noone even thinks about this guy, hes going to end up on the iron throne in the very end just watch
Noone even thinks about this guy, hes going to end up on the iron throne in the very end just watch
He won't but he is going to go down swinging. It is gonna be Jon/Dany and everyone knows it.
I think he will be the last one to fall though.
he'll be the last to fall. he'll think he's going to win and Sansa will backstab him, literally
I wish, but normie fucking shits wants him dead because he's le ebil man who wants to hurt muh Starks.
he's a varys with emotions, this is his fatal flaw
if he was more like varys and didn't care so much about fucking sansa in the cunt then he would have a chance
No one expected Ned to die. Him looking like a main character was at trick.
Now that all these GoT plots are being predicted and everyone's guessing JonxDany to win I hope Petyr fucking rekts the world.
holy shit OP, you're right! he's been scheming the whole time! how on earth didn't i ever notice?
OP you are the chosen one, nothing can get past you.
massive deathflags for cia this episode
This is not GRRM's writing anymore...The show has simply become a crowed pleaser.
Littlefinger will finally fulfill his dream of making the "picture" in his head come true...catching the mercenary, the masked man
He's going to be killed soon. There's no room for him when there are dragons, zombies, and general 'fyuh nd blud' happenings.
What I think will happen will be that everyone in the end is dead. Everyone dies fighting the White Walkers.
Only Littlefinger will be left (probably almost dead). The throne room will be destroyed, covered in snow, like in Dany's hallucination.
Littlefinger will walk up and sit in the Iron Throne and die and the series ends
No, Littlefinger will slump over in the throne, gasping for breath, and then from behind a shady corner Varys will pop out,"At last after all of these years, I have you where I want you"
Then Varys will pull out Littlefingers cock and balls and begin fondling and sucking on them to the sound of Littlefinger's distressed groaning.
The scene will slowly pan out behind Varys, who is going to town on Littlefinger's smokey, deliberately going as slow and as awkwardly as possible until credits roll when they are just specks.
>implying GRRM won't kill him as well
>implying GRRM won't follow all the major plot beats of S6 in TWoW
All I ever wanted out of Game of Thrones was a miniseries where Tyrion, Varys, and Littlefinger share an apartment in downtown Manhattan.
>implying CIA isnt always a step ahead
>everyone that isn't on the top of the popularity poll dies
This shit literally turned into TWD in terms of stupid. FFS...
He will win by default when everyone else ends up destroying each other (including the Night King).
>>"You see, Littlefinger wanted it all along because he always knows whats going to happen"
>>Victim Blaming
I am triggered.
Two and a Half Men.
I was disappointed Littlefinger revealed his goal. It basically confirms he is going to die a pointless death now. I really, really wanted:
>dany and jon teaming up and wrapping up the night king shit
>big summer celebration
>little finger poisons everyone after they solved all his problems for him
>ez goog game of thrones no re
Has TV ever had the strength to completely deny the audience what it wants and have a character like Littlefinger prevail at the end of it all?
It doesn't necessarily mean that everyone has to die. But it does mean he wins the Iron Throne.
Do you think that any sense of just fucking with people will ever prevail over all the money they could be making off spinoffs?
The iron throne is too big for him.
I honestly think Varys is the only one that can talk him out of it. He's the only person that understands Baelish's intentions and what he's capable of. I'm sure we'll see them face off again at least one more time.
It's all a part of his master plan
Doesn't seem like he has anymore cards.
Vary's got way more connections now.
I'd love to buy the rights to the show and absolutely ruin it by filling it with memes.
The masked man and his mercenaries would be better villains than the white walkers.
The Mother of Fire Breathers and the reborn Bastard vs Sansa the rape survivor and tiny "picture"finger. Fight.