Robert's Rebellion edition
Eternal /got/ general
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Azor Jon
How would you feel if he ended up being the last man standing? I would really like this ending.
Same, it would be refreshing
>Has a penis
Not going to happen famalam
>haha i want everyone to die arent i edgy
Go home nigger.
>Stronk female rulers everywhere
>Males are now used as cattle, with their only purpose being second-class citizens and literal cuckolds
>Boats full of shit skins coming to get dat white wimmins
>Night's King is going to ethnically cleanse them all
So, the Night's King is being set up as the good guy now?
Normies would be butthurt
Daenerys can't get away with all this r-right?
She's been too succesful, when se arrives in Westeros she will fail gloriously and Cersei will laugh at her death
Season 7:
>Yara the strong independent lesbian kills Euron
>Sansa the strong independent womyn becomes ruler of winterfell
>Arya the strong independent womyn assasin kills every bad men
>Cercei the strong independent mad womyn becomes an undefeated queen defeating all his male enemis and is only defeated by Danny, the strongest and most independent womyn in the world,with the help of the strong independent old lady Ollenna and the strong independent sand snakes.
D&D's fanfic is predictable as fuck
I don't think there is a body.
>no more GOT until 2017
What do Sup Forums?
I've lost all respect for GoT.
>Dany rules
>Cersei rules
>Yara rules
>Sand sneks rule
>Sansa rules
What the fuck is the feminist power trip?
Can't wait for Season 7 guys
>Literally no army for Dany to fight apart from Lannisters. 8,000 against 100,000 + 3 Dragons
>The Wall is still up, White Walkers no where to be seen
>Jon & Sansa mini plot that will lead to another female leader
>Thats it, literally no other plot points
So, now that the dust has settled, was this episode good or not?
A lot of people say stuff doesn't make sense, whether it be Arya, teleporting, or general retardedness.
But people voted and a majority said it's 10/10 or 9/10.
Which is it?
Good or bad?
It would be nicer than the stereotypical noble sacrifice and pyrrhic victory ending thats likely coming up.
>The behind the scenes shit already says Sansa resents Jon for becoming dakingindanorf and that she was entirely glossed over
Plot twist:
Varys is a tranny,so he becomes king of the seven kingdoms through sheer D&D magic
Reminder that the green wildfire was foreshadowing for Luigis appearance in Serason 7
Miguel Sapochnik should direct every episode going forward
Don't forget:
>Dany is going to retake Westeros with an army of Eunichs, stronk womyn leaders and a midget
Because she's alive and currently traveling to Dorne
I've got to go on a business trip, how do I take care of my wife and my wife's son?
I'll find out from Game of Thrones and the based Samwell character!
9/10, Arya brings it down.
does he have ice dragons?
for this gifted and bright individual
How the fuck did Varys go from Dorne to rejoining Dany and friends so fast?
Can we all agree that Bran is the only character worth rooting for at this point?
What do you think Preston's reaction is like to this episode?
Wait why is Jon Snow all of a sudden considered head of House Stark? He's a bastard.
mods please do your job now that this season of got is over and PRUNE ALL GOT GENERALS
>liquefied cow farts
>able to explode the sept
i'm not believing it
She's being escorted by Stannis as well, Dorne will finally bend the knee.
D-do you like it user?
Weird, seems kinda contradicting of her line about focusing on what she had
what did she mean by this?
So I just finished the episode.
Is R+L = J confirmed?
Did you enjoy it?
Make your own opinion before going to tv to ask, people will say it sucks no matter what so its better to find the stuff you liked.
I thought it was great, tv is usually just angry that it appeals more and more to normies.
watch the nbombs
>waaah muh Sansa
Modern feminists don't understand that Sansa can be happy where she is and with what she's accomplished. Modern feminists only understand over-reaching - they do it all the fucking time. That's why so many of the equality feminists have abandoned the label: they know they accomplished their goals and are content.
Fuck, Sansa even outright says it in this episode: "I only thought about what I wanted instead of what I had".
In the show, we have female rulers for Dorne, King's Landing + Westerlands, The Reach, and of course, there's Danaerys. Compare this to the men, who have The North and the Iron Islands. Instead of focusing on what they have, modern feminists would rather bitch about what they want, which is "ALL MEN MUST DIE AND WOMYN MUST RULE EVERYTHING"
made me feel like I was watching a soap opera
What did they mean by this?
