Help me out Sup Forums

Help me out Sup Forums.....

So my ex and I just watched a couple episodes of a show before we split up, this was two years ago. Now....I've been really itching to watch the show cause it was good....and I for the fucking life of me cannot find it anywhere or figure out the name at all..... Her and I don't talk and I'm don't wanna fucking ask her.

I'm like two episodes in so I don't have much, and well obviously been a while so memory is fuzzy. Something along the lines of, it follows a family a the father is a cop and they have kid(s) but something happened to either one of the kids or the mom and they died. Well another planet Earth shows up in our solar system out of fuckin no where and its a complete replica same people and everything. I don't remember much but I know the dad hit a dog in his car and I was sad about died.....Any way, that's my horrible show description and you'd think with at least the double earth bullshit I'd be able to google this bitch but fucking nothing Sup Forumsros help me out.......

Pic unrelated its my doge

Other urls found in this thread:

i'm sorry i don't have answers i need to find a thread and this one was empty. I love you here's something you don't see every day



I thought it was better than I dunno & I bumped the thread making the obvious lame joke.



what was the thread?



only ugly fat gay newf4gs use this pic cuz they have no friends and ugly af like u



ANOther earth

That is a movie, I'm talking about a show. That is what I found myself when googling though. Not it though.

Seriously though, I've asked so many people googled the fuck out of it and just always come up with nothing..... I'll be fucking damned if I have to ask her lol.


Read the plot faggot thats what you are looking for

I know lol, but I've always watched through that to make sure it wasn't and its not. It's simply not the same shit we watched and again....not only that a movie. We watched a few episodes that I do remember. I appreciate the try though


Might be this show:

Remember the father being a cop and some dog that got hit. Only watched like two episodes.

But you're also describing the plot to a movie called "Another Earth".

Oh my fucking god thats it, THANK YOU user. Yeah I know it described Another Earth haha I found it long ago on my first try and watched through it to make sure I wasn't mistaken. I got parts wrong but w/e you got me what I needed, thanks bro

No worries scro. Enjoy, and fuck your ex.

Still working on riding myself of that cloud