By what right is she Queen - BY WHAT RIGHT?

By what right is she Queen - BY WHAT RIGHT?

>Destroyed the Sept of Baelor - The Vatican City of Westeros (minus the North) yet all of the populous is just fine with it
>Not related to Robert Baratheon in any way shape or form
>Despite the Baratheon name being extinct - you could go through the record books and find a thousand names that are closer related to Tommen "Baratheon" than her (like Dany for example)

Cersei is NOT the Queen.
And don't say she's queen because of "right by conquest".
If people know for a fact that she caused the sept of Baelor to be destroyed - she'd even get loyal Lannister guards to question their loyalty.

Even the most lapsed catholic would take offense to you taking a shit on the bible.

By the right of COME THE FUCK AT ME

She usurped it, simple as that.

She created a power vacuum by killing everybody else that had some control over the throne and then just walked up and took it.

I'll give you your (you);

>>Destroyed the Sept of Baelor - The Vatican City of Westeros (minus the North) yet all of the populous is just fine with it

No one knows she did it. They will probably explain next season that they blamed it all on the Seven cult allahu akbaring themselves.

>>Not related to Robert Baratheon in any way shape or form

She is his wife, and took his name.

>>Despite the Baratheon name being extinct - you could go through the record books and find a thousand names that are closer related to Tommen "Baratheon" than her (like Dany for example)

She married Robert and became part of the Baratheon bloodline. With all her children dead she is literally the rightful Queen.

>She married Robert and became part of the Baratheon bloodline. With all her children dead she is literally the rightful Queen.

You don't marry your way into a bloodline.

>No one knows she did it. They will probably explain next season that they blamed it all on the Seven cult allahu akbaring themselves.
you know, people aren't stupid, unlike you

I think she's the last of the major houses with Targaryen blood (for those who give a shit about lineage) since the Baratheon main line is all dead. If Jon Snow/Stark/Targaryen was seen as legitimate she'd be proper fucked.

In real terms she's got the largest army in the area and can call herself whatever she likes until someone with a stronger force comes in and makes her stop.

That is likely to be Danaerys, who coincidentally has a stronger claim on Targ heritage.

TL;DR- she has no right, it's all right of conquest. People are gonna be pissed at her and her reign will be short and painful because everything she's done to gain power, indirectly via Robert and Joffrey and Tommen or directly by blowing up the Sept is going to come back and bite her on the ass.

Who else is gonna take it? I'm sure we'll explore it with Jamie/Cersei scenes next season. As it is, it makes total sense.

who is left to say no?

also it seems like things are stacked WAAAAY too against her now, she's basically just got whatever lannister army is left. meanwhile, highgarden+dorne, the north, and dany+squids all are about to come for her. i'm sure dany+jon will at some point team up either to kick the muslims back south or they'll all team up to kill the walkers for the finale

>Cersei, a woman whose cunt the entirety of king's landing has seen while being spat on and and having shit thrown at her, becoming queen

Does she expect people to forget about this?
How do you expect to be queen when you've been SHAMED

She's Queen by virtue of being the only one still alive with any remote claim to the throne in the city at the time with any sort of power or backing militarily or political. Remember the prophecy. She's going to be queen but only a short time until a younger ,more beautiful queen takes everything from her. Dany is coming with a thousand ships ,three of the seven kingdoms,two of whom have armies untouched by the war of five kings, an army of unsullied, mercenaries, and thousands of dothraki warriors and Three fully grown, adult, huge Dragons. Meanwhile, 3 of the other 7 kingdoms are in open rebellion, The Riverlands will revert to Edmure thanks to Arya murderboning the Freys, The North belongs to the Starks again with Jon "King in da norf" Targaryen fucking confirmed. And the allegience of the Vale. Cersei is fucked.

By the right of bad writing

You do not marry your way into a bloodline but one of Tywin Lannisters ancestors was related to a Targ

By no right. She usurped it, after creating a vacuum of power. Read some history.

It's retarded cunt morons like you that make the show so dumbed down





She literally obliterated anyone that could claim anything differently

Theres no one else

this , if you dont get this you might be retarded

why is it that cersei and old thorn bitch are the only good female characters in this show

what cersei did was based. check and mate.

