit
You just KNOW
>yfw Jon takes both Dany and Sansa as his two cousin wives just like Aegon the conqueror did with his sisters
Dany is so repulsive that even her dopplegangers across dimensions where she's an actress playing herself on a televison show are loathsome.
Its fuckin called the Song of ice and fire.
But who sings it?
>yfw when jon marry dany and the show is really all about wincest
meghan trainor
There is only one cuck for the job.
+1 lol
I'm not too into the series.
How is Jon blood related to Dinneree?
Who the fuck is Danyreas?
He's her nephew.
Dany is the sister of Jon's father.
okey doke
thanks anons
It sounds like the special kind of diarrhea you get after another Dany appearance.
Oh god if they make Dany Azor Ahai and she kills Jon the series if fucking dead
Book Dany is bad and show Dany is repulsive garbage
Won't matter being the vision showed an iron throne abandoned covered in snow. With that being Dany's only goal it is highly likely she'll be dead by the end of the series.