Flaming lips general
Can only hope their next album is another radical shift in direction.
(((Flaming Lips)))
Huge fan of the group, love many of their albums. Only seen them live once but the show was incredible. December 30th, 2014. They played a lot of songs off of Clouds Taste Metallic because they were about to re-release it and go on a tour of playing that album start to finish. Wonderful stuff.
Hated the new album, big let down. Practically Dead Petz tier :(
I hope they get their shit together soon
I recently got TSB on vinyl and fell in love again. It also has the definitive track list imo, with Slow Motion restored right before Feeling Yourself Disintigrate and all the original mixes.
Fuck off LA jews
You fool no one
Yeah, me too. The Terror was really great. I don't know what happened after that...
>definitive track list
Oh, really? I didn't know such a release existed. Only that the band has mentioned that there ought to be one. I might have to pick that up sometime.
Fuck off pedo.
How many times you guys seen them? I'm on 3 at the moment, hoping to make it 4 later this year. Seeing them do The Soft Bulletin in full last year was incredible.
Yeah, it's
Race For The Prize
A Spoonful Weighs A Ton
The Spark That Bled
The Spiderbite Song
What Is The Light?
The Observer
Waitin' For A Superman
Suddenly Everything Has Changed
The Gash
Slow Motion
Feeling Yourself Disintegrate
Sleeping On The Roof
And all are the original mixes
Greatest band of all time
Everyone loves them
Yeah that's the true Soft Bulletin. Is there any reason why they fuck with it so much across the different releases?
Fuck off ((()))
This clownshit band fools no one
why don't you just stay in threads for bands you do like then mate
Just the label being idiots
Back in the 90s it actually wasn't that uncommon for albums to get fucked with by the labels across different regions releases.
Is this fake ass faggot still in a band? I thought he was staying busy MK-Ultraing the 2nd Miley Ray Cyrus.
>Is this fake ass faggot still in a band? I thought he was staying busy MK-Ultraing the 2nd Miley Ray Cyrus.
I was thinking about grabbing tickets to their show in boston, but then I started to wonder the point
I know they're lauded for having great live performances, but what do their tracklists actually look like? Is it even worth it to go?
It's mostly yoshimi and tsb shit
t. some blackmailed pedo
Well that makes me want to go a bit more, I guess. But I also want to see Animal Collective in may. But I also want to buy synths and shit. And I don't have very much money for all that stuff. Decisions, I guess
Just donate all your money to planned parenthood
You suck at faux-casual dialogue.
And dumbfuck it's more likely that this average user on here's dad would want to see this dust fart band than they would.
>You suck at faux-casual dialogue.
I know. I can't talk to people in real life either
And you'd have to be pretty young to have a dad who was into the Flaming Lips. You wouldn't be that young, would you user?
Nigga please. The frauds have been around for 25+years. Dirty motherfuckers.
are you the frogposter who shitposts in and also presumably makes these threads?
Give it up.
Embryonic is a top 5 album of the 2010s. It takes the psych elements popularized by tame impala and melody's echo chamber, adds in influences from stoner and art rock, and some flavors of ambient. It's uniquely inspired, and gorgeously executed. It also has Karen O making animal noises, which is cool I guess.
Clouds Taste Metallic, The Soft Bulletin and Yoshimi were pretty good. The Terror and Zaireeka were ambitious, but poorly executed in the end. The rest of their work is questionable at best.
ignore this jackass
you're fine. We're all here cause we don't know how to socialize in real life.
These crooked niggas are 4/5 of the way to social security.
Fuck off shills.
wow there is one Sup Forums that is really pissed about the flaming lips, I guess