Pre trannyism

>Pre trannyism
The Matrix

>Post trannyism
Jupiter Ascending

What is it about being a woman that makes someone a bad director?

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying the Matrix is good


Is this real life?

These two are proof that this "transgender" psychosexual disorder is at least partly genetic.

Or they're just faggots.

matrix 2 was when the first one started....

so you're like a decade fucking behind man, you want to talk about ellen is a lesbian too?



How did the one on the right transition better when he was the more masculine one?

oh man transgender is more genetic then homosexual man, but don't try to tell that to red-pill'd.

it's just the jews trying to make us cucks.

i didnt really like anything they did after matrix one tho

Yeah and?

Imagine being old man Wachowski. Once proud father of two sons, he is now the father of two mentally ill, mutilated gremlins. And since they are partly famous everyone of his friends and acquaintances knows it.

that's kinda the whole point of transitioning, to make them feel better about being crazy

>implying they don't both look better now
>i'm not implying they're not still ugly, just better

Holy shit what the fuck? BOTH of them are trannys now? That's suspect as shit

no one blames you. that lesbian movie and the matrix was kino, for sure. but after their first movie, no one doubted the claims to transgenderism.

>Knew that the pink haired sibling was transgender.
>Thought that the other one wasn't transgender and that OP was spreading disinfo
>Look it up
>It's real

if it's scitzo, does it make it bad? it's not harmful, it's like saying gas all teh jews, and mentally disabled, and blacks, and kikes, and down syndrome, and schizoids, and psychotics, and people that don't come to a full stop signs, and child molesters, and so on and so on.

So they want to be a different gender. This affects me how?

not even in the slightest, so cry harder. You bring more attention to it then they do.

For me, it's more proof that it's a learned insanity caught by exposure.

It's only genetic in the sense that they were both born retarded, a lot like you, and latched on to crossdressing. Every retard latches on to something, like sonic the hedgehog, and base their entire life around it.

>this entire post

You are so delusional it is disgusting. Just fuck off back to your containment board already you abomination P.S. Learn to use the shift key mouth breather.

what a fag

the first that insanity ever to be caught by exposure in the history of mankind.

It was entertaining and showcased a lot of techniques that were new and got a lotta people into martial arts movies.

It was never brilliant but it was at least good. They've never done anything close to it ever since.

>Imagine being old man Wachowski. Once proud father of two sons, he is now the father of two mentally ill, mutilated gremlins. And since they are partly famous everyone of his friends and acquaintances knows it.

You're feeling for him but they probably turned out like that because he made them wear dresses while he raped them, or something.

Was probably fucked by an uncle. The younger one went along with his delusion because he was subconsciously jealous that he wasn't given the same attention as a child and blamed his male parts for it.

Both of those fuckers are mentally ill.

They basically had tranny fetishes for way to long and eventually they met manipulating cunts that turned them into women.

it's not proof of shit dude. They were close and grew up in the same environment. Naturally being exposed to the same types of degeneracy that made them that way.

not retard, but autism, it's one of the signs, but you seem too butthurt to really understand the difference. Crossdressing is not transgenderism. It's about identity not appearance. Whatever, if it's all in the mind, that's all that life is and ever has been.

Is it a wig? You can see him trying to cover up his baldness with the cap.

Insanity as a behaviour, not a chemical imbalance.

arm chair psychologist over here. Naw, that's not how it works. You can be trans and grow up in the best house hold ever with 0 trans influence and still end up trans. It's a mental illness of feeling wrong in your body, not a fetish.

>shared delusion isn't a thing
Read a book.

You can be trans without exposure.

... you'd be the first person to truly understand what the chemical reactions int eh brain ACTUALLY do, why are you not publishing a paper on this.

At least one of these dudes had a dominatrix who told him to do it.

They're degenerates.

shared delusion is a thing, but it's not caught by exposure... shared experiences maybe, not to as inflicted by each other as the root cause.

I agree with this dude.

