Please cancel your spotify accounts asap

please cancel your spotify accounts asap

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shut up faggot no one cares

Seems weird they even ask for gender in the first place. It's music, who gives a shit


imagine getting this mad about this

Thanks OP canceling now. What option do we have left though? Google tried to get Hillary elected and their Android commercials push gayness and interracial relationships. We all know Apple is for fags although the iPhone is good and they're pro-privacy...

I'm fine with people identifying with any gender or not. However, I draw the line when people legitimately believe they are not the gender they were born with or had surgery and hormone therapy to be.

you're thinking of sex, not gender, though to be fair the words are used almost interchangeably by a lot of people

This is getting too god damn easy.

how do they target non-binary lel

I think it's cute

I'm not an expert of gender studies, so why is non-binary (which has to do with gender) included alongside male+female (which has to do with sex)? The only answer I can think of is this . However, if they really wanted to be respectful then wouldn't they instead of ambiguously asking for for your gender just ask if you wanted your ads tailored to:

>traditional male roles
>traditional female roles

pretty sure everyone would pick neither

That's why literally all of my ads are beer and hardware stores kek

Anohni, Gaga, shit like that.

>expert of gender studies
thank god

dammit. i'm trying to find a pic of herbie doing a peace sign so i can make the "how many genders are there" joke, but it seems as if herbie has never been photographed doing a peace sign in his life.

holy shit it's real...

Fuck Spotify and all of the other tech companies. Dirty politics, and they pay artists poverty wages.


>trying to involve Herbie in political/social issue memes.

That's it. You're getting a shitty Herbie song.

If you're really concerned you would just pay them like $50 for a file on bandcamp. That's what I do.

Non binary often refers to intersex people I think

While I get that, if you have premium, there are no ads. Also if they're putting non binary, the original question must be gender (how they identify). So I imagine they might be collecting listening data or trends popular within genders. I could see this as different music might resonate with different ages, genders, location, etc. so it might be included in recommendations or something.

You sound triggered OP.
Your only option is suicide, obviously.

I buy cassettes, because I'm not a pleeb cuck.

Again, fuck (((Silicon Valley)))

>intersex people
no such thing.

Literally KGB style nonsense forced on the American public.

I STILL can't get over the fact that Herbie single handedly invented vaporwave.

What a time to be alive.

>mr. hands

>he thinks physical media makes artists money and is free of corporate influence

>I don't know anything about biology


that's weird
I set my account up as male and I get makeup and women's clothing ads

because you literally fucking listen to music for retired boomer grandmas

WGAF, let the special snowflakes have their special snowflake option. It keeps them from getting their collective panties in a social media twist.

how does this affect you literally at all

buy directly from artists and REAL indie labels. Artists see at least 50%.

Fuck off with your soulless jew tech social engineering culture.

How do I get into Woody Guthrie?

How does the strangulation of independent media and subsequent domination of monopolized colluded corporate media promoting fake bullshit like gender fluidity affect me?

Right, I'm going to buy a piece of plastic that I immediately rip and then leave on a shelf for a decade before dropping off to a thrift store so somebody else can put it on their shelf for a decade before it's inevitable trip to the landfill and 10000 year decomposition process.

Forget that fucker.

Have some smooth jams from Herbie.

wtf I love Herbie now

Sheesh...looks like Herbie hasn't been eating his vegetables.

how does spotify offering a non-binary gender option affect you, yeah

lol no, get fucked

You can always spot Tumblristas by their absurd usages of the world "literally."