Because all the good characters are getting killed off


>not great

little finger might support her behind the scenes next season

plus she has more wildfire.

arya sure is gonna become a convenient plot device now that she can kill anyone she wants as a body snatcher

One of the multiple Robert's bastard

One distant cousin of Robert Baratheon

Don't try and tell me that all the baratheon line end with three kids

Don't forget her teleportation powers.

>he thinks authority is anything other than a delusion

>he thinks law is anything other than a fabrication

>he thinks rights are anything other than a dream

they ran out of successors and turned to inheritance. she was the only one left that could inherit Roberts stuff

With Tommen dead the throne would go to Stannis, who's dead, so it'd go to Shireen who's also dead. Then to Renly, also dead and that is the end of the Baratheon family tree. You'd then have to go all the way back to Robert's great-great-great-great grandfather to find anyone in his family who sired another line that survived. Cowen Baratheon married a woman named Leyne and had six kids. One of them, Arion, was Robert's great-great-great grandfather. The next one down to have surviving kids was Elyanna, who married a Lord named Mathin. Lord Mathin Lannister. Mathin fathered Jason, who fathered Demon, who fathered Gerold, who fathered Tytos Lannister. And who was Tytos' firstborn son? Tywin Lannister. He's dead meaning it would go to Jaime Lannister. JAIME LANNISTER IS THE RIGHTFUL KING!!!!

>by what right is she queen
by the right of the guy standing next to her who did this *before* he became an undead monster.
and the fact that literally nobody is remotely as legitimate a ruler as she is within a 2-day radius.

i wonder if people enjoyed torturing and maybe ultimately killing autistic folks before society really made a push to diagnose and treat you people.

By right of being the consort of a King I guess.
It's happened before in real life history.

Also this:This show is getting more and more ridiculous.
All that "muh strong indepdent womyn" shit, it's really fucking my suspension of disbelief, one is quite enough.

Specifically that Yara character, how the fuck did she end up being a leader anyway, especially when there are more suitable heirs.

At least Cersei's character is written with strengths in subterfuge, backstabbing and scheming.

Every sand snek scene where they cut through male characters like butter, including that 350 lb bodyguard dude, was fucking awful feminist power fantasy bullshit.


>of the major houses with Targaryen blood

The fuck are you talking about? The Lannisters have zero Targaryen blood and have never made an alliance. The closest was Cersei and Rhaegar but Aerys declined Tywin's offer to spite him out of jealousy.

The only great houses with Targaryen blood are the Targaryens, Martells and the Baratheons. House Baratheon married into House Targaryen multiple times and the same with House Martell.

Jamie is Kingsguard, he forfeits all right.

He was kicked out of the Kingsguard wasn't he?

Then Le Witty Reddit Dwarf has the claim, but since he fled, the only one left with such a claim in Westeros is...Cersei.

But that's the thing. It will last very little because no one wants her. She's against Dorne and against the Tyrells, against the Vale and against the North, even against the Iron Islands. She's totally sammiched and has no way to escape. And the people in King's Landing are not too crazy about her either.

She might know she's destined to fail because of the prophecy. I think she just wants to troll as much as she can and that's all.


See the third line of the third paragraph

The thing is, in this sort of historical context "right" doesn't exist. "Right" is just an excuse they put to gain support. The First Men had no right to be in Westeros, yet they arrived from Essos thousands of years ago. The Andals had no right to invade the First Men from Essos, yet they did it thousands of years ago until 7 kingdoms were settled. The Targaryens (from the now extinct Valyrian race) had no right to move from Essos to Westeros and take it by force, yet they did it. We aren't in a modern society with sovereignty treaties and an organism of many nations making sure that borders are "mostly" respected; we are in an era where might equals right, so whoever gets the better army gets to be king. "Right" doesn't matter, because it doesn't even exist. Same way that the Baratheons had no right to take the crown for themselves, but they did.

She is queen of one city. The rest of westeros isn't following her.



Realistically she has zero claim on the throne as the succession law is agnatic-cognatic primogeniture.

However it is plausible that she would be named Queen Regent in the time before a suitable candidate for rule is found in a normal succession crisis.

Considering who remains to claim the throne it actually makes sense that she could claim the throne, she has fear and the backing of Lannister troops, a tenuous connection to previous rulers and no adequate contenders for Kingship.

Since Robert is the first ruler of the Baratheon line there is actually no one with a definitive claim on the crown (at least from the Baratheon line) as primacy to rule is derived (in primogeniture succession) from the ruler, so unlike most succession squabbles delving back into Robert's family line is futile - none of them were rulers.

