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the passfag is Albanian

Go fuck yourselves

then why would I own


if I'm Albanian?

kala re file den updateares edw kai ena mhna, ti egine f@m?
t. varvatila

eixa doulies, kapios prepei na einai to kefaleo gia na xrimatodotisi tin epixirisi

Χασούρα στο forex ε;

Όχι όχι, στον πάγkο με τα τυριά στο σουπερμάρkετ

oxi, eimai prasinotatos edo kai kana eksamino

hello, which one of you is my totally not qt but lovely and strict queen?

Θα προτιμούσα το ράφι με τις kαπότες kαι αποσμητιkά τβχ
Μένεις Κηφισιά;

enough already

Speak american you fucking homo greeks


None. I told you there are no women in Sup Forums.



Συναγερμό έχεις στο σπίτι σου;

yes, when you ask a greek something and they type "oksi" it is a sign they give their agreement. OK comes from the Greek oksi. Their word for "no" is the same as ours, "ne",


yes i know

oksi means ok as in yes
nai means ne as in no

greek is so easy

>Bulgarian education

elega na proslavo arthografous, na tous dino kana 20evro to mina na grafoun kathe mera arthra.

se ena spiti, nai.

What have you done to help the noble cause of Transylvanian independence?

>when your whole life you're taught that vulgars are asian tataro-mongol-gypsies trying to steal your land
>tfw you find out that you are actually them and you've been deluded your whole life

Just when i thought Ikibey was gone forever, this austistic retard shows up.

>when you find out you have been the tataro-mongol the whole time

praise tengri desu

Can Germany control greece fully already, remove greek retard politicians, make greece Germany, organized and beutiful

You literally cannot prove me wrong

I'm down for it. Make everyone blond and white again.

He's been around for a while, but he is trying to copy Iki hardcore now.

These. Maybe we should invite the non-cucked Germans here?

I am talking about the current Germany m8, progressive and organized and anti racist/bigot/transphobe/homophobe etc

It is clear greek politicians arent gonna do much especially with corruption and only Germany can find a way to destroy the autistic greek church and separate it from state

>Advanced infrastructure
>Countryside has good life conditions
>European cities with beautiful architecture
>Well-maintained bike lanes
>White and germanic

>Dirt roads because only horse carts and 50 year old cars travel them
>Countryside is Ukraine-tier
>Ugly cities, commieblocks everywhere
>Shitty bike lanes left to rot

Nu ma mai compara cu ikibey
Nu era amuzant si nu incerc sa il copiez

I don't mind any of that, as long as it is shitskin-free

of course it's implicit that it's also muslim-free


>Can Germany control greece fully already
It kinda does
pic related


How does this make you feel?

>unironically replying


Happy that Germans are finished

It shows

He forgot to include Transylvania

Sup Forums e plin de specimene instabile, il ignori si aia e


makes me wish we could turn back time, back to the good old days

How do you feel about cucked Hillary?

i'm back, btw


She lost

also remove those stupid pics/warnings from ciggie packs


im the guy sleeping

@71343403 (You)

Post your McDonald's cancer faggot

You misunderstand
I'm pro Trump

Croatia > gap > a steaming pile of shit> gayreece


You can't hide pandaren

yeah sure thing kiddo

Hmm the range ban is gone, i think it is time to fix this ;^)

omg are you the queen?

Thanks for confirming you are a retard

Tell your friends.

Why we know more about Mexican languages than Spartan Greeks? I thought you were white and acted like whites.

Giannis Antentokounmpo #NBAvote

>his turboautism wil reinstate the ban in no time

when will you eat yourself to death fatass?

how do you get range banned?

Some quality vagentleman porn should fix it ;^)

Men can have vaginas too you know

well are you my goddess? pls respond

why did you get banned?

Lurk this thread, pandaren is here.
He's maybe worse than ikibey

Ikibey is funny

Humans are obsolete



oh k

Romania was also range banned at one point iirc

He's an autist loser. Pandaren is disqusting too.

I am the greek furfag

Please keep reporting, the more times i get banned the sooner they will reinstate the range ban

We cant let Sup Forumstard greeks have a safe space, they need to be cut off from Sup Forums and die alone

Not everything is about sex you slut, also that vid is repulsive, women are ewww, men with vaginas are superior because they are men!

why haven't you still moved to the states loser?

He served in the army though. He's a citizen.

Yes but Ikibey is a meme
Pandaren is just pathetic

>Please keep reporting, the more times i get banned the sooner they will reinstate the range ban
you want to get my queen banned?

you want me to go down to your sweaty tropical country and strangle your hairy ass?

>you want me to go down to your sweaty tropical country and strangle your hairy ass?
pls do exactly that

Served as I4 thalamoskylo

more than half of our posters are poltards and roleplaying retards likerangeban us now

How fucking disabled do you have to be?

Nah with the drumpf cuck being full on retard it doesnt sound good, i would love to go to Germany but i hate how everything is in German, too lazy to learn another language.

Oh well, still getting ecdis/gas course certificates from kesen so got time till my first voyage to decide where to go

>served in the army
>not avoiding it like a pro

The range ban needs to be reinstated, you are just helping me with it ;^)

And i agree, greece is a shithole, too hot, disgusting weather. Need something cold and dry

pandaren and macedonian slave are here, everybody let's summon ikibey too

t.pandaren fag

still served though, even as an overweight I4.
Good have gone full fag and not serve.

>diasporas leave
>this is what /balk/ turns into

you need us like water

>Imbecili fag

We need them all in order to impose dominance upon the lesser generals

There are many ways to get it, from psychological bullshit to obesity to other physical stuff.

Friend o'mine is cross-eyed and he got I4, though he didn't really want to (wanted to go to Cyprus and get paid fat bucks).

Would you entrust pandaren with a g3 and ammo?

I'm not roleplaying though, I really am from Transylvania

Yes, with my life

To kill himself yes.


user i am not a moralfag or an emotional cuck, i only kill when i am safe from the consequences ;^)

Where else are u shitposting right now?