What was wrong with it Sup Forums?
What was wrong with it Sup Forums?
Nothing desu
Maybe throw in 15 min worth of film with the first owl book
Slow mo scenes
Adrian's casting
super punches and super karate
Dan not being over 40 and fat
Silk Spectre's awful acting
Hi-tech-y, cool-looking superhero suits.
Nit picking, really. Movie was as good an adaptation as we could've gotten.
it's more relevant now than ever
even the Black Freighter story, instead of mirroring Veidt's arc it mirrors Rorschach's
Give it another shot when you're older than 25.
Read the novel
I did
blue penis
>Nit picking, really. Movie was as good an adaptation as we could've gotten.
A reasonable poster on Sup Forums? the fuck is this bizarro world?
Simultaneously too much and too little Rorschach
You forgot to add that it gave birth to Before Watchmen.
Nah, Before Watchmen was going to happen regardless.
People can't seem to let good things alone.
Nothing wrong with getting BLUED.
>slow mo scenes
I like them
>Adrian's casting
relevant to today's society, fucking degenerate homo hanging out with Bowie and being a neo-Jesus Christ Superstar-type while prostituting himself to manipulate others is more poignant than muh comicbook canon
>super punches and super karate
I like it, cry more muh comicbookfag
>Dan not being over 40 and fat
now that is nitpicking, Wilson was 36 at the time
>Silk Spectre's acting
I don't have a problem with it, I feel like it's another forced meme like the "Snyder is dumb" meme
She IS naive and pretends to not be a fish out of water
>Hi-tech-y, cool-looking superhero suits
>don't have a problem with it either
cool quads tho
>I like them
Well you¡re an idiot.
>>Adrian's casting
>relevant to today's society, fucking degenerate homo hanging out with Bowie and being a neo-Jesus Christ Superstar-type while prostituting himself to manipulate others is more poignant than muh comicbook canon
Again, you're an idiot.
>I like it, cry more muh comicbookfag
Still an idiot.
>now that is nitpicking, Wilson was 36 at the time
And still didn't look the part.
>I don't have a problem with it, I feel like it's another forced meme like the "Snyder is dumb" meme
Well, what can be expected from an idiot lik you.
>She IS naive and pretends to not be a fish out of water
>Hi-tech-y, cool-looking superhero suits
>don't have a problem with it either
Bet you own every transformers movie on dvd.
>cool quads tho
To sum up, you have rather shitty taste, but you seem to be ok with it so props.
why is no one bringing up the ending? it was garbage
It was a mess and inconsistent as fuck
Ending? Nothing ever ends, user.
>instead of mirroring Veidt's arc it mirrors Rorschach's
In the comic the whole point is that it draws parallels with plenty of characters
The only thing wrong is that Rorschach is way too tall in your pic
Well that's a matter of perspective.
The most grating issue is the soundtrack. It completely ruins the mood.
literally nothing. one of the top three greatest capefilms ever made.
Objectively best capekino.
Nothing, really
It's probably the best capeshit adaptation in existence
On a semi related note, when's bvs ultimate cut coming put?
It's an anti capeshit story and you call it capeshit. K.
Soundtrack is the only default of this kino
The popsong though
Intro music was good
Watchmen theme : GOAT
You guys keep forgetting that the slo mo was a technique used to simulate, or should I say represent, reading a comic book. Going from one panel to another.
Not a whole lot, honestly.
>mainly the ending makes less sense than the one in the comic,
>Out of place music.
>Ozy's costume.
>Silk spectres casting.
>Not including hollis masons death, the deleted scene is pure feels.
>Some weird line delivery at times. "Adrian, you're such an asshole."
>That gratuitous painfully long unsexy sex scene with terrible choice of music.
Besides that it's great.
The dr. Manhatten origin is done as well as it ever could have been, the casting for nite owl, comedian and Rorschach is perfect. The opening credits are my favorite opening to any movie.
It's great to be honest, almost as good as a watchmen adaptation could have possibly been.
it was too edgy?
its wasnt edgy enough?
... i wish someone would just give me the answers
it was sharp
Cool. Looks like shit regardless.
>What was wrong with it
Zack Snyder
Watchmen is a clunky, poorly paced mess with some of the worst action sequences and a lot of tone deaf scenes. I went with a group of comic book fans as well as some people who weren't familiar with the material, and nobody left the theater pleased.
Best part was maybe the intro, but even that is flawed by a poor choice of soundtrack (the song is anachronistic and the lyrics are too obvious).