AdultSwim Thread

Well Sup Forums?
Pic related.

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Tim and Eric

Rick and Morty. It's an okay show but it belongs on Comedy Central.

You know it's obviously Rick and Morty. It has that wide appeal and overbearing sentimentality with simple catchphrases that fit within a tweet or comment.

I don't get the appeal for Venture Bros. so I'll say that

Come on man
you're literally saying Rick & Morty is worse than something like Children's Hospital

Cartoon titties

2nding Tim and Eric
lolsorandom XD humor in short blocks for kids without an attention span and dudebros that are chugging beers every commercial break. I watched an episode once and half the jokes were just spit up jokes. Like, just grown men spitting up on each other. Then there was a shit cannon. The show is literally shit. It's like watching a bad youtube poop. Like, really bad. Like they couldn't get any of the voices to mix together to form a creative sentence and instead it's just really load screeching noises every two seconds followed by MAH BOI on repeat for two minutes and twenty seconds. My god is tim and eric shit.

It actually manages to be, yes.

You tire me user.

The OP says "reddit-tier" which Children's Hospital is not because those dweebs haven't seen it and "cancerous" which Rick and Morty is because it's spread all over reddit.

Venture brothers is the best show on adult swim. It's not anywhere near as bad as other shows, and is one of the only shows with a budget, great written dialogue and a humorous and entertaining universe. What started off as mainly a johnny quest parody has become its own excellent television show. Venture brothers and metalacolypse are the only reasons to bother with adult swim, and they canceled metalacolypse. Because they couldn't afford two shows with a budget higher then twenty dollars and buying an intern a cheeseburger to write and animate.

>being popular is bad

Ricky and morty forever and ever 100 years

"Cancerous" means more than "i don't like it." Yeah Tim and Eric suck ass, but they stopped. Rick and Morty spread like wildfire in the age of cancer memes.

the humor is too sophisticated for your tiny brain to grasp. sorry.

Yeah. Why is your text green?

stop it

Yeah, true. If OP hadn't included the bit about reddit I feel like I'd be right though.
I could dip my balls in chocolate and give your forehead a chocolate mushroom stamp then have a goat lick it off your face, that's about as sophisticated as your average tim and eric sketch, except my thing would actually have some semblance of humor involved.

>If OP hadn't included the bit about reddit I feel like I'd be right though.
I think you'd be close, at the least.

He's saying the humor behind tim and eric is that it's the direct antithesis of humor. It's an ironic kind of humor that only certain people understand. To top it, Tim and Eric actually make fun of that post-modernist ironic humor. So in other words, they're shitting on the hipsters while the hipsters think T&E are shitting on normie comedy.

People below 110 iq will find it completely undecipherable. People with 110-130 iq will find it hilarious as it pleases their post-modernist ways. Beyond that range, the reaction is a simple head nod, a subtle grin and going along their merry way.

>People below 110 iq will find it completely undecipherable
haha wow
Tim & Eric hipsters ACTUALLY believe this

I'm in the above range. It doesn't make me laugh 90% of the time, but I get it.

stop reminding me that they cancelled metalocalypse, the best show on adult swim :(

reddit and memey

It's obviously Eric Andre but that will trigger most of you.

>le bird UP!!1! XD

Mr. Pickles, the most tryhard show on adult swim

World Peace


The obvious answer is Mr Pickles.

It's supposed to be a play on the old Hanna Barbera cartoon series like Johnny Quest. In fact they have Johnny Quest in the show and he's a 35 year old pill junkie. There's a lot of substance and subtext to what happens in there, I suggest a sequential viewing because it's one of the few shows on Adult Swim that has continuity.

Lol you're a walking meme
Stay enlightened telling people about your gay IQ on anonymous internet boards, Genius.

>Eric Andre
fucking trash
hes only on tv because of his connections and friends
that turd forced Korgoth of Barbaria to not get picked up, fucking ridiculous

Game of thrones

Man Harvey Birdman was a great show. Not relevant, but this thread just got me thinking of it. I should really rewatch it sometime. OH, and Sealab 2021 too

It'll be much more entertaining if there's a backlash to AS giving a known white supremacist and mass shooting suspect a platform

I need... the French Stuff...

>not liking the live version of Space ghost coast to coast
I agree on Tim & Eric thing though, it's a terrible show

the evil dog show that they caned deathclock for may they all die horribly for there misjudgment.

mike tyson & black jesus are awful

Why bother watching past season 2 anyway?

>mike tyson
its actually pretty funny, pigeon is a great character

Season 1 of Black Jesus is pretty good. Season 2 maybe not as much, but it's like the only thing ever I've described as "comfy".

>Black Jesus is pretty good
but thats wrong

Maybe, but consider this: you are wrong.

but see the weird thing about that is
that just doesn't sound like me at all
i think whats happening is you're confusing me with yourself
that makes sense because we have evidence that you are often wrong & you're claiming someone is wrong
so yeah my man

I never considered it that way. You make some good points, except the opposite. I think you've really opened my eyes to how not right you are, and I think I am a better person for it. Thank you.

>Shot talking literally the only good show on AS now

you mad

No no no friend, THANK YOU
by responding the way you have I finally have confirmation in my life, for the rest of my days until im on my deathbed i can look back at this moment in time & know for sure you were wrong. I will savor every second of this revelation. Within my will shall be an entry for you, I will list you only as "That guy who was wrong" and you shall be given a printed & framed copy of this post

>posting from a phone
>needing auto correct
fuck off


Rick and Morty probably.
But I still love that show and contrarianfags who claim to hate it can fucc off.

why did you make a jpg? whats wrong with just typing it out and putting an image of the adult swim logo? or just any random picture you had. what was the point of putting the work in to making a jpg?