Did anyone else find her incredibly hot growing up?

Did anyone else find her incredibly hot growing up?

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What a stupid fucking thread. Mods, please send this reprobate to the cuck dungeons.

Ahh three's company, I remember this show.

that's not how the character was suppose to be taken, she was suppose to be an intellectual for nerds to relate too.

fucking idiots.

no one found her sluttiness hot. that's just what you degenerates think.

Mila yes, but you need to strangle a bitch with a voice like that

>wahhhh why isnt this capeshit googoo gaagaa batman!!

If it makes you feel any better, she died... but not before becoming a worthless meth whore.

>show with milfy Tanya Roberts
>looking at other women

You're doing it wrong.

If it happened, I'm sure that wasn't the casting directors intent, must've been pure coincidence.

why did they make her into such an idiot?

Ms. Roberts isn't really known for her range.

Nice trips, but she's not that bad an actress. I'm guessing it was the same as with Eric: parents being the opposite of their kids.

>growing up

Do you need any more proof that the average age on Sup Forums is 15?


that 70s show aired in 1998 you dense fuck. kids born in the 90s, even as late as 98 are all over the age of 18 by now.



She OD'd in 2013... she's dead.

I know, that's why I was laughing at the "net worth" picture

No one found the semi attractive blonde slut with no bra on hot. Not a single one of us. Thanks for the bait, it was delicious.

Read her wiki page if you need being depressed about the futility of life


i hope she got blacked before dying
she looks like the archetypal bbc whore