And also, I'm posting the story of how these faggots became trannies in the first place. Interesting read.

Not the guy you're replying to, and I agree with what you're saying, but you're forgetting the other type of trans, the ones who get sucked into the hype due to being impressionable. My guess would be that very few of the "trans" people around today actually have gender dysmorphia.

we literally didnt see this shit 50 years ago. Furries, agender, and other made up genders didnt exist. Sure there was gender dysphonia to an extent but holy shit it wasnt this bad. Whats the explanation here?

sure, i'm willing to bet the purple hair one is just a sissy freak. But some people can't help it.


sucked into the "hype"?

what is the benfit of being discriminated against? is there some tax break they get, or is it just they can get away with beinga child molester easier? or pick up chicks.

it's the picking up chicks thing.

i'd wear a dress if it get me more poon, but then you know i might get caught up in it and get my penis chopped off in the heat of the moment...

>Make a box office flop (Speed Racer)
>"Oh shit bro we're gonna be driven out of Hollywood"
>"I know what I'll do, I'll become Transgender than Hollywood will fear firing me as they'll look discriminatory."
>It works
>Make another bomb (Jupiter Ascending)
>"Oh no, Hollywood is really done with us this time. Well Andy, I cut off my cock how about you do the same?"

>Whats the explanation here?
Postmodernism, I guess.

Yeah, no I agree as well. Theres dumb insecure impressionable kids, and fetishist freaks doing it openly now because it's most acceptable.

I feel bad for the genuinely mentally ill ones caught in that shit show.

>Implying anyone here cares much about the nuance between retardation and autism

Not even that user you were talking to

started with matrix 2....

Sure, faggot.

>just let them do what they want, it doesn't affect you :)
Yes, because this was completely normal ten years ago.

all of Sup Forums is autismo, this is why you're on a specific board about tv and movies. hello autism, you are "retarded".

Of what? The dominatrix existing or the connection to the tranny thing?
I don't think I can get you proof that the dominatrix told him to do it.

There was a whole scandal attached to this, though. You know Buck Angel? That "man with a pussy" porn star? Buck was married to this dominatrix and she left Buck for Wachowski.
I've read stuff about her having a lot of control over Wachowski.

Didn't you have emos at your school when Donnie Darko came out? Same thing. Some people will do anything for attention and sympathy and to be seen as cool and alternative. See You think these kids were born this way?

I don't look that shit up, so don't say they're rubbing it in my face. you are. but it's more acceptable now, doesn't mean it wasn't normal.

who knows, who cares, not my lifestyle, i blame fetlife but that's a whole nother lifestyle...

They get off on the idea of being an oppressed class.

The fag actor from Torchwood was in Australia recently. On stage doing QnA in a dress talking about his love of cock and complaining that there aren't non gendered bath rooms.

This is the mentality of some people, if they're accepted in their sexuality they'll find some new way to "other" themselves so they can feel special.

That's why there was none of this tree-kin faggotry going on 50 years ago.

no I'm not an armchair psychologist. I am a legitimate psychologist. While I'm not a doctor I have a Masters in Behavioral psych.

In laymen terms, our DNA and genetics are not designed the way you think they are. Meaning there is not some "homosexual gene" or "tranny gene" that determines if a man or woman is going to change sexes/genders later in life. That's fucking ludicrous.

What more likely is that some genetics traits may influence behavior but one must be exposed to things influenced by our environment. Easiest example is that a man with schizophrenic parents who smokes weed is more likely to become schizo than another man who does not smoke weed. The drug does a bunch of shit to the brain that otherwise would not happen if not for that exposure.

Behaviors are not traits and cannot be determined by genetics. Probably good to remember that as well.

I was in that group, mostly because it was a bunch of lesbians, and 2 of them were lesbians because they got picked on in high school, and maybe that's all it is, is people that got traumatized as kids and they wouldn't have become that shit, but people fucked with them.

gas the degenerates for being bullied. there's a reason why the LGBT started anti-bullying groups at school. it's not that they were bullied AFTER coming out, so what does that tell you?

