ITT: we theorise how the fuck everyone keeps fast travelling

Seriously guys, there has to be a canon explanation for how Littlefinger and Varys can cover great distances in no time at all. Fuck even Arya got all the way to the twins in like two episodes despite it taking her like a season and a half to travel from there to the faceless in the first place.

Is it eagles?

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No, it's just that Sam has been telling the story for so long that he's getting lazy and getting events that happened decades ago mixed up in his senile head. Give him a break.

Who says that they are fast traveling? Do you really think we need to see them travel the whole way or something

Are you GoT fans really this retarded
I haven't seen this show but from what you say I guess they travel off screen
Also this is not 24, this show doesn't happen in realtime dipshit

they have the power of bad writing

sometimes the journey from A->B involves some wandering, or something more interesting happens, and as a result it earns more screen time than the trip from B->A.

Just because Tywin Lannister was the only one on screen on the toilet doesn't mean nobody else shat.

He filed a flight plan with the agency

It's because the showrunners read the books and realized how much "realistic travel" drags the books down.

If they had played it by the books, Tyrion would just be leaving the boat with this episode. Fuck that bullshit.

It's annoying because in the first few seasons the time traveling is established. It's even more annoying because most of it could be remedied by rearranging some scenes through the season.

>burger detected

>they don't show it when it's not interesting.

Didn't some autist actually establish that some of the timeframes in the books are impossible, though?

The series takes place inside a dyson sphere. The sphere has become destabilized over time, that's whats causing the seasons to be too long. The people in the sphere are originally colonists from earth that forgot their past.

Varys has access to the maglev that's on the outside of the sphere. There are hatches that lead to the exterior if you know where they are and the access code. Then you take the maglev train to the hatch nearest to where you want to go.

Dany's last scene takes place at least a month aftershe dumped Daario, because she's got Dornish ships with her. Arya's entire plot, meanwhile, probably took place within a few weeks before season 6 even started.

>yfw varys travels from slavers bay to highgarden and back again in 4 episodes but it will still take dany a whole season

There is plenty of fat in this show to actually add scenes where people are travelling or even add omitted characters. Instead we get countless scenes of people talking about nothing or sitting awkwardly cracking quips in the same locations over and over.

it's like they film 90% of the show in 3 sets

it was the plane

producers bend reality in favor of narration

it is never stated how much time passes between scenes therefore you have no case you massive retard.

An example would be last season when Cersei & Jamie both got the threat that the sand snakes were going to kill their daughter. Jamie gets Bronn & jumps on a long ship journey yet still arrived at the same time as the assassination attempt.

Yes, you have since sometimes they mention time spans in one location and don't in the other. Daario literally said your ships will be ready soon. Then it's Varys in Dorne and then he is back in Meeren (for example). So either "soon" covers a time of months (gallivanting from Sunspear to Mereen) or Daario was lying. Same problems with wounds healing in one location and Gillys baby staying a baby while Walda goes through a whole pregnancy. Shit doesn't add up. Also there was no fucking need of Varys even being in Meeren again or is he a sailor/navigator genius of some kind?

Nothing was gained by Varys traveling back to Dorne. He didn't even need to be in Sunspear desu. They could just have Diana Rigg there and the Snakes explaining to her that Dany is otw. There even is a tool from Gurm to avoid these fuck-up implemented in the story: Ravens.

>it's offscreen travel, silly

>no effort made to make the time elapsed palpable for the audience and when exactly that time passes
>Varys travels to Dorne for no reason, because he could easily do it from Meereen
>Varys goes back to Meeren for even less reasons, he could just stay in Westeros
>pacing is jumpy as shit, it feels like time moves differently in spaces
>the way the dialogue and characters interact with each other and what they talk about doesn't indicate any offscreen dialogue or development of characters in a time we don't see

This show has gone to shit.

>Are you me?
Also costumes don't change at all but months have passed?
Are you me?

I am starting to fear, that I am the only one, who is not retarded.
Why nobody can comprehend the basic logic in the traveling.
Are people really this retarded, that they think, that for example Varys just teleported in one day day? The last scene obviously takes place a long time after. You can see Tyrell and Martell ships, so they probably sailed to Meereen. Next. Arya could travel for several months, what we saw was happening in s06 could actually happen some time ago. And I could continue...

For fucks sake! It is not that hard to be less retarded and use brain.

The chronology is a god damn mess because they insist on shoehorning the top billed actors into at least a scene per episode instead of spacing their storylines out in different parts of the season. They easily could have done all of Arya's Braavos storyline in the first half of the season.

autism: the thread

>costumes don't change at all but months have passed?
So I guess Jon Snow was a member of the nights watch for what... a couple days? He didn't have a new uniform every episode.

