>kill 1 little girl
Kill 1 little girl
I think everyone forgave her, it was Stannis that was the issue.
user, killing children is bad and everyone that was ok with that is dead.
her being flustered and quiet was fucking adorable. Tell me it wasn't
melisandre is a true sociopath
she could be best friends with cersei
this. shes literally cersei with religion
>that shot of her leaving alone
saddest moment of the episode tbqh lads, I can't stand to see her upset
shes going south to find stannis
aka gendry
It wasn't
But it fucking was
why is this so shit
with her little pink nipples
Funny you say that, since Melisandre is heading south, to where Cersei is.
No, but she's still a cunt though.
who said she was worse than hitler?
she can be less bad than hitler but still pretty reprehensible.
you know how?
like if she murdered a little girl.
not worse than hitler. still too shitty a person to let hang around.
hottest cunt in 7 kingdoms
if davos had any balls he'd have cut her down in front of jon snow and explained why after the fact
>she murdered a little girl
Stannis gave her the order to burn his own daughter.
And what sins will you be confessing to, /got/?
You know who else was "only following orders"? The Nazis
>mfw Jon suddenly cares about a little girl he's never even heard about
He must really value Davos as an advisor to put on that angry face.
Fucker looked more pissed off than he did killing his assassins.
he owned her his life. But he knew she would cause trouble with her religion.
Being a bastard with a child-killing witch on his side is bad PR
Melly is 40 years old IRL how is she the hottest woman on the show??
>H-hey user, wanna come over and look at my stamp collection?
Fuck you and your shitty gay showw stick to your contaiment
The rest were murdered or were pretty teenagers that turned in to lumpy adults.
>Guy Pearce is banging that
You know what? Good for him, he's a great actor.
The actress who hired the faceless men was hotter, though
>burn little girl alive
>lol god told me to do it so its ok xD
so she's basically Lady Stoneheart and Arya/Hound/BwB will be her death squad?
I suck cock because it feels good.
>killing shireen cleared the storm
>it held off winter for a few weeks at least
>shireen burning meant jon snow and the vale knights were able to retake winterfell
reminder that stannis did literally nothing wrong
i watched the finale at 1.5x speed
To where the Azor Ahai is going to be, you mean.
So she rides south - what next? Surely they're not writing her off like that...
Riverlands drama
She'll have some shenanigans with the Brotherhood Without Banners.
What's she hiding behind her back????
just one stab, user
Parallel between that scene and Jaime + Brienne scene?
he was already anoyed with her bringing him back and then threatening to do it again should he die once more.
this just gave him an excuse to send her away.
>implying there were ever hotter women than melly on the show
kill yourself
>posting a Sup Forums queen in a got thread
You're a cancerous tumor. Benign but still a problem.
I don't think he particularly appreciated being rezzed
>o-o-oh....h-h-hi my lady....i uh...the ni.....n-n-n-night is dark and f-f-f-fu...be my waifu pls?
>Sup Forums queen
>cancerous tumor
please leave
>The actress who hired the faceless men was hotter, though
objectively incorrect, might as well jerk off to cartoons.
It's alright user. Not everyone was fortunate enough to be there during the nevada days. You got to suckle mommies tits so it balances out.
She's the one who told him to do it
Post rare Mellies
Only the finale?
We badly need bashful Melly webms.
If a chick pulled a knife on me I'd probably ask her to marry me.
I just thought it was a funny comic
mellies nipples are better, but actress bitch is younger, better face, not a wretched old hag without Maybelline medallion, etc
leave my jacking off to cartoons out of this!
about 20% of the post on Sup Forums are mine, p sure thats a sin
Where are you getting this? I mean, they let her go.
And yeah, burning an innocent child alive for what amounted to absolutely fucking nothing (because burning her didn't save Stannis's ass) is hideous behavior. Jon did the right thing.
i was actually afraid they'd kill her off since the actor is pregnant irl. she'll probably just have a couple of scenes the next season and come back in a bigger way in season 8.
>i was actually afraid they'd kill her off since the actor is pregnant irl.
>goes on social media ahead of time and is like "yeah yeah get the shadowbaby jokes out of your system while you can."
>ywn go on fun adventures with Melly IRL
brb killing myself
She looks like a weird auntie you don't see often but somehow always buys you the best gifts when she visits
you left out wanting to fuck her brains out.
No thanks.
No gifts for you then!
they bullied her too much
>always buys you the best gifts when she visits
like a 12 inch strapon for her to use in my throatpucci?
Puffy Sansa > Melisa
I love her, Jon and Davos should've just let bygones be bygones
There's no reason to not want a fire witch on your side when shit happens
Clearly killing a little girl worked because it resurrected Jon yet he still banishes her. He's a shit leader.
That Davos scene saved the season tbqh. Only one this year that made me get emotional.
That and Mace the Ace, he didn't deserve that.
tfw Melisandre was a little girl once too.
Because she was so useful during the Winterfell battle.
They're writing her out.
She's pregnant and so not able to act for the next few months.
Davos is thoroughly based. He's one of the few characters you can genuinely care about.
Can't really blame Guy Pearce for knocking her up tbph
Mel clearly felt bad about doing it, if she was a sociopath she would be remorseless.
total cringe, worst episode of the entire season. Went on forever, i fast forwarded through at least 20min
Did nothing wrong. Also now Jon is at risk of getting shadow baby'd like Renly.
Davos got me to tear up. You could just feel his anguish at that scene and how much Shireen meant to him, especially after his son died.
>she was good and kind and you killed her
mel would never hurt the prince that was promised
>made me get emotional
ahahahahaha, crying at tv shows for women
what a little bitch, lmao
objectively incorrect, might as well jerk off to cartoons.
I think Davos is still pretty scared of her, and with good reason. He's seen her drink poison and live, set hundreds of people on fire, see visions in fire that came true, and raise people from the dead. He knows she's the real deal, even if he does hate her.
>she's pregnant
>so she's basically Lady Stoneheart and Arya/Hound/BwB will be her death squad?
Maybe but she's redundant rezzing but not child-burning Thoros around.
kill me
Dude, Stannis' crew were at Castle Black for most of last season. Odds are he met Shireen at some point.
Jon's such a hypocrite. He murdered a little boy, not because of his faith, but because of a personal vendetta.