Newborns get to become cool as shit ice elves that are immortal and have undead servants. That's pretty cool.
They respect him enough that he's an honorary Stark
and honestly, he's earned it. Also Northerners don't play by the same rules as the South.
This was clear half the season ago
Watch it. Sophie Turner basically says that there's tension between the two and that LF's words got to her. I fucking hate this sub plot.
She also has an army of pillagers, raiders and rapers. Give how she extolled violence against the westerosi kingdom in her speech to the dothraki, they might not be as targeted in their murder as she hopes.
Stannis, Blackfish and Loras join her Queensguard
Hail Darth Tyrantcunt, first of her name, wielder of wildfire, destroyer of gods and men, and mother of corpses!
He's never the last man standing so long as someone else is dead
D&D magic.If you are not a CIS male,you have magic powers in the show.
So Jon is now THE WHITE WOLF.
The Nightking is literally Eredin and the walkers are LITERALLY the Wild Hunt.
I guess DnD played the Witcher games over the summer...
You posted a picture of her wearing a face when killing Walder Frey.
The post was in response to Arya NOT wearing a face when killing Meryn Trant.
Can you read?
It's ok Dany is going to use Jon as a Targaryen Stud to get new babies.
Whilst she fucks Dohario and half the court on the side.
Jon is literally already C U C K E D before he meets her.
You're fucking retarded if you think D&D won't choose a Disney-tier happy ending
Will dragons grow again 50% during that trip over sea?
Reminder that Arya probably killed a young woman just to get her face.
And Euron is Gaunter.
If I lost out on some top tier pussy I'd probably kill myself to
I feel like I've seen this before. And not like deja vu, like, I've literally seen this exact action done in another movie or show.
Is it just me?
Interesting. Hopefully she'll see reason soon enough. None of this throne shit matters if everyone is going to get killed by fucking zombies.
Jon needs to step up
>be danyfag
>100% plot armor
>100% throne for my waifu
Feels good.
Did Dany get botox this season?
What's with her face this season?
Just kill Dany and im happy.
Dothraki: 50-200k soldiers
Tyrell: 100k soldiers
Martell: 50k soldiers
Greyjoy: 10-20k soldiers
Unsullied: 10k soldiers
Second sons: 2k soldiers
Dragons: 3
Ships: 350+
Dany has more than all of Westeros combined, how can she be stopped?
Why the fuck does Varys get to stand behind her on her ship?
She banished jorah for colluding with varys and the crown, hell she knows he sent a poisoner to kill her, shes never met him before and now shes cool to have him stand with her?
Because they realize he isn't a useless sack of shit like Sansa
Can you please admit you're retarded now?
some are staying in muhreen
Inb4 Jon kills Euron with a dragon glass sword and we get the 'that for monsters' scene.
Because it's the North, you southern cunt
go fuck your gay king in the ass - oh wait, he died didn't he? well it's ok you can still suck off your sadistic incest king - oh wait, he died too! Well I'm sure his younger brother would at least give you a reach-around - OH SHIT HE DIED TOO DIDN'T HE?
At least our king only died because you fuckers are too cowardly to fight him in real combat and instead betray FUCKING GUEST RIGHT, you fucking - hang on a second I just got a raven, brb
Too old.
you have no idea what your doing to yourself, stop now.
Is Mace still alive?
>queen of love and beauty
He took back Winterfell and avenged the Stark's.
you're on the wrong site, little lady.
Euron's Magic Vuvuzela
>implying the Dorne scene wasn't after Dany had already landed
They just messed with the timeline in the episode m8 ;)
Literally a different girl in the room.
>be waifag
>she's dead
>be danyfag
user... delete this
Her armies are at sea.
>Waltzed into their capital and burned their leaders and strongest warriors alive
>"I was married to Drogo so it's cool lol"
>"As you say my queen. We will now abandon our life, culture, and home to fight for you."
Yeah, Dany can do no wrong. Her dothraki will bring diversity and cultural enrichment to Westoros. Only evil Westorosi soldiers rape and pillage.
My thoughts exactly when I saw her....
Or she could just steal some from Jaqen's hall
>thousands of men died for this bitch