How did she get to westeros so quickly?
And how does she have access to the faces?
How did she get to westeros so quickly?
And how does she have access to the faces?
Varys's underground tunnels
why wouldn't she have access to faces? she passed the test.
Yeah but it implies that she either borrowed that face from Bravos and took it with her all the way to Westeros OR she carved it off of somebody who was presumably still using it up until that point.
I'm more concerned with the logistics of how she cooked the pies. In my headcanon Hot Pie is somehow involved.
>she carved it off of somebody who was presumably still using it up until that point.
obviously it's this. and she's already demonstrated that she can skin a face on demand
Speak of fast travel?
How did Varys get back to be on danny's ship at the end?
She got it from someone well there. She can make her own faces from any dead person.
But she pulled the skin off
While the headless man literally just used magic
She sailed and she learned?
Eagle warging.
mfw starting to like the character with the mask on
>How did she get to westeros so quickly?
The direction of GoT when it comes to time passing is piss poor. This is why it seems Varys can teleport.
You don't literally need to have the physical faces, you dipshit. You think faceless just walk around with a pocket full of faces everywhere they go?
The stored faces in the hall are basically the 'originals' that the faceless can create copies from through some sort of magic fuckery. They don't need immediate access to the hall in order to do their work, it's why there's contingencies of faceless men all over the world.
how indeed?
>This is why it seems Varys can teleport
it really doesn't though
It probably was more that the server girl was not Arya, which explains why Jamie left the twins unharmed, unless she has changed her list
Waif pulled off the old lady face.
>And how does she have access to the faces?
Because it's fucking magic. How autistic do you have to be to see magic face changing people and be like "I don't understand what is going on with this face business. Seems fishy to me."
Fucking face magic you dumb fuck.
I really wish they had the guts to recast her three seasons ago
It's called the Narrow Sea for a reason.
Are you guys under the impression Westeros and Essos are as far apart as Europe and the Americas?
She arrived offscreen.
The face thing is kind of weird, we saw she was able to use physical ones but we never got indication of her learning actual magic. Unless she just ripped that face off of someone. I don't know. It's poorly conveyed.
But The Twins is most of the way across Westeros too. Overland travel without an automobile and in a time of war is a slow and dangerous process.
I mean, I understand how Varys went three times as far in 1/10th of the time, he could go the whole route by sea and mermaids are super fast, but Arya's movement does seem to strain credulity a little bit...
how do you know how much time passed between her leaving Braavos and reaching the Twins?
well she left Braavos at the end of the last episode.
At the same time, Jon was taking Winterfell.
By the time Arya arrived at the Twins, Sansa hadn't even had her bedroom made up yet.
I'd say it was a day or two, but with the substandard service of northern lodgings you could stretch that to four or five days.
She moved at a pretty good clip considering that going from the Twins to Braavos took her two whole seasons before.
Bravos is actually very close to Westeros...
You can assume she left at the end of episode 8...
A boat ride to White Harbor and then a short trip to the Twins isnt toooooo bad for a 1 episode gap.
Nothing compared to the other teleportation going on...
the timelines aren't parallel, not in the books and not in the show
honestly, this scene brought the enjoyment factor of the episode down a notch.
I just was not expecting Arya to be in Westeros already. And already killing off a major antagonist.
I'm passed she can apparently just do the face thing at will. All we saw her learn was washing bodies and fighting.
>headless man
lazy man's faceless man.
>fuck it, just chop the whole head off
>timelines aren't parallel in the show
That's some remarkably convenient headcanon you've got there.
>Sam takes a fucking season to go to a fucking Library
>Varys and Arya might as well have instant transmission technique
as i understand weeks might happen between episodes but everything we see is sort of happening in real time right?
It was a combination of magic, shit writing, and mistakes during the edit.
tardis you retard
It was someone wearing an Arya mask wearing a waitress mask
this is stupid
she can kill whoever she wants now since she's not restricted by contracts or anything
who's gonna suspect the fucking THING in westeros
top kek
of course they're not, LF got from from the Eyrie to Mole's Town and back like 10 in-show minutes while Jon was still finishing his dinner after retaking Winterfell
in the books Tyrion takes 2 whole books just to travel to Essos
>LF got from from the Eyrie to Mole's Town and back like 10 in-show minutes
that might be a slight exhaggeration...
Book timelines are clearly not parallel, but show timelines are most likely intended to be, they just skip characters around the world as needed because they're dumb.
Well, my friend just told me this:
"Because things doesn't happend at the same time"
Fuck this shit then, what's the point of having a serie of events if they don't happend at the same time?! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>betray the faceless men by botching a contract
>actively disobeys her training
>kills one of the members
>"ok you passed the test, now you can kill whoever you want for funsies"
There were Tyrell and Martell sails in the fleet. But Varys has a secret to keep... (spoiler) Fish are also smooth down there(/spoiler)
>he never watched a movie where the character was unaware that the test was not the REAL test
>The many faced god has been given a name.
>lol, just kill whoever. A body is a body, eh?
actually... kinda...
as long as he gets one he's sorta cool with whatever.
