Hey b/ros my girlfriend just had this guy say all this fucked up stuff how he is going to fuck her and rape her and...

hey b/ros my girlfriend just had this guy say all this fucked up stuff how he is going to fuck her and rape her and make her his bitch. i am gonna find him and kick his ass but first im thinking insta raid. andybangderhards is his username. send him fucked up pictures or messages. help me out


Grow a pair of balls and fuck off.


His username on what? Sup Forums?

K dude

instagram is all i have

he goes from girl to girl saying really disgusting things, this nigga is the type of guy to jerk it in the locker room

Fuck you faggot

thats his user or jerry randall mcgraw

post nude pics of her
I might want to fuck her too

and how will you make this worth our while?

well, why don't you go jerk him off then?

what do you want, op will deliver


NYPA faggot
>ima kick his ass but first let's play keyboard warriors.
How old are you 12?
Kys fag, also your gf is a slut anyways

she probably misses a nice stiff cock be careful user

this thread.... is a mess

nudes of your gf

how about nudes of your girlfriend, the living room vacum

Sorry, we don't help crybaby democrats.

I get where you're coming from. I do.

But ask yourself: Why should anyone care?

This guy is just an internet creep looking to freak people out and rustle jimmies. Now I know a thing or two but when somebody rustles your jimmies, and boy are your jimmies rustled, the worst thing you can do is feed the troll by doing anything but calmly asking them to stop once and never replying back again. Be chill.

Boy, you are on Sup Forums asking Sup Forums to be your private army. That is the complete opposite of chill.

>Army Request: Denied

If this is op we have a 12yr old cuck in the making. Please refer to

yeah but he goes to school with her, im in a diffrent college. im honestly worried about him in the same school as her. its not a good school if you know what i mean

post her butthole, or jerry will cornhole your fat, ugly gf.

Normally I would use the not your personal army roody poo excuse, but trolling is fun so ok OP

well, he's going to fuck her right in the b-hole. you had your chance to post her nudes, but you just want to be the "leader" of a "top secret international elite hacker organization", so you can brag to your friends about how cool and scary you are.

gtfo, candy-ass.

thanks man i shouldnt have asked 4 chan, im trying to find a program to plague his phone number

i wasnt planning on telling anyone, i just want this guy to hurt, my girlfriend called in tears. i dont want this getting out it was me

don't worry op. we will totally be your pa after you post her nudes.

There is another raid tonight. Join OpRopke:

/sg/ saved your asses by stalling the globalists offensive!

Now we need all of Sup Forums to bullycide the Lugenpresse into oblivion!


here you go thats her, i hope she doesnt know these got out