>it takes a whole season for Sam to go from Castle Black to Oldtown
>it takes an episode for Varys to go from Mereen to Dorne
>it takes him a couple scenes to go back

Definition of poor writting. I'm ok with the different stories going at different speeds or even not going simultaneous in time, but wtf. Varys wasn't needed at all in Mereen all the fucking season, he could have easily sailed for Westeros in ep. 1

What we see Sam do has obviously happened some time ago. Finishing the damn study takes a long time. So instead what probably happened in lika a month we were seeing stretched through season 5 and 6 (that's why little Sam is not apparently aging)
Varys brought Martell and Tyrell fleet, thats why he is back.

Just try to be less retarded

isnt it a shitty show? is that not how they can do whatever whenever? maybe they ride dragons or cast magic spells you fat manchild


Actually, no. King's Landing was still burning, there was still smoke being released.
It doesn't matter if it is Mountain-Dew fire, what they showed us is that it didn't pass even a day.

No. It only makes sense for one plot. If you consider that there are several plots shit doesn't add up. If months have passed we are to believe that no one was ruling in KL for months? That no one cared about the Stark king in the north? The Tyrells hold their feed still for the same amount of time it took Varys to cross the sea to Sunspear? Who rules the Riverlands? What is the Lannister army doing during that time? Why is Gily's kid not even a toddler?
I see what you are saying: It's that Hitchcock thing saying a cut can even be a cut back in time or into another universe. BUT this gets fucked up if you have more POVs and like 5 plot lines at the same time.
>What we see Sam do has obviously happened some time ago
Lol so you are saying that all Sam scenes are flashbacks? This is some head cannon shit right here. Dnd even spelled out that they are not doing any flashbacks at all (Bran doesn't count in their logic). This has nothing to do with people being retarded but everything with bad sloppy writing that is apparent in 95% of the shows dialogue too.

I especially like how Varys got from Highgarden back to Mereen in like 20 minutes. Then, He's on a ship heading back again. The Greyjoys took only one episode to get from the Iron Islands to Mereen. But it's taken Sam and Gili a whole season to travel 1/10 the distance.


You'll be amazed what characters can do with lazy writing.

>everybody in Westors has uniforms when we are specifically told that this is only the case for the NW
It's not only the clothing. They never indicate that months or years have passed between two segments. They should but they don't.
>wanting coherent writing is a sign of autism now

Ravens over the ocean? Wew Lad.

Because the writers and producers are treating it like a TV show instead of a narrative and keep trying to shoehorn obligatory scenes in for all the popular characters because they're too chickenshit to write anyone off for any extended period of time.

Tyrion did fuckall but pour wine all season.

>Varys wasn't needed at all in Mereen

Tyrion needed an eunuch to make no-dick jokes, Greyworm isn't nearly as fun. The show is 90% cock jokes now so that's a good reason

They have the technology.

Yes, it is sloppy writing, but the other way would be much more bad. Because we would see Sam for like an episode or two and then two season nothing. We would see Varys leave and than we would have to wait several episodes of nothing so he can return. We wouln't see Arya for one season and so on...
It isn't flashback or anything. The only think you need to comprehend is, that just because two scenes are in one episode, doesn't mean they are happening in the same time...

They probably have some magic assholes from Qarth chained up in their closets whenever they need them or something.

Secret underground tunnels, obviously.

Not there but there should be high-raven-traffic between Highgarden and Sunspear. There is no need to have all three at the same location. It's even dangerous considering they are planning a rebellion.

> Varys wasn't needed at all in Mereen all the fucking season

Are you fucking serious, kid? How else would they provide setup for Tyrion's hilariously witty dick jokes?

Actually fire of this magnitude would give away smoke for days.
How long does it take to get from Twins to Tommen's Landing? I'd say days.
And the Twins scene could happen some time before the Tommen's Landing part.

The Wire did that and had characters not being present for years and then they'd just do one thing in one scene and set something in motion. It can work but it's harder to do than not to care at all.
It's really not me though. I mean the LF thing confuses a lot of people cause it seems to kill the suspension of disbelief.

>I'd say days.
It's hundreds of mail, so no weeks,

It's because they don't cover great distances in no time at all. There's a preface in one of the books that due to the complex nature of the story and timelines, the events shown are shown in the sequence that makes the best storytelling narrative...not strict chronological order.

