Detox edition
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Pot of green tea. 4 tea bags.
Detox drink
A bottle of cranberry juice
Lots of lemon saturated water
>tfw half fenian
welcome brother
you a half-breed too?
Oh, it is the biggest mix-up that you have ever seen.
My father, he was Orange and me mother, she was green.
What are the best universities to go to if I want to become a programming expert?
Trying to learn it entirely on my own wouldn't work due to lack of motivation. I've tried and failed multiple times before.
UC Berkeley
In Ireland? I only researched two for my masters and determined UL was better than Trinity for resources and more modern modules. I'd imagine there isn't a big difference between them though unless you have a specific language in mind.
If you're doing an undergraduate though be prepared for a maths requirement and 75% of the course being non-programming
>tfw 3/4 breed
>tfw half taig half nigerian
find yourself a nice Irish lass bráthair
What a beautiful place Dublin is
>Having to march in protest at women walking home alone being targeted and raped
>Living in fear
>implying rape doesn't happen elsewhere
In seriousness wouldn't a protest for better resources for the gardai be more productive?
>implying protesting achieves anything
I'm pretty sure multiple rapes in the same area with regularity doesn't happen anywhere else in the country.
>be dub
>get raped
Dublin has the highest population density, it's inevitable it'll have higher rates of crime per square meter, best sauce I can find
Dublin is far ahead of the rest of the country for crime per capita, it's like a different country.
>Dublin is Ireland’s crime capital with an average of 789 offences per 10,000 population. That figure far exceeds the national average of 532 offenses per 10,000. Dublin boasts the highest rates for robberies, theft, drug and fraud offenses.
I read before that it's the most dangerous place in the combined UK & Ireland by some distance.
reminder you starved to death even though you were surrounded by an ocean
Well clearly our ancestors did not starve to death or we wouldn't be here.
Not everyone lived on the coast, dumb proddieposter.
Parts of London & Birmingham are far more dangerous IMO Dublin being the worst is just hyperbole
My point still stands, Dublin isn't the only place multiple rapes happen
>be dub
>get raped by vikings
>get raped by english
>get raped by other dubs
You can have a child then starve to death.
depression is strong today boys
Get off the internet, go for long walk to somewhere you like and treat yourself
Depression is the art of living in the past, learn mindfulness and learn to live in the now a little more
Go to the gym? /fit/ is a good board to go on.
Wallow in self pity and spend the rest of the day eating cheap sweets and lurking /éire/.
Suicidal depression is top comfy.
3 chapters until I'm done with vol. 2 of Celtic Scotland - a history of ancient Alban by William Forbes Skene
Tried sushi for the first time. Mingin.
No jobs in the paper. No reply from the ones online. Might go back to the old suicide again.
>Suicidal depression is top comfy.
>tfw you've gotten so used to depression that you're not sure if you'd prefer to be happy
Afternoon lads.
If you're desperate these cunts will hire anyone but they have no respect for their staff DESU they'll prolly make your depression worse
Come on Munster!
>lets do a march to show the rapists we own the night
what the fuck are they smoking?
A smart people would form some sort of community watch.
this march serves no purpose because a rapist already doesn't care what they think
>take back the night
How can you take back what you never had?
I wonder if the rapists will do a counter march.
That seems like a good idea but projects like that can attract predators using it to get a position of trust, they need to be heavily vetted & policed which puts genuine people off. Would you step up for staying up to the small hours to escort a drunk bitch home?
Still a better idea than a useless take back the night protest
cringe desu
Another Munster win lads.
dad went to glasgow for the celtic game today with his irish mate
I thought we were boned when the TMO denied the Bleyendaal try
>69 KB
>626 KB
pretty inefficient desu
Thought the referee was very much in our favour today? Got away with a few high tackles.
626kb is nothing. Pic related is big.
Don't be saving samples.
I didn't see much of the first half but was surprised some of Saili's tackles weren't penalised.
Ah, Dubs think darkness is their ally? They merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see a streetlight until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!
Heard that a fair few Gaeltacht Irish-sounding families were Cromwellian soldiers who settled there and changed their language and religion over the generations.
Really makes you think.
>buy a "sandwich pack" of sliced bread
>has 21 slices
troled hard
interesting if true
do their surnames reflect it?
