Daily reminder that Trump will be president of the united states of america

Daily reminder that Trump will be president of the united states of america

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yeah no shit

He wont

Thank you. I had forgotten.

2 late its habbening :'DD

Good to know, a whole 2 weeks and I had completely forgotten.

Thank Jesus it's not Hydrogen Hillary

Yeah, I'm psyched, too

if hillary somehow steals the election prepare for the biggest civil war ever

well meme'd

Please, I live in a state that voted for Hillary, I don't need any additional reminders that Trump won. Fucking protesters keep making public transportation late and I hate them.

All Hail President Trump

Hell yeah! Put all immigrants and Muslims into death camps, make Christianity the only legal religion, nuke the middle east and any country that doesn't like America, conquer Canada and Mexico, and renslave the niggers!

you would be being drafted for ww3 right now had she won

She won the popular vote... if she becomes president, it would only be fair.

I'm moving to Japan to teach soon, so eh...

Pussy, are you fucking scared of dying?

>biggest civil war ever

No it would be unconstitutional. You can't just bend pre-agreed rules when things don't go your way

if u want to use the popular vote then fucking specify it BEFORE the election. you dont fucking change the rules after the elction
btw she won the popular vote only because tons of illegals/ dead people voted for her

Trump is going to ally with Russia and they will both invade Europe and take it over.

Pretty sure if Hilary steals it, all the people against her will not stand a chance either way.
Military drones >>>>>>> Cletus with a shotgun.

Gladly. Caint wait till 01/20/17

>mfw I have a programmable alarm clock that plays an audio clip of Donald Justice Trump's voice saying "Grab this day by the pussy." on repeat
>I made it so the volume increases by roughly 10% with every reputation until it's so loud that he's basically screaming and the tiny little alarm clock speakers pop and crackle under the immense stress that comes with projecting such a proud american's voice
>mfw I spliced it together myself from recordings of various speeches and whatnot
>mfw my wife fucking hates it
I need no reminding

No it wouldn't, pleb.
The electoral college can do what it likes. The whole point of it is to protect the presidency from an unsuitable candidate. That description may fit hilldawg, but it DEFINITELY fits trump.

I like you.

Good. Now post tits.

Nonsense. Are you a Russian? Possibly a misinformation operative?

low-info voter

Not my president

mfw the left still has hope in a president like hillary clinton

what are you talking about? you dont fucking change the rules of a game in the middle of a game
same with elections if you wanted to use the popular vote then it should have been specified BEFORE the elections.
tons of people didnt bother voting cuz they knew in certain states it wouldnt matter.
you cant use the popular vote at this point

Should be one now but those who didn't vote for trump aren't the low end of the human gene pool. They'll just wait for him to fuck everything up and sit back as his low iq followers have to die in actions to "defend" the country. Most of the country won't follow him and they won't lift a hand to help him. Trump and his trumptards are on their own.

it was okay in 2008 for the person who lost the popular vote to win but not in 2016?

Back to le reddit with you, gayboi xD

>btw she won the popular vote only because tons of illegals/ dead people voted for her
This argument will never get old I see.
How about the fact that more votes for trump than registered voters in some parts of the swing states? Not going to mention that one?

>winning a US presidential election only because she got the popular vote
>in a system that has for many, many years now required a candidate to win MORE than just the popular vote to win the election
You either don't understand what "fair" means, or you don't understand the subject at hand. Either way, you're retarded

Oh, he will


Except thats not true, faggot.

Hes with fucking israel his children is married to jews, how the fuck could he be hitler??? Dumb libtards

>This entire post
I wouldn't throw the word dumb around...



Stealing this one

>The last time Republicans controlled everything, we had the "Great Recession"
>The Republicans controlled everything in the late 20's and we had the "Great Depression"
Make Amerika "Great" again.

Omg op how the fuck did you know?
Did you go outside for once and see what was going on?

I like how that link specifically states that the Democratic party was founded entirely because the supporters whose candidate lost decided they didn't like the Electoral College deciding the vote.

Let's all take a moment to reflect and contemplate on how much we have to learn from history.

Quick question fags...I'm from the UK....but how many news papers said something like 'Donald TRUMPS Hilary on election' the day after?

Implying he's a Republican.

Not Op but what?

I'm pretty sure they used that one for all it's worth during the debates

Stupid, ignorant people who lack any critical thinking skills - this time it's the trumptards - elect bad leaders who do stupid shit and ruin their country. Trump won't make America great again, he'll be the one that relegates America to former world leader status. China is likely to be the mew world leader once trump is done.


Sup Forums should always be a special safe place. i am being brutally harassed right now. Apologize!

I'd say we should take one to examine what we've already learned as well, but I think that might be too much time for it.

Hillary won all 3 debates

You might as well be talking out of your ass with all the valueless shit that's coming out

China is already a leader ... They already built a wall a few years back.

>Fuck your feelings!!
>Unless they are MY feelings!!!
Fucking trumpets will still defend this obnoxious orange monkey.

Yes, and he's going to be nothing but trouble. A couple of years from now, people who voted for him are going to be saying to themselves, "Wow. What was I thinking??!?"

That's debatable

did she? So she's president then?

Yup, something trump won't be able to do.

same shit, different shovel.


Her decline was after the 3rd debate and after comey

Yeah, and they rendered it USELESS when they invaded Mongolia and annexed a huge chunk of it.
>Neimongol province

fuck your feelings

Except there's about 3 million 'cletus'.

The military said they won't take orders from her. Every general told her to fuck off.

>canon fodder
And I'm sure the plural of "Cletus" is "Cleti."

While I don't agree with his word choice, I think its pretty fair to expect when you pay to see a show in a theater you don't get lectured in front of everyone by the performers afterwords. It's not an appropriate time or place.

Do you know what a drone is?

You are proof that trumptards have the mental acuity of rocks.

Sources required fag lord.

The military uses them.

>one person is representative of an entire group.
That's a concept that sounds familiar.

Something that Cletus builds.

Electing trump wasn't appropriate but here we are.

Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?

it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill

Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.

Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Sup Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.

So no?

Absolutely. Casey Neistat used them all the time in his vlogs.

There is something inappropriate about voting for a presidential candidate?


Good riddance.

Military drones faggot.

You should try putting an overlay on this map as to black population %

No. But being a fucking retard about how you go about it is. They're not called trumptards for no good reason.

>it's black people's fault
>black man holding me down

I should have used a "/s" tag for my sarcasm. Figured you'd have figured. though.

Thanks for acknowledging that the electoral college can do what they want. In other words Trump won. Get over that shit.

I'm black you infant

The black map pretty much matches the disability map tho

>calling people names means it's automatically true

I don't like Trump but you're a moron.

>conquer Canada and Mexico

>point being...?
Another settlement needs your help.

Yeah, because we know how many blacks are all over the Dakotas and Colorado.

Point being I'm not blaming anyone for 'holding me back'.

He can't mess up any worse than Obama. How you liking your daily ration of healthcare, library? Tell us one fucking country that respects us more now than before Obama was dictator? Protip: You can't. They all hate us openly. Not that I care, especially, however your point is false and meaningless.

I'm seeing a pattern.

If robot imitation was the main criteria they were judged upon, she won hands down.

And you clearly missed mine.