Why is she the only decent female character in the show?
Why is she the only decent female character in the show?
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because she actually has an interesting personality and is extremely well acted
Because she's a no nonsense woman. She doesnt blabber on about shit or act a certain way to gain approval.
Because she'll avenge him for us
Because she's a believable.
Danny is Girl Jesus and Cersei is Girl Hitler.
im confused, didnt Cersei torture this bitch? How was she suddenly in Mereen?
>implying there is anything wrong with Cersei
She's a pretty good villain if you ask me.
because shes smart and shes manipulating guys who rule intead of being a strong independent wymin ruler or a xena style fighter. more realistic, also better actress
Cersei was backed against a corner after losing everything she ever lived for. She always had more personality than most females on the show. Always wanted power but getting cucked and mocked. being arrogant and foolish. shes pretty interesting
This. Why shouldn't she have done what she did? Not exactly her fault Tommen is a cuck.
She weren't suddenly in Mereen, you dumb toadlicker. Margarine warned her to leave King's Landing, so she did. Then Draco Mom and her dickless horsefucker army met up with them vis a vis Bald and Dickless, and they sailed for Westeros together.
in this episode she was laying down and the mountain was torturing her, then 10minutes later she was in the warm desert country (mereen?) ??
because she doesn't have her looks going on for her, she has to rely on actual talent
because she's your old grumpy grandma.
decent ?posting that picture scene just after she lost her son grandaughter and grandson and the character display nothing no sorrow anger no tears nothing just a semi smug face truly awful scene tops sandsnakes garbage scenes
She didn't seem too upset that her entire family, especially Margaery, got literally btfo. Apparently time has passed but still
This is b8 right?
Keep fishing, mate, you're obviously just looking for (You)s. I'm only responding since I stayed up all night and I'm tired and bored.
On the very slim chance you're not baiting and are just retarded, those are two different women and the sand country is Dorne, Meereen is the one with dragon mom.
Are you blind m8? The one being tortured was the septa. You know, the "shame" nun lady that tortured Cersei?
i dont know i might have missed something thats why im fucking asking
well i dont follow this show at all that good so im wondering what the fuck happened
because she isn't constantly trying to be a man
Yeah theres totally nothing wrong with blowing up the most sacred holy site in your realm containing the crypts and relics of all your past rulers, along with half your court including the Queen
I hope you are trolling. You have to to be trolling.
ok a different women
and yes mareen and dorne i always confuse those 2 aswell
thanks now i get it
then they looked like eachother give me a fucking break i dont watch every episode 3 times
Accidents happen. It only takes something like children playing in places where they aren't supposed to play and BOOM, a whole place is no more.
I wish she would team up with the Lord and Saviour Night's King and kill all the fucking retarded characters of this show.
Dany is alright, same for Brienne.
is this the new Mountain Dew advertisement?
I appreciate her character's directness
She comes off as an overconfident know it all who really is helpless without her lackies and money (which woman isn't other than Dany)
>Dany is alright
Pls be troll. She is a smug, insufferable cunt. I like Brienne, though. Kind of stupid, but believable as a character.
What do you mean other than Dany? She is immune to fire and her dragons do what she says (I would consider them lackeys). For the most part she's as helpless as any other bitch who never learned how to fight her own battles.
Cersei has always been an ambitious whore going after as much power as she could get.
Now she's got what she's always wanted and only had to kill off all her kids to get it.
Because she is an old school female ruler who understands how to play to the strengths of women.
> using sex to get what you want
> conspire with your fellow women
> find out who is capable of what
> get them to do shit for you
> don't brag, don't go full mad queen I AM THE RULER I AM QUEEN FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
> essentially, rule indirectly
That way, you control things and can never be caught in the fallout of your actions.
also most importantly:
> not letting madnuss have its day
Melly is pretty good, especially this season
Jesus never took satisfaction in killing
Jesus never killed in the first place
Jesus isn't a Mary Sue
>because she doesn't have her looks going on for her, she has to rely on actual talent
But in her day, she was VERY good
>She didn't seem too upset that her entire family, especially Margaery, got literally btfo. Apparently time has passed but still
She's 70 or 80. Rage is for the young, she probably saw some of it coming anyway.
>Yeah theres totally nothing wrong with blowing up the most sacred holy site in your realm containing the crypts and relics of all your past rulers, along with half your court including the Queen
Can't make an omelette without killing a few people.
>only had to kill off all her kids to get it.
None of her children died by her will, she was actually trying to save/advance all her children when they each died.
The court that was her enemy, and the priest who was her enemy, and his followers who were her enemies.
Honestly, yes, it's a terrible thing. It's also strategically sound.
The bible writing in a character who is literally god is pretty much the definition of a mary sue.
would bang
Yeah but he was weak to piercing attacks so had a weakness
In the books at least she has a nice character development and is not a Mary Sue.
It's just that I root for her in fact
Does Qyburn want to fuck Cersei or why is he so loyal to her?
What happens when the Queen dies? Does the Hand become the new King/Regent?
I believe it. I would probably root for her, too, if I could get past wanting to slap her smug face every time she's on screen.
Because she's only has 10 minutes of screentime a season. Not enough to make us hate her. It's pretty unrealistic she's even lived that long pissing so many people off.
>That scene with Jaime
>Mad Queen Cersei
Is Dungeons and Dragons gonna do what I think they are gonna do?
