Haven't seen a single person here talk about her.
What's next for Melisandre?
Haven't seen a single person here talk about her.
What's next for Melisandre?
She's gonna encounter Arya again.
hopefully she goes to fight for the winning side, Night's King
She's going to show us her tits
Anyone else cringe at the badly written dialogue at the Davos confronts Mily scene?
She finds the Hound
Davos' actor was trying soooo hard to make it work. Kudos to him.
Hopefully she marries me
BLACKED dot com
Brotherhood without banners will meet up with her
go back
Priestbowl confirmed
side with dany
That's what I was thinking. The status quo is really fucked up right now.
she will show up at some very opportune time when shit is about to hit the fan and resolve said shit. It will be very surprising despite something like this happening every episode.
He was just chimping out.
Mel: Let me explain exactly what happened and how Stannis burned her at the stake
Davos: Let me scream and overact
Being killed by arya
She'll meet with Gendry again and get him and Arya married
Why does Arya want to kill her? She never harmed any Starks
She will turn Jon in a Witcher.
melly sanders and based NK otp
She's going where all rejects go, to Dany
and then proclaim her the Prince that was Promise
it's 300 AC COMON
Brotherhood without Banners gets a groupie
You're not being edgy enough for this guy. This is le Sup Forums so you have to hate everything
Melly, Arya, Brienne, Brotherhood and the Hound form best group
>taking the whore's side
And this is why women think we're all fucking stupid. Not that their opinion matters, but seriously stop letting your dick influence you faggot. She literally burned a fucking kid alive and got a shitload of people killed for MUH LAWD OF LYGHT. She's a dumb old sack of shit. A dumb old sack of shit I'd love to ram in the asshole, but a dumb old sack of shit nonetheless.
mighty kek maxumus
too much....?
killed by arya
I'm sorry, what? Because Stannis chose to burn his daughter of his own accord, Davos should chimp out and ignore all reason so he can let out his personal grudge that's he had since forever.
Yeah OK, this is why we respect men more than women.
Probably get ambushed and raped by bandits, the roads are full of em
>it's okay to kill children and get thousands of people killed for your own dumb ass selfish bullshit religion
There's a reason religion has started more wars and deaths than anything else. It's all fucking stupid and she'll end up getting Jon or Sansa killed over her dumb ass MUH LAWD OF LYGHT bullshit. Someone needs to snatch that cheap ass bedazzled necklace off of her so they can see her true form and then burn her Salem witch trials looking ass back to her O powerful light lord.
She'll ride south, to Dorne, and suggest that Danny ride her dragon to Winterfell and marry Jon to launch a war on 2 fronts against the Westerlands.
It makes strategic sense and Jon is Azor Ahai so he needs someone to stick his sword through if he wants to forge lightbringer.
She gave the idea to Stannis, she was the mastermind Stannis was just a pawn.
So basically you're really just blaming Stannis again. Maybe you should give Davos the memo, though he probably doesn't care about the details either. Even Jon wasn't completely buying his bullshit so he just let her walk of free.
anyone know why the fuck Davos waited this long to unleash all of that?
kinda out of place desu
Hopefully no more bullying.
also does this mean that she will meet up with bros without banners and that lady stoneheart WILL happen and that she can return to jon's side
It makes sense that there needs to be a link from Jon and what's up north to Dany now that I think about it.
>we will never see asshai
Fuck it looks cool
she didnt do anything to gendry but fuck his brains out and stick leeches on him
you really think shes going to kill melly because of that, or even because she took gendry away from her? really doubt it
Wasn't Arya long gone with the Hound by the time Gendry was sent off with Meli/Stannis?
She will find Daenerys and point her to Jon Snow. Screencap this.
He was busy dealing with the aftermath of the battle and it was probably the first time he got both Jon and Meli on the same room.
nah melly took gendry when arya was with the BWB
she will resurrect LSH
Curing Jorah's greyscale obviously
So isn't Jon Dany's nephew? How the fuck old is Dany?
But her devotion to her religion has merit. She magically killed Renly and brought Jon back to life. The High Sparrow was on some bullshit, but at least Melisandre had something to show for her fanaticism.
Her purpose isn't for selfish gain. It's to bring about the true king and unfortunately sacrifices have to be made sometimes (even if she was wrong.)
She was only a baby during Robert's rebellion so around the same age as Jon.
Lady Stoneheart and Band of Brothers.
I cringed at the fact , that somehow he just knew the little girl got burnt at a the stake by her (and Stannis) , it could've easily been done by ramsey or anybody else for all he knows, he literally wasn't there.
She wanted to burn Gendry back in season 3 as well, and they burned plenty of people besides. It's pretty obvious it was Mel, the pyre's right next to Stannis' camp and he even sent Davos away on an excuse mission before doing it.
>Danish actor Frank Hvam is in the episode
>They dub his lines
Dumb as fuck.
Well, that's on me I forgot about the Gendry thing... Still , it was pretty convenient, but I'd rather let this one slide, there are worst things like the whole teleportation of characters, and the shitty writing of Arya's arc, I don't mind if they want her to live until the end of the show, but at least be congruent, from stab immunity , to being able to change faces, kill a couple of guys without anybody noticing and baking them into a pie (without anybody noticing) ..
Anyway, I'll keep watching, but I don't expect much, now that mely is gone, smirkfu is gone, stannis is gone...
the writing was fucking atrocious. Davos holds no position of authority but he's demanding that Jon Snow carry out a punishment. Letting some pathetic old fart bark orders at you is no way to generate respect and admiration. He should have put that fingerless shitpuck in his place right there and then.