Alright, faggots. Let's settle this once and for all. Walt vs Tony - Who Wins?

Alright, faggots. Let's settle this once and for all. Walt vs Tony - Who Wins?

in what? baldness, badassness, money or crime or worse wife ever?

Better character? Tony
Better actor? Bryan Cranston

Tony wins all of those things.

In an indirect fight with prep time and all that bullshit, Walter easily.

walt cant win no matter what happens.

How? Walt has no goons. The only way he wins is plot armor.

tony got murdered, walt lived

checkmate athiests

If Walt was able to get Gus who was attached to Cartels and with bodyguards with him at all times, he should be able to get a boss of a small mob family who frequents strip clubs.

Tony has aggression in his blood, he was born for the job




kill yourself.

that and the noble prize winning brain, which is just as common as a 9mm pistol.

the dumb italian wins because he's italian. what does walt have?


>there are still plebeians that don't find Carmela to be perfectly fine and one of the best female characters even
I am dissapointed in you
Tony is miles ahead of Walter White in everything, Gandolfini is even a better actor

Comparing BB and The Sopranos is like comparing Stephen King and Dostoievski

Breaking Bad is set in a fantasy world in which Walt can kill Gus and get away with it. If he were to face tony in the real world, he'd get whacked in no time unless he's an interior decorator.

Tony is relatively unguarded though.

He actively invites people to take a shot at him too, because he knows nobody has the guts to do so or they'll be dead in the gutter after. Is Tony the most alpha male on the planet?

>Better actor? Bryan Cranston
Kill yourself.


tony is a man
walt is a scientific man
can't beat science
proof: science built this world; civilization; with maybe some aid from that other thing thing

>says carmella
>posts a pic of meadow

are you even trying?

> worst wife ever
> Carmella
Fuck off. Carm's a gem.

Was this scene pure kino?

Fuck off.

Tony would when Walt was just starting out.

Later Walt has too much money for Tony to really touch. He could simply buy her is way out of any problem Tony would throw.

Do you honestly think sopranos was realistic nigger? A mob boss casually drinking coffee outside with his mob on the same spot for years?

tony because his show didn't consist of only unlikable characters

Why not huh? Do you think mobsters don't go into public? Do you think they always wear ski masks wherever they go?

You mean he wins a Tony

Walt. To quote another HBO show. "he can find his people a lot easier than he can fin' me. Ya feel me?"

This is assuming the mob sticks to it's "families are off limits" policy.

Walt would just lay low and hit him with something unexpected (carbomb, poison, 737, etc)

That said sopranos is a much better show.