Yes, well done high sparrow, well done

Yes, well done high sparrow, well done.

Other urls found in this thread:

What exactly was the point in his character?

what did he mean by this

It's an allegory

so cersai can kill half the cast and take the throne

maybe this finale was all a metaphor for Lena Headey's contract negotiations. To get her to agree to do another season, they'd have to kill everyone in King's Landing and redirect that budget to her.

For what, exactly?



GRRM writes about religion and war. Always.

If you're trying to criticize the show for reducing the cast down you're a giant twat.

It's about time the show started wrapping up. 5 and 6 were shit because they had to do so much stupid shit.

Now it's all Endgame and that's fucking good.

I dunno about you but I was rooting for Cersei?

Can you even begin to comprehend the complexity of this feel.


The prophecy says Cersei will be killed by younger brother.
But it will clearly be Jaime who will kill her. This makes sense as it is said that Cersei was born first, with Jaime "clinging on to her foot", so he is the youngest.
This means Tyrion is not Cersei's brother, and is not Tywin's son.
The dragon has THREE heads.
We have Dany. We have, now, confirmed Jon. Who is the third?
It's Tyrion - the product of rape between Aerys and Joanna.

And, by the way, this explains Tyrion's deformity and his mother's death - Tywin administered a poison to try and induce an abortion. It failed, stunting the child and killing Joanna.

where u getting dis from

For feeling the Bern

That prophecy never actually says whose younger brother, and considering Valyrian is gender neutral or some shit it could be a younger sister as well
It's the Hound though


Rewatch this scene. Its going to be Tyrion who's going to kill her.

i disagree. when we first started way back in season 1 everything seemed so distant because there was so much going on. it seemed impossible that magic could exist or that the young starks sequestered away in their part of the world could every learn the art of continental politics.

it was all so vast and realistic. the first few deaths i could deal with because they were actually shocking and added twists and turns to the plot.

however, the more it went on, the more deaths seemed to be out of necessity for speeding up the plot. i'm understand that these are probably due to actual time, budget and story restrictions but what separated the first 3 seasons from the rest of television was the attention to details and the intricacies of the world