burned thread
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King Azor Jon
how can anyone like sansa, she will cuck you
>"When I read that scene, I kinda loved it. I love the way Ramsay had Theon watching. It was all so messed up. It’s also so daunting... I’ve been making [producer Bryan Cogman] feel so bad for writing that scene: “I can’t believe you’re doing this...!” But I secretly loved it."
first for blue eyes white drogon
I'm waiting for you to kill yourself first :-)
>the dragons fly all the way to westeros without anywhere to rest
Wow, she's actually hot af
raped by zombie Mountain for eternity.
all the female power shit was laughable
sand snakes killing the martells and ruling dorne is a fucking meme
Lads I'm starting to get a little bit nervous regarding Stannis.
Stannis not included in the finale. For a major character to not appear at all is pretty weird.
8th for smirkfu ;_;
I wanna shame all over her if you get what I'm sayin
Fuck, she's hot. Thought she was played by an uggo.
Does anyone have the flag waving dudes?
That's Unella? Noice.
>House Tyrell and house Baratheon extinct
Goddamn Sophie must be one hell of a freak. I bet she ran trains in her trailer during filming
The Reach-Dorne alliance needed to rendezvous with Dany with Varys in tow. Who says its outside Meereen and not outside Volantis or somewhere closer? It was open sea so at the very least its not in Slaver's Bay.
how? even on the show with close to no makeup and a nun's outfit she still has a nice face and stonkin big titties
No body = no death
Post them
Honestly, I was on board with everything until Cersei just didn't seem to give a fuck about Tommen dying. That is NOT her character.
Also, how the fuck did Varys jump from Mereen to Dorne back on to a ship in Mereen. What the fuck is that about
Dani should have left Missandei to rule.
the crippled son that is heir to high garden still lives
>go the mainland
>hunt and shit
>find their mom later
Why is she so perfect
>smirkfu is kill
They're saving him for the next season.
Birds can cross seas.
when did sansa warg
I must have missed it. I know that arya dreamed of being in nymeria but I thought Sansa had 0 warg feats or even hints
is there 2 varys in got world? or he is even faster than CIA? Dorne in 1 ep, and back to Merreen in the same Ep, that must be a record
Don't forget house Martel and house Stark and house Greyjoy ;)
>"Your god is evil!"
>9 episodes earlier
>"Remember that time I tried to kill you because my son died and called you the mother of demons and even called your religion evil?
>Well, do you know some crazy voodoo Lord of Light magic to bring this guy back even though I barely know him?"
>"He was a good friend."
>didn't even bother to show Varys returning with the news and reaction to it
why are the showmakers in such a rush to wrap things up?
it's like starting with the last season, they're not even pretending that they want to make the show
Gendry is still alive.
Olenna is still alive and can adopt someone or find a "bastard" to legitimize
they made one really really big ship for the dragons to rest on
Is Varys' teleporter the strongest in the series?
>house Baratheon extinct
you're forgetting about the man in the boat.
Actually, I think ... He is really dead.
They really took the whole jetpack meme to a new level with Varys in the finale. Mereen to Dorne to Mereen in literally no time all insane. And all so he could stand in the background of a shot.
>>"He was a good friend."
never gets old
He just swims really fast
>Honestly, I was on board with everything until Cersei just didn't seem to give a fuck about Tommen dying. That is NOT her character.
She did give a fuck, she must've just done the mourning in private and trying to hold her composure the best she can.
She's lost two children up to that point, she must be numb now.
>The Northerners have been cucked out of their Kingdom by a Targ
Tell me what you see.
no BIG COCK and BALL to weigh him down
reminder that this scene served no purpose except for shock value.
>we want the YA audience
So is the rest of Dorne apparently find that what was left of their royal family was murdered, with the murderers just chilling there? I'm honestly surprised these cunts haven't been assassinated yet.
Varys is a Merling, confirmed
I know you guys are reeing at this feminist shit but when you see your daughters face light up inspired, its hard to care.
Lyanna Mormont is based asf.
>actually thinking Jon is a Targ because of the finale
I bet you struggle with PTA films too
Not everything is a chekov's gun Preston
Pretty sure he isn't in the show though, it's only Margaery and Loras with Loras constantly being named as the heir to Highgarden.
There are still plenty of Tyrells left. They simply weren't mentioned in the TV show.
List of people who are likely still alive because we never saw them die or the body:
Who else?
The 4 horsemen from Dexter! :D
why would your daughter watch this show you retard
>she's 41
Some women really pull off the milf look.
If Dany finds out Jon is Rhaegar's son they will definitely fuck.
So I guess arya stole a few faces?
so she wont even land til Episode 10 S7 right?
>Not wanting to see her penetrated by multiple white westerosi phalluses
>surely it just looks like she's trapped and she'll get out-
>wide shot shows the whole surrounding quarters to also be demolished
>he is STILL in denial
Look at him, look at him and laugh.
>killer kids to go with the opening edginess
these niggers don't compromise, they'll bring every bad idea to life as they imagined it, to the fullest
1 EPISODE = 1 day in some places, MONTHS/WEEKS in others perhaps.
Black Walder
The other frey supposed to be in the pie
Euron + Cersei alliance when
>That is NOT her character
Except hat's literally her character.
Read the part about her prophecy in the book, she has been consciously working to fulfill it from that very moment.
or he murdered some people in westeros
it's a shame we never saw them titties.
So Arya is le teleports behind you assassin now?
next season is 7 eps i think
1st for Frank
why does the wildfire explode?? I thought it just burnt shit
It's called character development.
Fuck off, lad. It zoomed in on the baby's face then Jon's appeared over it as it went back to his scenes.
they actually had planned to show the rape scene like early dany, but backed off due to SJWs
>Implying me, a man on Sup Forums with a child, is a good enough parent to not just block her eyes when the nasty shit comes on.
Jon is Ned's son and if you deny it after this episode, you're fucking stupid.
>anons after knowing that the general was made by Bradamante
So how long will it take slow show watchers to realise that making an eight-year-old girl deliver epic speeches to "tough and brooding" Northern lords is beyond bad production.
It's truly awful. A scene like that never would've appeared in the first two seasons.
The Blackfish.
The fuck is the point of Euron. At most he'll probably enslave or kill a Dragon when he encounters Dany's fleet on their way to the Westerlands
>halfhand has to sacrifice himself for jon
>Yiggy had to spare Jon a killing blow
>some wench had to save him from fooking 2 knives
>ollie had to save him from yiggy
>Stannis had to save him from Mance
>needed Tormund to save his ass at Hardhome
>needed Davos and magic to save his ass after he got merc'd
>needed sansa and the cavalry to save him at bastardbowl
>needed a little girl to.convince everyone to follow him
Is Jon the worst leader in Westeros?
LIKE how
Fuck Tumblr, seriously.