What kind of things is the Mountain doing to her?
What kind of things is the Mountain doing to her?
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The actress is pretty hot. Mountain gonna have fun.
Tickle her feet mercilessly
I was hoping the show would be super brutal and have her just straight up start raping her
random objects in random orifices
he is lovenly making her a nice lunch
Just looking at her. His arms were crossed in front of him. Pure psychological torture.
>41 years old
some women really pull aging off
Making her eat a whole bowl of eggs.
Making her carry a printer
he's a big guy
he's making her watch game of thrones
i'd let her play with my balls
Praying together of course, you fucking heathen shit.
He shows her got fanfiction and baneposting
>ruined by BUC
And she is not one of them. She looks like she's at least in her 50s.
Holds hands.
bad things
you are 9
He didnt have any tools so probably just bone breaking and rape
"Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!"
how is his cock still working?
What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger.
That scene looks a lot better this way.
zombie rape
The funny part about people making fun of age is that it always comes back around! Unless you die young and avoid it.
who is this moo moo mistress
shameful things
>nigger ruins the joke with his dumb nigger shit
Way to go faggot.
probably poetry, maybe he's arguing metaphysics
Anyone got more behind the scenes webms?
Shame it's so short, but I wanted to trim out the actual behind-the-scenes stuff in that
When Cersi entered for her crowning I first thought that the guard right behind the mountain would be her zombiefied
the funniest part of underage fags is they can't tell a womans age.
>40 year old actress
>"LUL she looks like me mom what a hag! must be ancient!"
He mounts her
He doesnt look like he any much of any human emotions.
She just started screaming cause he's ugly. Maybe he's in tender love and will be gentle with her.
Apparently he just stood there unmoving and looked at her. At least that's what I took away.
>giant man
>giant woman
Their babies would be unstoppable?
He's just standing over her, being super spooky and probably smells real bad.
>The Mountain that rides
>Le smug pepe face
9/11 edit when?
I would pay one mirrion dollar for an hour long episode of Cersei and Mountain tickling her fet, tbqhfamalamadindon
Wow, she makes me want to give myself some Shameâ„¢.
He's going to rip her tits off with his bare hands
my dick was diamonds watching Benidorm
>me on ze right
>He doesnt look like he any much of any human emotions.
He doesn't. He's going to follow the quacks and cerseis commands to the letter. Which probably means as much pain stretched out as long as possible for him to keep her alive while doing so.
The scene got me so fucking hard, jesus. If I were the mountain I'd just fuck the shit out of her raw. Rub my dick all over her helpless body as she can't escape and fuck every single part of her body, especially facefucking her mouth so hard until she can't breath. Fuck, so much domination over someone so helpless!
Does anyone even enjoy sadistic revenge plots? They are always so obnoxious.
thoses bastards have killed my waifu
Damn you D&D
for poo
Sometimes, but not in a situation like this, where Cercei's getting revenge for the brief self-inflicted comeuppance that she's had for like a season, when she's pretty much gotten her way the rest of the time.
>No milf to fuck and to make me post-sex chicken tendies
This is what makes her taking the throne so underwhelming.
In the book she's made plenty of mistakes during her time as Queen regent when she was actively ruling.
You'd think if the book takes the same trajectory when she does get the Throne back she'd be wiser from the mistakes she's made and more prepared for the challenges that come with rule. In the show she had smooth sailing except for the Sparrows.
She's also be pissed at Jamie for not coming to her aid when she sent the letter. The relationship fracture between her and Jamie is going to make sense now either.
Showing her really boring vacation photos.
Only the best
Fucking kek
me on the right
It will be mostly foreplay for a few episodes.
Seriously I think they're great actors, I'd burst out laughing every time if I had to do that scene.
The story about how his brother used to break his toys all the time and piss him off.
This is amazing.
ahhhh i love this stuff
you know that's an SNL skit right?
>season 9 footage from after Daenerys has been reborn with dragon powers
>Imagine being Dinklage in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Drogon, you fuckin' intimidating. all scary with your huge body and horrific reptilian monster face.
jesus is that bobby moynihan?
he'll make her lick his feet
do u have stairs in ur house
Feet tickling
Rubs the lotion on the skin
This is from a SNL skit or something, right?
>especially facefucking her mouth so hard until she can't breath
Enjoy getting your dick bitten off then
literally a meme scene done to appease the audience. and the 'shame shame shame' at the end was cringe as fuck.
Vogon poetry
Wtf would you go around spreading such obvious bullshit
10/10 This never gets old.
things only a mountain can do
Maybe he will just force her to rim him.
Fist her butthole with the force of a thousand suns
If anyone's seen law biding citizen I imagine exactly same thing for the torture scene there.
We were all waiting for it, user. :(
holy shit the guy playing the dragon is wayyy to into it.
Just pull her teeth out beforehand t b h
fuckin kek
gagging on blue moldy zombie cock.
stick his zombie dick in her
That looks like bobby moinihan
Wow, a SNL skit that doesn't completely suck. Im surprised.