>betray the faceless men by botching a contract
You know, I might be alone in this but I never got the impression that the faceless men actually give a shit. When we meet Jaqen it seems like he failed some great mission and ended up in the red keep dungeons. He agrees to kill three randoms for saving three lives citing some religious system from his ass. It seems pretty a pretty ad-hoc approach to their whole murder thing so long as you are serious about it and sincerely try.
shes a god , duh .
sounds like a pretty chill group all in all...
I wished they hadn't stressed the fact that one of the largest armies in Westeros was residing in the castle before they made her solo it and kill the lord.
You are completely, utterly retarded.
The worship the God of death so perhaps it was all just a test to see if you are really dedicated to killing people and have the skills to do it. If not you die and the God wins either way.
>"Why bother going through all the work to change your face to get close to a target? We don't need to hide our identity, or steal somebody else's, when we can just cut our own head off. It's genius!"
The power of memes.
Well me thing is, what's even the point of the faceless men going through all the training and religious devotion, when it seems that their whole, main magical focus of changing identity, can be learned and duplicated as if it were just a skill you pick up?
I was under the impression that to do it, you were relying on the faceless god's favor to magically adopt a new identity, and the means of doing so through religious devotion, was to yourself lose your identity and forget who you are.
But now Arya Stark who didn't complete the training and doesn't appear to show religious devotion, can just change appearances at will like a trick she knows? Why wouldn't you have a skill like this spread more if it could be so easily stolen? You could get amazingly rich if you did what Arya did, and then went and created your own assassins guild which operated for profit, and taught trainees the face changing skill you stole. Or some high lord would pay a pretty penny for a spy or guard who knew this skill.
>well she left Braavos at the end of the last episode.
She left at the end of one episode. Then near the beginning of the next episode, John met Ramsey to parley before they did battle. THEN they had the battle.
So she had left well before the Battle of the Bastards. No telling how many days had passed.
And she left Braavos, a major port city, and went up the Trident river- which is a very popular travel route.
ya, for sure, provided they dont just randomly take your face off
Also does taking a face also adopt the person's body? Like can a faceless take on the face of someone a different age, different size/body proportions, or different gender?
Partly curious, in wondering if Walder actually slapped Arya's ass, or if she had the waitress' body as well as face during that time.
Because you get the face magic from eating a face. She has escaped with the formula. That's why jojen paste is important. That's why there's cannibals on Skagos. That's why the Thenns are cannibals in the show.
It's not even the speed that bothers me. It's the why. Aren't they going to Dorne?
He's old, lazy and disrespected, and has many heirs to take his place. If anything Arya just did house Frey a favor.
the faces aren't literal masks you fucking autists
theres some kind of magic involved, like the resurrections, or the shadow demon
although her recieving this ability was very poorly explained, she doesn't have to physically borrow faces from the hall, she probably memorized some and she just phases them in over her own face
So there are two Varys or what? How could he be in Dorne and then on Dany's ship. It doesn't even make any sense that he came back, he was already in Westeros.
He's streamlined like a porpoise down there!! No wonder he can swim at such fantastic speeds!
>But now Arya Stark who didn't complete the training and doesn't appear to show religious devotion, can just change appearances at will like a trick she knows?
She can do it because she's an agent of the Many-Faced God, even if she has no faith in him. Which is why the Old Man/Jaqen lets her go instead of killing her. She's like Thoros of Myr, faithless but still able to use R'hllor's power.
Either that, or there is no Many-Faced God and their magic is just tricks and illusions that any person can learn.
Either way, I prefer my magic unknown and unknowable instead of given to me with a list of rules.
no, can't remember where but they did mention it. just somewhere else in westeros
>You could get amazingly rich if you did what Arya did, and then went and created your own assassins guild which operated for profit, and taught trainees the face changing skill you stole
This is exactly what the House of Black and White does. They are an assassins guild.
I'm guessing that much competition doesn't exist because when they find out about it, they kill the people behind it.
Why is Tyrell and Martell fleet sailing to Westeros anyway?
Better question: How did Varys go from Dorne/Highgarden to sailing next to Dany in the same fucking episode?
>She's like Thoros of Myr, faithless but still able to use R'hllor's power.
I would assume though that Arya will be using her skills to serve the interests of house Stark, rather than just wandering around unaffiliated and randomly serving the faceless god, like Thoros with R'hllor.
It was my understanding though that they didn't operate for profit. They take the money for contracts, but the money is used only to complete the task and for their operational budget. Like the group itself and their building doesn't seem opulent or wealthy despite getting lucrative contracts. To me at least, they seemed more like a religious sect than anything. Certainly the euthanasia service they provide and the hall of gods, makes their building seem like a church more than a guild house.
you dumbass, they obviously met at a mutual rally point with the feminist fleet and are now on their way to Kings Landing
>Why is Tyrell and Martell fleet sailing to Westeros anyway?
Martells hate Lannisters. Tyrell alliance with the Lannisters seems to have fallen apart as well. The person on the throne is a Lannister with a shaky claim to the throne.
They're taking fleets to King's Landing. You know a better way to get a fleet of ships there?