It's not their choice.

2 of them went straight after high school....

>I don't look that shit up, so don't say they're rubbing it in my face. you are.
Dumbass, my point is that impressionable youths are being subverted. In the last few years the political correctness around this has gone insane to the point that it's no longer being accepted, it's being forced. Look how things were ten years ago, then look at how things are now. How do you think things will be in another ten years? Fucked up "progressive" parents are already forcing children as young as six to start transitioning. You're telling me that that doesn't have an effect on the world? You and I have to bring children into this world and, for better or worse, they are going to be affected by what's going on in it. THAT is my point.

They look like men trying to look like women.

yeah they might have mental illness but that's not a reason to attack them... not like straight people don't get mental illness too and don't going around spouting off their needs and wants, like all jews should be gassed...

you don't think tree-kin exsited int eh hippie era.









Funny, that.

Who else here lefty and transphobic? I feel like these right-wing folks will never know our pain. They just indiscriminately hate everyone different, where as we tolerate everyone but have to put up with this shit - which is clearly a psychosexual issue that can never and will never be normalised, but is spoken about with crazy language that's meant to treat it like it's comething other than wildly deviant behaviour.

Also interested in hearing from some transphobic gayfags.

you're making up extrapolations on the future, you know people said the same thing about women suffrage right? and about negroes getting a vote.

still waiting for the mushroom cloud that came from women voters.

maybe it's 200 years down the road, BUT ITLL HAPPEN IN 10 YEARS.

The Matrix is great. All three movies.

There's nothing about this tha t"proves" it's genetics, if anything my leap of logic would be that they were nurtured similarly and therefore are similarly fucked in the head.

they use to be left phobics, that hated people that were left handed...

>Old as fuck ugly thick guys
>Let's become ugly women instead lol

What were they thinking?

This is different and you know it.

is it wrong to feel special.

we're all human and we just want to be loved.

>All three movies.

I saw 3 in the theatre and hated it. Do you know how shit a movie has to be for me not to come out thinking I liked it?

You're ignoring everything I said because it doesn't fit your argument. You aren't an SJW by any chance, are you?

But okay, forget the future. How things are now is bad enough.

Better this than fascism.

this t b h

matrix is shit

You cannot compare homosex and transgender

No, it's perfectly fine. I, for one, enjoy pretending I'm a tea kettle. I like to dress up like one and act like one and choose to live my life this way. I do no, however, force my degeneracy on the rest of the world and scream injustice at anyone who doesn't share my delusion.

You see where I'm going with this?

Far-right guy here. I don't hate indiscriminately.

eg. Thomas Sowell is pretty cool. But all niggers have to be sent to Africa. He and Tommy Sotomayor will be given high status roles.

Milo is all right: but faggots are dangerous disease vectors and the origins of faggotry need to be found ASAP so we can eliminate it.

>there aren't non gendered bath rooms.

You'd think that argument would be countered more often than it is.

See, people like you are what's wrong with the world today. You have a problem with a 12 year old having gender reassignment surgery? Well, obviously YOU'RE A FUCKING NAZI!!! The alternative to stupidity isn't fascism, you fucking spastic, it's logic.

i'm not transphobic, but not labelling transgenderism as an illness is wrong. Fuck i dont know

>I'm not transphobic, but...
shitlord alert!

What's even the point? If they look like women, whoever's gonna shoo them from the bathroom?

If they look like guys "but feel like a woman on the inside", well, that's their own damn problem. Boo hoo.

I am just saying everything you're saying was said about every other transition of human rights in every other time, I don't really care about SJW agenda either. I am saying people thought that kids would grow up not knowing how to become adults because of moms going to the workplace, they wouldn't learn the basics, of sewings and cooking, and maybe they're right, but what can you do.

IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. getting all mad about it, is as pointless as not liking the shade of blue in the sky. It's not like they're fighting for their rights to make anime rela and marry their pillows.