>Buying sliced pans in a country famous for freshly baked bread
old habits die hard i suppose
my family very rarely bought sliced pans when we lived in switzerland though
I love large urban areas yet I somehow ended up living here in Northern Ireland.
Population of the island of Ireland should increase. Right now it's about 7mln people, but 70mln would suit it best.
>tfw Dublin and Belfast will never grow so much in size they merge into one huge metropolis.
why live?
Sometimes I just want a sandwich.
>increasing the population density
>advocating the growth of Dublin
>tfw no average irish gf
Mate of mine fingered her outside an underage disco in Carlow once
Hard to tell.
There were Normans before that, and more than a few nineteenth-century immigrants, so you can't really go by surname entirely.
The population in some of these areas is collapsed from what they were during the height of Gaelic culture and even during the height of oppression against us. Obviously if there were any Protestants living there (absentee landlords were a big problem), they jumped ship before the Gaels did. Apparently there's a lot of Protestant "churches" all over the country (not just the west), because they wanted to keep up appearances of their "state church" being anything other than a shambolic symbol of oppression, but nobody actually went beyond any landlords, non-landlord merchant types and top cucks.
What's also kind of sad is that a lot of the rarer, lower-level Irish surnames that weren't the big clans (the O's and Macs) got trampled over because the formerly dominant Gaelic names got pushed into the now hugely expanded lowest economic rank/niche all of a sudden, and because of the English being illiterate Philistines, their surnames were forbidden and couldn't survive outside the Gaeltacht (where they're still actually less common than the big Gael names) in popular use because they weren't as storied or memorable, and usually didn't get changed into English phonetics like the big name Ó Briain became O'Brien, but either got turned into Ulster-Scots tier gobbledeygook that got worse by the generations, or directly translated into English. "Green" is an example of that trend. It's now hard to tell if someone is English or just a culturally mutilated Irishman when they have that surname. If it weren't for Catholicism, there wouldn't be a way to tell.
do you actually think someone is going to read that wall of text lad? I couldn't get past the word "Normans". No one gives a shit, m'kay?
Dublin doesn't have the infrastructure to support what it has now and being on an eastern edge doesn't make it ideal for a large city location. Expanding Limerick makes a lot more sense since it's more central, can grow in every direction and already has an international airport.
>I couldn't get past the word "Normans"
same tbqh.
i'm sure it's a stimulating read though.
Limerick is shit though.
>Expanding Limerick
i feel at peace with myself when staring at a plant
like i am part of the plant
no worries
also this general is so bad stop making it
every poster is literally the worst you all like owls without the feathers
sad just sad
get your life in order
How else are you guys gonna learn the legend of the Celts?
Got my first like on Tinder lads
Now I need to find out who it was
Nice poem.
Animals are the true peace-bringers though.
did i ask for your opinion, knucklehead?
leave me alone.
blocked. blocked. blocked. youre all blocked. none of you are free of sin.
i would very much like to lick an irish fanny
>memes cause radicalisation
Been living in Belfast for 11 years yet have never travelled to ROI.
Is there anything worth seeing?
your mums gee
shes active around dundalk
Memes are the most powerful force of our generation.
I wonder when the likes of ISIS will start using memes as a tool of recuitment?
They really do.
Who the fuck are you that you have to ask?
Person that shitposts on Sup Forums 16h a day.
How different is yokes to MDMA lads
coxus area reppin
>How different is yokes to MDMA lads
>doing drugs
I wouldn't know.
>How different is yokes to MDMA lads
They're the same thing, you degenerate.
What are the drugs you have taken like, for reference?
No, that's not true. Limerick is lovely.
>not being normal
Dad's become a right cunt since giving up the smoking.
He's going to lose the license too if he ever gets caught considering how much he drinks and drives home at night.
>being a normie
MDMA coke and weed
MDMA was a great buzz and had fuck all of a comedown, apparently yokes comedown is much worse and the buzz can go bad
Ah yes, normal healthy drug addicts such as myself.
Nice to know other Dundalk scumbags are here
reminder that Miia is the mascot of /éire/
It's not "normie" to use drugs. It's just glamorised by the (((((((media)))))))).
I remember when that dumb Dublin celebrity bitch died of a drug overdose and the papers were all bemoaning it as a tragedy when the more common (and more Irish) sentiment was more akin to Westboro baptist "God laughs" trolling.