/got/ containment board when?

/got/ containment board when?

> Let's make a thread about it

Having never watched an episode of GoT the board flooding is ridiculous

Were the red circles really necessary?

It's how imageboards work you dumbfucks.

>spamming a board for tv and film with nothing but Game Of Thrones cancer while there are generals is how imageboards work
Okay then.

you must be new here.

Yeah, imageboards tend to discuss what is popular. Same thing happened with L O S T season finales.

it was the season finale you absolute faggot

go die in a green fire

How new are you?

This happens every time there's a new episode of a massively popular series like Game of Thrones or the Walking Dead. It's the fucking day after the season finale. How can you not understand that this is a natural fucking state for a television board to be in under such conditions?

>tfw sharing the board with people too fucking new to even remember the star wars shitposting
The summerfag shit is so true.

>triggered GoTfag

There's a general for a reason, you fucking gump.

i love this
rather than have an actual defense, "fukken summer" is the goto
oh Sup Forums, what happened


>yfw this uncultured swine has access to an internet connection

its going to calm down within a few days so why even care, you are the only one getting triggered here

But I did post an actual defense, you absolute mouthbreather.

>why are massively popular things so popular, buhhhhh
>why do my posts about k-stew's feet get buried in got threads
Your butthurt is impossible to comprehend, newfriend. You should've tried posting here during the Star Wars hype, or even the old Lost hype.

This is how imageboards work.

Is this your first time in imageboard?

who said anything about summer?

see >The summerfag shit is so true.

it already exists
it's called reddit

Was Sup Forums ever bombarded like this with Sopranos threads when it aired? Sounds like a good time.

if only that were true