I'm no stranger to dubs

I'm no stranger to dubs

paarreeently u r tho

Yes you are. There's only a 1 in 11 chance that anyone, let alone you, will get dubs at any give post.

Try harder, faggot.

>1 in 11

Correction: 1 in 10 chance

I will take dubs


never gonna give you dubs

dubs gonna let me down

Who remembers dub wizzard?

never gonna run around and desert dubs


never gonna make you dubs

dubs gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt dubs


We've known dubs for so long

get on my level


You fool... you cannot even begin to comprehend the power of the dub side

They think dubs are cool

And so do I

Master... please teach me


teach me, master.

Oh my... I went to correct you but you might actually be right