Mentally ill people have rights just the same as other humans. There's no multi-tier level of human rights we have on the planet UNLESS YOU HAVE THE MONEY.



You worry about the average household is something that's going to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis at teh discretion of each individual parents as it has always been, for better or for worse.

You might as well be arguing that women shouldn't working, that train has sailed and NOTHING is going to stop it. It may seem foolish and stupid now, but in 10 years kids are going to grow up with it, and think, THIS IS STUPID, JUST LIKE THE KIDS DO NOW. JUST LIKE KIDS THOUGHT ABOUT THE ORIGINAL MATRIX MOVIE JUST LIKE THEY THOUGHT ABOUT THE MOON LANDING JUST LIKE THEY THOUGHT ABOUT BOOKS JUST LIKE THEY THOUGHT ABOUT THE FIRST WHEEL.

Kids have never accepted what they're taught as kids. I worry more about the fucking Nazis then the Trannies raising their kids. Trannies are a small fucking group that just gets a lot of media attention, it's sensationalism, you reacting to it is proof. You fanning the flames.

Do you have autism. Does admiting a schizo is ill mean im schizophobic? These people need another solution that doesnt involve indulgence. You're probably the fag who posted the statue

There was one that went crazy on some leftists or something, recently.

They were upset because before trannies became a popular issue people just thought they were an ugly woman: but now they can't pass because everyone is thinking they might be trannies.

It was much kinder to just leave them alone.

It's funny because you think that someone exciting is forcing himself on the world. I think there's a bit more going on behind the scenes then them just screaming at people, I frankly have never seen it happen, but I don't spit on degenerates openly i the streets. So maybe it just happens to you more....

I've talked with them, and they seem just like any other autismo that I've played magic cards with or talked about
>Television & Film

there's nothing wrong with schizo either...

seeing the world differnetly is nothing to scared off. it's a person on acid, I don't really care either way.

how does that affect me.

I'm more pissed off at religious/terrorists then gays/trannies.

but then again, it was a false flag at pulse.

>These people need another solution that doesnt involve indulgence.
That would mean they're ill

get your shit together if you're to argue, plus calling someone autistic is something I wouldnt do in your position bub

This is the worst strawman I've ever seen. I literally said none of those things.

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real. This means that because of that you can do any of those things. I included relgion in it too because of the lack of understanding of what is real.

You're not, cool story though.

Did I say shit about genes you massive fucking retard? I didn't realize using a pyschoactive substance was the same as seeing a tranny on the internet. Fucking weird, neat.

I never said theres nothing wrong with schizophernia. There is nothing wrong with any mental illness. Idealy No one with mental illness should be bullied per say. Im just saying indulgence is not the best way of aproach. Same way indulging a schizo isnt the best way.

They are ill, i even said they are. I never said they're not.

You literally ignored what I posted, You can be trans with 0 exposure.

>see irrefutible evidence of fembois/trannys hundreds of years ago

no, that fag wasn't me.

You don't think that's been considered before this? It's not like they're asking us to be able to both marry and legally acknowledge their tulpas?

i dont care what trannys do, all i know is that they're suffering from illness, and that they're figuring it out. Arent we all a little bit crazy any how?

oh no, not if you're aryan blood, that's pure blood, magical viking blood. everyone else is a degenerate, especially if you came in contact with blacked.

It's not the same, dysphonia has existed throughout history. It's just been an issue in this century alone, has seen a huge rise, and with that rise we've seen the rise of literal uniuqe snowflake genders and other autism. Are you triggered?

M8 do you have autism? Are you a tranny? Im not implying any superiority over trannies

I am saying aryan blood has no mental illness, it's impossible for them. that's why they're superior and trannies are degenerates. this is known.

>Sup Forums - Television & Film

What a fucking joke this board is.

It is different lol.

what is human expression in a world with more freedom?

it's containted, teh rest of the fucking board is just GoT so this is slightly better then the


but yeah, what a terrible discussion about modern events



Autism that should not be enabled