In years to come, when then next great story comes along...

In years to come, when then next great story comes along, writers will be weary of trusting the electric jews because of what they did to ASOIAF.

are you fucking delusional m80?

EVERY WRITER in the world is dreaming about hitting it like GRRM

GRRM did it to himself. If he gave a single fuck about the integrity of his series he wouldn't have licensed a series that was underway and then spent 3 years giving only conferences and rolling in the paychecks. He'll probably die before ending his books, with only the series serving of any closure. It'll be a shame, but he brought it upon himself.

That being said I don't think he cares nearly as much about the integrity of his series as the monthly millionaire paychecks he's getting.

Also what said.

Well if he finished the fucking books already we wouldn't be in this mess.

>If he gave a single fuck about the integrity of his series he wouldn't have licensed a series that was underway and then spent 3 years giving only conferences and rolling in the paychecks.

This. But his rabid fans will not call him out on it. Guy probably doesn't even recognize this himself.

he cucked himself really. every major plot point has been revealed and the books will be largely irrelevant now.

if twow is not out before the show ends, i will kill myself

Must feel bad honestly. He got all his thunder stolen by the series.

I watched a recent interview and he honestly seemd a bit depressed about it. All his big plot twists are now revealed, the books will just be read by people who want to read a less-retarded version of the show events.

I seriously doubt he will go full globalist kike and turn the books into feminist propaganda.

I doubt he'll be able to finish the books. With how many storylines he has open I wouldn't be surprised if he needed an eight book to close it out, and we're talking about 1500-2000 page manuscripts here. He turns 68 this year and is midway on TWOW.

>All his big plot twists are now revealed
the show is fanfic, some plots such as hodor and r plus l equals j and the sept blowing up will be in books
not much has been spoiled

he could have solved that by having some discipline and sitting down to write the things.

he could have solved that by not selling a series that was half-finished, and a series that he knew he was having issues continuing.

when you reckon we will get twow ?


if he couldn't motivate himself to get it out so he could reveal the plot lines himself, why would he be motivated to do it now?

The show is following roughly the same landmarks as the book. For example the Dorne storyline was shit but it still ended in Fire & Blood. Jon Targaryen was revealed, Cersei going nuclear was revealed, Shireen getting burned at the stake and Stannis dying was revealed, etcetera.

Totally agree with that.

I want to say 2018 but I wouldn't be surprised if it was more like 2019-2020.

gurm is a huge feminist

He is now that DABID and co. own his ass.

This, I want to write my own fantasy story and honestly the end game would be to have a HBO show.

>. Jon Targaryen was revealed, Cersei going nuclear was revealed, Shireen getting burned at the stake and Stannis dying was revealed, etcetera.

Besides Jon nothing of that will even be close to what is going to happen in the books. The story in the show is way too different already.

wrong, all the missing male characters from the book were condensed into existing female characters in the show to make them seem like more than what they are

Shireen was hinted at by GURM if I recall correctly, Jon has to get revived which probably hints at Melisandre and a Stannis defeat. I mean it will change (it will actually be well written) but I think it's going to hit the same landmarks and have the same ending.

>Must feel bad honestly. He got all his thunder stolen by the series.

First of all, are you implying that literally every writer in the world wouldn't literally die to get what GRRM has right now?

Second of all, "what they did to ASOIAF"? As in, you know, turn it into a national phenomenon? Harry Potter movies left authors scrambling to get a hit on that level again, you think the same wouldn't apply now?

I wish you good fortune in the years to come...


and now,

It begins.

From an artist point of view he got his series fucked up. Not that he cares at all.

It's not the same.

Hrs in his fucking 70s now, despite his millions he still lives a very modest life and despite his newfound fame every single time he gets interviewed he talks about Tolkien and his legacy. He wants one of his own. And now he will forever be remembered as a sellout that turned his entire work into feminist propaganda for the retarded masses because he lacked the balls to pressure those kikes into actually putting some effort into the writing. There are scenes described in the books that were cheaper to produce than the shit we got and vastly superior in content.

Up to season 3 GoT was on course for becoming one of the best shows of the decade. Then they started deviating from the source material and it went to shite.

>And now he will forever be remembered as a sellout that turned his entire work into feminist propaganda for the retarded masses because he lacked the balls to pressure those kikes into actually putting some effort into the writing.

among people like you maybe

Anyone who read the books and watched the show can easily make the same conclusion because