Things that make you go what the actual fuck

Things that make you go what the actual fuck.

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What the actual fuck

not so weird considering the time we live in but here you go.

grab em by the pussy



double dubs with a side of trips and WTF achieved


I'm so sick of this guy.








ah the evils of psychology.


aw, only fills half a bun? thats sad.

the white guy in the white shirt with his hands behind his back is what makes this picture awesome

Double dubs for those double titties


this is what it would look like if liberals formed an army!

Yo is that danny devito?

What makes it awesome is it was taken in the Imperial garden.


Ruined a perfectly good bowl of ramen! FFS


She is already primed for pony play when she gets older and finds a husband.

Literally, what the fuck is he going to do? Wiggle fast? This motherfucker cant kick. He cant punch. What, headbutt your groin? This is one of those cash grab fucking things that people do pretending to be "All inclusive" of the differently abled. Seriously. "Ill teach your cripple to hobble and say hes doing karate! Just sign away your bank account to me!"


he's just having fun man

i didn't know that, but even now that I do I still think the guy with the face makes it awesome



Doing what? You could literally put him on a treadmill on slow and get the same reaction out of him. That shit is just stupid.

>partial arts

Actually folks I've been doing karate ever since I was 4 and 1/2. i recognize the kata he's doing. THAT's pretty fucking impressive. Karate is more then self defense but I'm not going to go too deep into it. Good for him, I laughed hard at first but it's pretty impressive non the less.

>That shit is just stupid.
No you just don't understand what's going on.

Take it down a notch user, no need to get so butthurt with other people living their lives.

we know thats your in the video


>martial art

Top kek file name

Pretty awful b8 tbh. I like trollin but that was awful.

>we know thats your in the video
Ok little buddy, you got school tomorrow, off to bed with you.

come suck my dick first daddy

>thinking i'm baiting

>partial arts

A badly photoshopped sign makes you go wtf?

>player 1/2 has entered the game

Shit, this looks like it is downtown where I live.

Top kek

Sure, i mean, why not hang a steel donut off your face

Say hi to Crip Cheddar for me.

I was hoping for your sake you were baiting. You're the retard who thinks karate isn't a martial art? Well I dunno what vhs tapes you watched to teach yourself the ability to fight but to put it simple, you're wrong.
That was better b8 mate

can not be reale i do not beleice