Same difference. They don't have to pay share holders, but they charge money (lots of money) to kill people.
how are they different than just regular hitmen?
They're extraordinarily good at it.
Well, people hate backtracking so fast travel was invented. Varys knows what's up.
>hurrr how did durr get to hurr so quickly??
Did you see a fucking calendar in the show? No? Then how the fuck do you think you know how long it took? Fucking shut the fuck up already holy fuck.
>I would assume though that Arya will be using her skills to serve the interests of house Stark
But what if those interests coincide with the plans of the Many-Faced God?
What are the logistics of her getting into the twins, killing a bunch of freys and cooking them into pies without getting caught? Is the whole place deserted? Seems like fan service.
If ever there was a god in the setting whose entire mantra is "For the lulz", it's the Many-Faced God.
This mother fucker doesn't have any plans.
cause it is
this show has gotten so cringey to watch. It's bad enough that she's declared "no-one" for the opposite reason of what becoming no-one means, and it's even worse enough that she can magically teleport across the world and make her way to riverrun, somehow knowing the political landscape and that the freys would be there, but the horrible cringey shot of her with dramatic loud music playing that seemed to last forever as though anyone still cares about the freys at this point. Instead of given us this shit they could just give us LS but no
Walder Frey wouldn't expect a Stark to come after him, he thought he wiped them out.
Any trouble would have come from outside, maybe the Vale, Tully blooded. But they went north to crush some stupid wildling raid.
>Perfectly safe in The Twins.
>Got to hang out with some of the cool kids, the Lannisters.
>Now, where are my idiot sons...
She killed all of the heirs as well... She killed them then cooked them in the pie.
Holy shit are you guys really this retarded? Literally earlier in the episode, the same girl who Arya is wearing the face of is serving Jaime and Bronn.
And staring at Jaime, but he is not on the list, at least not outright.
5 still up. 6 if you include The Hound. 4 if you cut out Hound and FrankenMountain.
The Tickler (books) The Tickler was the Mountain’s main torturer at Harrenhal at season 2, and was the first name that Arya gave Jaqen H’ghar.
Polliver (books and show*) Polliver was one of the Mountain’s men as well, and he’s notable for stealing Arya’s sword, Needle. We already saw Arya pay him back in the Season 4 premiere, making him the first on her list that she got to scratch off permanently. (*Did we catch his name in the show?)
Armory Lorch (books). A Lannister soldier and associate of the Mountain, Amory was the second person Arya named to Jaqen H’ghar at Harrenhal.
Weese, Chyswyck, Dunsen, and Raff the Sweetling (books) These four are part of the Mountain’s torturing crew at Harrenhal. They did not appear on the show by name.
>Show status: Nonexistent.
The Mountain (books and show) The Hound’s older brother, Arya ran into him at Harrenhal where he was commanding an unsavory bunch of torturers.
Ser Meryn Trant (books and show) The cruelest member of the Kingsguard, Ser Meryn had a hand in Ned Stark’s execution.
>Not too young to die
Ser Ilyn Payne (books, former show). Ser Ilyn is the King’s Justice, and it was he who swung the blade that beheaded Ned Stark. The show has retired his character out of respect for the actor who portrays him, Wilko Johnson, who has terminal cancer.
>Show status: Written out of show.
The Hound (removed?) The Hound was present on Arya’s list on both the show and the books, but has since been removed on the show since they’re BFFs now.
>Alive. Hanging with the Brotherhood without Banners
King Joffrey (books and show) Joffrey and Arya first crossed paths in Season 1 in the incident that caused her friend Mycah’s murder. Too bad Arya wasn’t present at the Purple Wedding.
>Autoerotic asphyxiation
Queen Cersei (books and show) Arya blames Cersei for the death of Sansa’s direwolf Lady and the disappearance of her own wolf, Nymeria, and also blames Cersei in part for her father’s death. >Daqueenindasouth
Tywin Lannister (show only) Arya includes Tywin on her list because he’s the Lannister patriarch and she hates Lannisters, but if she knew that he orchestrated the Red Wedding she’d probably move him to the top of her list.
>Shit himself to death
Melisandre (show only) Referred to as “the Red Woman” by Arya, she despises Melisandre because she took Gendry away from her. This doesn’t happen in the books, but it makes sense for Arya to hate her on the show.
>Alive, heading south. (Brotherhood?)
Beric Dondarion (Show only), Sold Gendry (long may he row) to Mel.
>Alive. Brotherhood
Thoros of Myr, (Show only) also sold Gendry.
>Alive. Brotherhood.
Whoops. Wilko Johnson got better. Nvm. He is probably still cut from the show.
Teleportation already became the norm in the show. For the faces she may have killed someone and took her face. Because she added Waifu's face to the wall so she knows how.
Varys managed to get to dorne, back to meereen and back on a ship again to westeros all in the space of two episodes
i know this isnt in the show
wtf is Jaquen looking for in Oldtown?
Arya's story is weak sauce now
a wizard did it
Thats a hell of a time jump.
Well, the smart thing would be to have Dany attack from the sea, while Martells besiege KL from the west and south
She also learned how to bake people into pies?