In actuality the heir to the throne - with Robert's claim extinguished - is Dany. Who would be second only to Jon, presuming R & L were married before his birth.

Historically in times like these the claims of bastards often gain legitimacy, e.g. In the aftermath of The War of the Roses the Tudor dynasty comes to fruition through Henry, his claim ultimately deriving from a bastard, Katherine.

The other candidates for succession would be Gendry, or someone who, much like how Robert derived his claim from Targaryen ancestry, had a likewise relation.

Don't forget Dorne

>not butchered

I don't know why he's still alive desu

In his TWOW chapter it's kinda obvious what's going to happen to him, but on the show he literally serves no purpose whatsoever

Nobody else definitively knows about the caches of wildfire underneath the city now that she killed Pycelle.

>New maesters to be reading history books

>King Robert Baratheon
>King Jeoffrey Baratheon
>King Tommen Baratheon
>Queen Cersei Lannister
>King Gendry Baratheon
>all in less than 10 years
>"... what the fuck happened here?"

It's called bigger army diplomacy, it happens all the time. Notice the fuck ton of Lannister guards in her throne room.

by ruthelessly slaughtering anyone who says anything, like that drunk guy who got wall smashed by Gregor
except now she's in charge, so she can command any soldier to do it to anyone who even mentions that the shaming even happened

she isn't going to be a fair queen, it's going to be her dictatorship

>hurr durr we don't see her for a whole episode

getting over to braavos took her so long, the timelines are all fucked

I like that she's the Queen, I really do.

The one thing that will become insufferable about all this is is all the fat shrillbeasts with problem glasses probably already taking to social media talking about "male tears" and how it is "giant win" against the patriarchy and evil manny man, as if those basic bitches would ever have what it takes to be a Cersei.

well gee whiz genius, they sure aren't in fucking king's landing are they? And if they were they sure aren't gonna come out of the woodwork now that a crazy lady with a superman zombie bodyguard destroyed part of their city just to get her way.

Rightful king of Westeros!

Literally one of the few well written characters left in the show.

She's probably going to die early in the next season though.

Wildfire caches under the city isn't common knowledge for anyone except for those like Pycelle or Jamie.

>Protector of the 7 kingdoms

She was married to the King, thereby making her Queen. All possible heirs have died, and any remaining Baratheons with any claim to the Iron Throne are all dead as well. Line of succession leaves her in charge, and before you ask, yes. She absolutely feels in charge.

As for your accusations of her involvement with the destruction of the Sept of Baelor, does anyone who would speak against Cersei have any substantive evidence, or is it all circumstantial at best, which would be treated as hearsay?

It would be Tywin's Brother's son if he has any.

This. My takeaway this entire season, with yesterday being the bow on top is that Cersei is throwing less than subtle guile out the window, and taking her place on the Mad King spectrum instead. Anyone wanna place any bets for how high she'll go?

She can claim terrorists did the attack. Worked for the Bush admin. Westero's 911.

Did you see America after 911? Yeah, people are that stupid, specially peasants such as yourself.

>you could go through the record books and find a thousand names that are closer related to Tommen "Baratheon" than her

Who's "you"?

>One of the multiple Robert's bastard
You mean the ones that were all hunted down and killed in S2? The only one left is Gendry, and he seemed like the last fucking place he was gonna go was King's Landing when he was released by Davos.

this guy owned like a little cuck fuccboi bitch

Lol that story looks like bad fanfic. Was fatass Martin high when he wrote that shit?

North, Vale, Dorne, Iron Islands aren't under the crowns control.

She can claim to be the Queen all she wants.

Starks had some Targ blood as well. I think it was mentioned in one of the books that Ned's claim was at least as strong as Robert's when it came to choosing a new king, Ned just wasn't interested, he wanted to go back to Winterfell.

>Cersei uses wildfire to destroy city
>Can't use wildfire now against Dany's fleet
>Pretty much everyone who could help her hold off the invasion hates her
>Jamie is probably going to kill her to fulfill the prophecy

Cersei done goofed.

>Jamie is probably going to kill her to fulfill the prophecy
Prophecy? What prophecy?

Even if anyone knows she did it, who the fuck would be stupid enough to challenge her on it? Anyone that says anything gets Mountain'd.

