What the fuck is this
What the fuck is this
how did that fucking ham galaxy cock goblin even make it the fuck outside
Average american
The future.
Lol look at how fucking widely stretched those poor shoes are
Probably a gainer.
Only possible explanation why he wouldn't be ashamed to come out as gay looking like that.
The real reason for potholes.
i`m confused
when did we send a gay astronaut to Mars?
What's wrong? A gay guy with a flag on his big rig had to move. Can you not see the "No delivery," you fucking newfag?
Why does that guy have to step in for a closer look?
It's a fat faggot, much like I assume you are
and that there is the face of a feeder
the future, deal with it straight faggots
what is it?
your average american democrat in the year 2016
Select all areas with street signs
nice feet
Good thread
I worked with a guy that was that fat and he was gay too. I don't think that he was actually gay, I think he was just desperate to get some and the women who knew weren't having it.
this too dangerous
him being fat and gay means only one thing
whether you`re gay or straight it won`t make a difference any more..
you`re bound to get swallowed in by his gravitational pull
so its a win/win for him
There is this guy that I always fucking see that looks similar to this. Super huge easily 450lbs. Saw him on a dating app saying he wanted to get fucked and suck cock. I almost puked. Lol. Yuck! Haha
I'd do it.
Fatties have an ideal body for fucking. Huge asses, huge tits no matter the gender, tiny dicks so you have an excuse to always top, and their huge, round bellies just scream that it's gonna take a lot to fill them up.
i wonder if he`s a bottom or a top
probably at the top
... of the food chain
nice feet
If I ever get that fat. Please some one kill me.
>straight faggots
If you're in any danger of ever getting that fat, I want to kill you already.
That's a participant in the fat pride parade.
If you're this fat, you're a bad person, no matter what. It doesn't matter why you eat as much as you do. It's most likely just pure gluttony, but even if it's a coping mechanism or a mental or gastric disease or something, it's still all your fault one way or another, and your weight is proof. Some skinny people use eating to cope, but they're good people and it's not their fault, because if it were, it would have made them fat.
A faggot hamplanet
should'a read
Mike Pence is trialling a new method to cure homosexuality.
How did Mike Pence put on weight so quickly?
AUTIST (n): A brilliant but very ignorant and closed minded person, with the tact of a dirty diaper, the maturity of the kid it came from, and the emotional range of the trash bin it wound up in.
The cause of obesity is not hating yourself enough.
Some people are born good but others are born weak of character and need to recognize that and be profoundly ashamed of how selfish they are so they can stop being so selfish. If they aren't adequately ashamed and depressed, this is what happens to them.
A gay whale.
Haha I get it
Someone PLEASE put ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING on the bottom!
Looks like an old citizens bank to me, probably using it for storage until its leased again.
It's a 500lb fagopolypse