What did he mean by this?

>What did he mean by this?
Meme some more, you insipid cunt. Christ, I fucking hate you so much.

Other urls found in this thread:


>you insipid cunt
What did he mean by this?

Matt will leave over Evans bullying of others?
That's a true bro,friend.
What a friend, bro.

FACT: This poster gets buttmad by words and images

FACT: He is a faggot


He's basically saving Top Gear, ain't he? Based Joey.

Chandler Bing cohosting Top Gear with Joey when

perry is a washed up hack

If LeBlanc leaves then they lose the ONLY thing going for them right now. LeBlanc is the only thing remotely entertaining about new Top Gear.

what if they tell him if he wins the competitions theyll give him amphetamines

now youre talking competitiveness


>meme some more
What did he meme by this?



>shouty and patronizing
Wasn't that Clarkson's thing?

Sack Evans. He deserves it so much.

Bring in David Schwimmer and Matthew Perry


But Clarkson has charm and charisma. You knew it was just bantz, he has manners.




How did they make Top Gear such a shitshow? I don't think you could make a show so boring with a bunch of behind the scenes drama if you purposely tried.

What authority is Matt LeBlanc on cars? What authority is he on live TV? He's been on one successful show, scripted, twenty years ago.

That would be the best possible show one could come up with.

>What authority is Matt LeBlanc on cars?
You don't have to be Michael Schumacher to host a stupid fun show on the tele, you stupid mongrel.

Then why not have it hosted by Russel Brand, Piers Morgan, and Diane Abbott?

just let leblanc take over and promote the german to co presenter.

>she will never suffocate you between her thick teutonic thighs while demanding that you make her cum

I heard her grandad drove the trains at Auswitchz

i'm not a britfag
why all the evans hate?

that makes my dick even harder

>implying that vegetable is an authority on anything

He's a petrolhead.

Good idea! Get on with that.

Autistic cuck that you're supposed to like, but everyone hates.
Like John Oliver or something.

This was always the point. They knew the public would hate whoever took over. So they put a ginger tool in charge, as a focal point for all the hate and to make all the other new presenters look better by comparison. They sack Chris Evans at the end of series 1, with a massive payoff, and carry on with the presenters they wanted in the first place.

Heres how we fix Topgear

>Remove Evans
>Less Leblanc
>More Chris Harris
>More Rory (but tell him to calm down a bit)
>Stop trying to immitate old Top gear with le epic challanges etc
>Bring back the news segment
>Less time for celebrity in car bit or remove it alltogether
>Make everyone chill the fuck out and stop trying so hard

So is this the English pimp my ride?

No this is:
Fun fact: this guy is the son of the Bishop of Peterborough.


>putting an american guy in Top Gear as anything other than a guest
Fucking huge mistake

In have nothing against americans but he just sticks out like a sore thumb

If they want to fix Top Gear, they should just end the series and make a different car show with a different name, format and style.

get laid.

Get Matt hosting with Jay Kay.

just bring back Mac 'n Cheese

Wait, before all you guys were shitting on Evans and saying LeBlanc was the only good part of the show. Now that LeBlanc has come out and agreed that Evans is shitty, you're saying that it was a mistake hiring an American and he just can't 'handle the bantz.'