She will be killed by her brother, she believes that it is Tyrion who will do it. One of the reasons why she hated him, besides the fact he is a dwarf and killed their mother

Hmm. Thanks, user.

The one she got as a child.

1. "You will never wed the prince. You will wed the king."
2. "Queen you shall be, until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear."
3. "The king will have six-and-ten children, but Cersei will only have three. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds. And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you."

Valonqar means "little brother" in Valyrian, and while Cersei always thought it meant Tyrion, Jaime, while her twin, is technically also the younger, because of the two of them she was born first.

>By what right

Some autist in another thread broke it down, but if you look at the family trees the next people in line after Tommen are the main branch of the Lannister family. Tywin is dead, Jaime is a Kingsguard, Tyrion is a criminal, so that just leaves Cersei. She's actually the queen by right as well by good old force.

Thank you as well, user.

>oh wow she has a bodyguard whatever shall we do

Ever heard of an ambush?

Technically, Jaime is no longer a Kingsguard, so he should be able to inherit again? Or did you mean in the books.

gold cloaks have always sided with her. They're bought and paid for.

With the sparrows allahu akbar'd whos gonna stand up to the city watch and Gregor Cleave-gain?

>people of King's Landing paid the iron price
Euron's big cock WHEN?

>With the sparrows allahu akbar'd whos gonna stand up to the city watch and Gregor Cleave-gain?

I try every day.

Or the Reach at this point.

They also don't hold a lot of the Stormlands either.

I think Jaime is still technically able to inherit, but the assumption is that he doesn't want the throne so he's abdicated for all intents and purposes. Not that it would matter to Cersei anyway.

>Slandering the rightful Queen, the Empress Matilda, grandaughter of the Conqueror


I seriously hope you guys don't do this

Most likely she is just acting as Queen Regent till a suitable candidate can be found. That's probably what the general public thinks is going on, so that's why she gets to be Queen and ruler for the time being.

In actuality, if anybody tried to lay claim to the throne Cersei would probably have them assassinated or try to discredited their claim. There just isn't anybody right now at this point claiming right to the throne. The ones that can't aren't there yet or have gone in to hiding. That's just how it will stay for the time being till Dany comes to Westeros, she will most likely be the one to contest her claim to the throne.

Just calm down your autism, she'll probably be on the throne for 3-4 episodes at most next season.

>what is intimidation

"Fine with it?" Uh, no. They're fucking terrified. She wiped out half a royal family and the only other force in King's Landing worth worrying about.

Tommen did 303/AL

Her army just wants money and with every other lanister dead she has the keys to the treasury

Whats gunna happen to him senpai?

>Most likely she is just acting as Queen Regent
She was literally crowned. It was a coronation.

The fuck you talking about ? every single one of cersei's schemes has backfired.

The only person more incompetent than her is Robb "retard of da Norf" Stark

What the fuck did you just say about Robb? Who in the actual fuck do you think you are? I'll have you know that Robb was a fucking crowning achievement for his age and for his families honor! The only mistake he made was trusting a lying, drugging, whoring family into thinking he actually did something dishonorable. You're fucking trash user, literal human garbage that is flinging retarded accusations out of his mouth. I bet you think Robb deserved what he got too, I bet you enjoyed watching a 16 yo boy get killed after several families worked together to fuck him and his family RIGHT IN THE ASS. You're filth and I hope you feel like the garbage you are. Fuck you


Wow, you just noticed the villain is in fact, not in the right.

A golden one and a normal one.

Not to mention that the golden one is specifically made so he can grab goblets and presumably throats as well

You mean
Who is going to speak against her now?

People who lost family in the explosion?

Plus if she's mad enough to blow up fantasy Vatican City who knows what else she's going to destroy, better kill her before she wrecks more shit

Go to bed robb

hes going to stick lightbringer through her before it explodes into flames, which he will use to kill the night's king just light he killed the day's king

I honestly don't get how people are confused by this. Everyone within the city who could oppose her ascension to the throne is dead. Yes she has opponents outside, but she is easily the most powerful woman within King's Landing currently and that's all that matters to physically sit on the iron throne. It's quite clear the vast majority of the kingdom is now in open rebellion or anarchy.

Cool m8, I'm sure one of Robert's poor bastards is gonna come out of the woodwork and easily oppose the only person in King's Landing with an army.

It's called "seizing power"