I've never watched a horror film in my life, Sup Forums...

I've never watched a horror film in my life, Sup Forums. What are the must watch films for someone who wants to introduce themselves to the genre?

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not that one. It's aged horribly if it was ever considered legitimately good in the first place.

might as well start at 3 and wind yourself back around if you want to keep going.

Depends what kind of horror you're looking for

Watch come Vincent Price and classic horror for comfyness
I can't rec good shit because I was always into shitty slashers and gorefests

All the Nightmare on Elm Streets are pretty good to great save Freddy's Dead and maybe 5. Not counting the remake of course.

part 2 is good? Now I've heard everything.

Fuck you man Part 2 is probably the best one, lots of good Freddy shenanigans and all the homogay subtext is great.

Hellraiser is a classic and very patrician.

ok so best considering its "so bad its good"

might as well rec Birdemic

Jesus Christ, wut.

No, OP, start with that one. It's a great atmospheric film that defines the entire genre. It has a great performance by Donald Pleasance and is done really well.

After that, go for Hellraiser, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original), The Thing, The Fly, and Nightmare of Elm Street 1, 3, and 4.

One thing is for sure, whatever answer you get on Sup Forums is bound to be a terrible response from faggit millennial who can't appreciate anything made before 1997.

I did not even say it was so bad it's good, what the fuck are you talking about.

>Nightmare of Elm Street 1, 3, and 4
you forgot 7

New Nightmare is the best in the series

>Jesus Christ, wut.
It was very validating to see a well deserved live riffing of this sacred cow by Mary Jo Pehl and Master Pancake

3 > 4 > 5 > 2 > 1

homogay subtext

The problem with this question is that horror is one of the most subjective genres OP. Everybody has different fears, and so everybody has different taste when it comes to horror movies. You're going to have to find the type of movies that scare you most and then whittle down the essentials.

First person/shaky cam
Exorcism/Posession/Demonic presences
Gothic horror (vampires or werewolves)

Decide from all those categories what you find scariest (or what combinations you find scariest) and people can better help you out.

The gay stuff isn't an ironic thing for me though, it's a great layer on top of the horror present in 2 that contributes to the character arc of the protagonist, not even counting the social relevancy and daring of such an element of the plot at the time it was filmed.

I got into horror movies last year when I watched Ginger Snaps. So I recommend just watching stuff that sounds neat to you.

The horror staples are overwhelmingly going to be the same wherever you look. Even down to which Friday the 13th movies are supposedly bad. Here's a decent enough list to look at.

Forgot to add in:

Creature features
Science fiction
Body horror

I just rememebred the fly, what would that fall under?
I love shit like that

Also, there's a twilight episode where a guy becomes an alien to infiltrate invaders and can't revert to being human who ends up leaving earth to start a new life with the aliens...
Can someone recommend something like that?
I know its not too scary, but I find it a bit spooky

>I got into horror movies last year when I watched Ginger Snaps.

Some of my favs:

The Thing
Creepshow 1 and 2
American Werewolf in London
Evil Dead 1,2, Army of Darkness
The Descent 1 and 2
The Fly
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

>I just rememebred the fly, what would that fall under?
Body horror mostly

Try Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Depends what scares you. The only film that genuinely scared me was Blair Witch Project

street trash
in the mouth of madness
body melt
the descent
night of the creeps

all fun movies

I'll throw out some recommendations but I don't have very good taste movies

>The Thing
>The Fog
>In The Mouth of Madness
>The Hidden
>The Relic
>The Burning
>House on Sorority Row
>The Guest
>Shriek of the Mutilated
>Lake Placid

Some of these movies cross over into action or horror territory so I'm not sure if they're what you're looking for.