Then he miraculously came back to life and became god, so that kind of renders that flaw moot.
Because Diana Rigg can actually act.
She has a right to be smug though. She accomplished a lot, even though I get why people would dislike her.
I just hate the guys who call her "Khaleesi", they can go die in green fire.
Cersei is the only one who could tolerate his experiments.
>became god
Get your Trinity straight
Cersei is the only person who will let him do his experiments, and she even feeds him captives as test subjects
Cersei literally doesn't give a shit, all she cares about is her own power. It's just going to be WOT5K all over again after that.
Point still stands, m8. Jesus is literally the biggest Mary Sue in all of fiction
>She accomplished a lot
Did she though? She hasn't personally done anything impressive outside of not die in fires. She mostly just sits on her ass and tells other people what to do, and they do it because they're impressed by the not-dying-in-fires thing.
More like Roberts Rebellion 2.0 see I can smell it already that while Caloreesie lays siege on Kings Landing she threatens to blow it all up if they don't fuck off and kills Cersei in the process making him a kinslayer.
>implying anyone gives a shit about kinslaying anymore
>Jaime is her younger brother by 2 seconds
It's inevitable to D&D.
I laughed, but then the akshually part of my brain took over.
The stab to the side isn't what killed him, victims of crucifixion died from asphyxiation from being hung on a cross for prolonged periods of time.
But like this guy says, he came back to life and floated on up to heaven to chill with his dad/himself/himself as a ghost. So the whole point is kind of moot.
Not many people have seen somebody befriend and raise 3 dragons and personally ride one into battle. That's sure to inspire some
Who TF Cersei here??!
Because Diana Rigg is actually a good actress
Damn she got old
She's only 77 actually, it's just that she smoked a pack a day for 55 years. That will take its toll.
don't tell me there's still wildfire in kings landing....
I know there's supposed to be a lot but they already used a shit ton against Stannis, and now enough to blow up a part of the town
Can anyone explain to me why the Sand Snakes are so "disappointing"? Bookfags only please. I like them just fine.
Qyburn wants to be a mad scientist, Cersei's happy to let him do that as long as he helps her and is loyal to her.
Looks like a Warcraft 3 cinematic
>bond girl
>won a Tony
Wow, Dianna Rigg is a pretty cool guy
Now the ships have no master.
I have read the books and i have no idea why the showsnakes have so much sand up their cunts, they shouldn't be like that
>le quippy chid-killing grandma
No, its actually kind of frustrating listen to her blame Cersei for all the problems when she snowballed everything by killing a king based off the word of a traitor's daughter.
They're basically niggers
What do you mean? They should be less tetchy? What kind of personas do they have in the books then?
>she was wrong in killing Jeoffrey
The Sneks aren't the biggest problem, Ellaria is
Only person drinking Mountain Dew is the Septa
Joffrey was a cruel but strong ruler. No way would he have taken shit from some peasant priest, let alone a bunch of upjumped castle stewards. Queen of Quips wanted a puppet ruler instead and ended up contributing to her line's extinction. Good riddance.
Aging is so cruel.
you're an idiot, Jeoffrey was a tyrant
and Cersei gave the Meme Sparrow so much power, not the old hag
>no explanation
Come onnnnnnnnn.
She has had about 10 mins total screentime this season.
>they already used a shit ton against Stannis,
That was new wildfire.
The stuff they used to explode the sept was the old stock from the mad king.
There may be more, still not found.
How was he a tyrant? Because he wanted to ban homos?
>wanted to form a standing army to control the perpetually rebellious high lords
>recognized the threat of Dany's dragons when everyone else was laughing them off
>took no shit from traitors, rebels, and his cowardly opportunist grandpa
>Show Ellaria and sneks
>I want revenge for my dead lover/father, so I'll kill his brother and son
>Book Ellaria and sneks
>Continent spanning conspiracy to fuck the Lannisters and Ellaria just wants to end the cycle of revenge because she worries about her own daughters dying because of it
Just a small difference
Shes believable as a character and very well acted.
Bunch of a whining underage butthurt women who would rather have Westeros burn and other stupid shit instead of carefully planning and listen to based Doran
Speaking of them. Did the show forget that we met Oberen's eldest daughter?
Who is the rightful ruler of Dorne?
I legitimately like Gilly
Joffrey couldn't into feudalism and politics, or diplomacy, or subtlety, or actually anything.
You just want to give her your willy, silly billy.
>not liking cersei
She even got a great new soundtrack
She's aware of that. She's just past the point of caring in this episode given her family has all been nuked.
Also Dany is a very flawed character but can be done well.
In the most recent episode she's done well, she heeds Tyrion's advice understanding his experience, and shows vulnerability at the same time instead of the huge confidence and borderline perfection in other episodes.
Seriously; Dany could be so much better but she needs more flaws (that aren't portrayed as good by the writers).
The director for the past 2 episodes really knows how to work the material.
Excuse me, but you're forgetting best girl
Does Olenna actually rule the Reach or is she just telling whichever Redwyne presumably inherited what to do?
qyburn helped her brother, cersei doesn't care about the live human experimentation thing, he also proved that he is talented by reviving gregor clegane and turning him into a useful servant and it is implied he helped her abort her baby with lancel lannister, qyburn probably enjoys being attached to someone so high up in westerosi hierarchy, he has probably never been so wealthy and powerful