You're fucking dumb. It's easy to make this happen in a linear, sensible manner. Let people grow hair, maybe a beard. Let their armor and clothes wear. Show calendars with dates and times. Don't make characters show up in places, they don't have to be in. Or just make it like they did it for the first few seasons and show more stuff, they had to work with books to make a good narrative for the first few seasons. Now they can actually make stuff up, if things don't fit as neatly and suddenly the time scale completely collapses. There isn't just one way or the other, there are plenty of ways to do it and this one sucks.

I have to agree with you, but you have to realize one thing.
You actually need good memory and some inteligence to fully understand this whole show.
The show is made dumber each season because of confused people.
You see, I think I can comrehend the whole show and I am sure, that if it would be more dumb for those confused people it would not be worth watching.

>they can actually make stuff up

First few seasons were based on first few books which were linear. FfC and DwD are not 100% linear anymore and they don't have new material. So they need to somehow make it work. They are doing good job and all you can do is bitchin'
If you don't understand how the traveling in GoT work, do not watch it.

>give away smoke for days

Actually, no. It lasts one day, tops. Specially considering that it was mostly stone that they blew and all.

Forest fire? Sure. Stone fire? No.

My understanding is, no one knew until they got back to Kings Landing that their daughter had died. They were on a boat, they didn't have a means of communicating.

When news finally got out and reached Dorn, that's when they made their move in Kings Landing to kill cumstain and Dorn to kill xavier.

Then how come they have the same haircuts

If you acknowledge D&D are incapable of being creative as show runners, but you're saying they are doing a good job, you're contradicting yourself.

no I am not
They can create good show based on what Martin gives them, but when they are trying to create something entirely new, it is not really good.


Yeah, if only there was some magical technology that could be used to cut the hair and trim the beards...

I didn't really have a problem with it until the very last shot of Varys on the boat with Dany.

First of all, I'm sure that's like the very first shot with both of them together and secondly just a few scenes ago he was in Dorne.

This is actually the only one scene, which is 100% acceptable.

You can see Tyrell and Martell ships in the fleet.
Varys made the deal, everybody picked their ships and sailed to Meereen.
Just because Varys and Daenerys never met, I am pretty sure Tyrion told her about him and when he arrived to Meereen with Tyrell and Martell fleet, I am pretty sure she was pleased.

They're burning through it as fast as possible.

The 'journey' has been cut, they're just trying to nail as many plot points as soon as possible.

They could have done an entire season with the plots blown through in ep.10.


>lets watch out favorite characters sit on ships for extended period of time, getting haircuts and clipping their nails
>lets slow down the pace of the show EVEN FURTHER

this was a slow season
fuck off

I agree with you but I hate the fact that I have to. DnD despise their audience and I therefor feel they despise me too when I am totally capable of following complex plots. Now I just hope they renew Wolf Hall (where Cersei revenge song was totally stolen from:

how can the dragons stay flying for so long, wouldn't they get tired?

do they have boats for the dragons to land on so they can rest their wings?

>This is actually the only one scene, which is 100% acceptable.
Yeah, except for the fact that the Tyrells don't own a fleet.

And the scene in dorne happened recently.

Since based old woman knew her grand daughter died.

It's not impossible for varys to be there, just confusing as it happens way after cersei becomes queen.

>Tyrells don't own a fleet

duude !! my sides !!!

Good, getting tired of the show

Flawless victory.

They have 3 special ships where dragons can rest, eat dragon bread and shit.

They already visited those locations, so thry have fast travel on to speed it up.

Dabid and Danielo are big fans of the ELDER SCROLLS V(5): SKYRIM REMASTERED EDITION TM and thought it was a neat feature to add to the show.

>not realizing that everything doesn't happen simultaneously.
>that what is happening in one scene could have been happening weeks prior to that of the next scene

The simplest explanation seems to be the correct one.

Basically you can fast travel if you've got no dick.

Varys has been a eunuch all his life and so can harness this energy very well.

Theon must have some untapped power because he was able to fast travel himself and the whole ironborn fleet in like 2 episodes.

As for CIA, my theory is that being cucked works in the same fashion, and since CIA has the highest power level and has been cucked by two different women he is able to fast travel

Prove me wrong


Show map looks more like this

>hurr durr it's not teleporting, it's just the time taken to travel isn't being shown
>the plots are all moving at different points
>but it doesn't matter if some of these plots are now so far ahead, winter would have already arrived well before others, because muh D&D

Doesn't quite work, considering some plots are affecting others but their timelines don't sync up.

That's exactly what I said when I saw it. Those dragons will need to stop off along the coasts on the journey, but then that gives away that the dragons are heading to Westeros.