Welp, that was the least surprising plot twist of the entire series

Welp, that was the least surprising plot twist of the entire series

Do showfags actually know what's going on here?

I haven't read the books, but if it weren't for all the bookfags spamming R+L=J, I don't think I'd have any fucking idea what the significance of that scene was.

Yeah seems like a weird decision to not just have her call him Jon.

when the baby's face fades into jon snows face i think it becomes somewhat clear

Well the Showfags must have got the idea that the baby is Jon. I guess they don't want to lay it on thick that JON SNOW IS A TARGARYEN GET HYPE in one scene. They'll do the full reveal next season which will show the true significance of that scene to showfags.

I think you're overestimating showfags

They've been highlighting the fact that Jon is a bastard over and over this season. He's been called a bastard like 20 times in one episode even.

The normies will probably be confused and think Ned slept with his sister and that he's now an incest baby.

The scene switching immediately to Jon is a pretty big hint for the cognitively impaired.

They'll probably have to remind them who the Targaryens are next season though.

this desu

So shouldn't the time travelling raven ghost also be there?

Could Rhaegar and Lyanna have got married if he was already married to the Dornish woman? Cause it'd be funny if all the normies who support Snow realise he still can't get iron throne cause he's still a bastard.

It also be funny to see them trying to justify shipping an auntie with her nephew.

I'm sorry, does this have consequence?

Bloodline DOES NOT MATTER. Jon Snow is a King. Cersei Fuckall is a Queen. Dany just blows her way through everything.

Can someone explain to me how this is a plot twist? We just get to see Johns real mother. What's the big deal? Am i missing something?

Some bastard has royal blood. WHO CARES? Not legitimate.

Well, they probably know the baby is Jon because of the obvious scene transition. But most of them probably won't know that he's half Targaryan.


Because Ned Stark had told everyone that Jon was his son with some random strumpet. So now it turns out he's not Ned's son but Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen.

Jon Snow is a Targ. If you've even watched the past 6 seasons you know this has very real consequences

After reading through the books, between 2-3 it becomes somewhat obvious.

After re-reading even just book one, it's painfully obvious.

In the shows, there's at least one scene in each season that leaves a clue, the crypts of winterfell conversation between sansa and baelish, the subtlety of his 'mother' in season one, the flashbacks from this season, and maester aemon's comments throughout.

If you would still be in a world of 'idk what's going on', you must have a square rooted iq.

Yes. People aren't literally retarded.
It's not subtle at all. You fucking mong.
>In previous episode reel
>In your face exposition about Rhaegar raping her

Rhaegar didn't rape her.

'Lyanna loved flowers'

Ned finds her in the tower of joy surrounded by blood and rose pedals'

one of dozens of indicators that they were in love.

Lyanna Stark, who was promised to Robert Baratheon, was abducted or eloped with Rhaegar Targaryan. Presumably, the son is his, making Jon Snow actually Jon Targaryan. Ned lied and said Jon was his bastard because they knew Robert would kill the child for being a Targaryan.

I know. I was just regarding the line about rape. To showfags it became clear this episode that it wasn't actually rape.

Sorry bud, he's still a snow. Just Rhaegar's son. He's stll married to Elia

I think the problem is that GRRM is such a Jew slow writer that by the time he releases the next book the previous one has been so analyzed carefully hinted at twists are extremely obvious.

showfags displayed a clear world of retardation in last nights threads far beyond that of the previous 9 weeks.

Wouldn't he be a Rivers or Sand? Tower of Joy is in Dorne right?

And Jon is not even his true name

I'm trying to remember if 'technically' the region in which you were born in dictates your last name or simply where the father is from.

If it's where you were born, then the sandsnakes need to have about half their last names changed.

You say that as a joke but one of my showfag friends said exactly this.

Yeah, it's pretty apparent from book one that Jon is not Ned's bastard. When Ned has the flashbacks in Ethernet Red Keep dungeons, it becomes clear that Rhaegar either raped her or impregnated her willingly. Either way the result is the same.

Maybe in the eyes of the law, but Elia didn't have three kingsguard protecting her, did she? Rhaegar also shat on her at the tourney to give Lyanna the flower. He loved her more and would have married her had the outcome of the rebellion been different.

The jig is up and I'm outed as a lowly phoneposter.

True, all of it totally true. I just don't think 'in the eyes of the law' jon's last name is technically targaeryan, that's all. He IS one, just doesn't have the last name.

Who? i can't remember all these fucking names and families.

It's also interesting via ned because, I don't recall one time him ever remembering a time where he broke his vows to catelyn, it's all said or thought from another person's point of view.

Side fact I guess, not entirely relevant at this point in time.

Did Neds wife whatever the fuck she was called know about this? Is this why she hated him so much?

To be fair his cell probably has terrible wifi reception.

The headless horsemen in season one

Who? Season 1 aired like 5 years ago. How the fuck am i supposed to remember that.

Ned never told anyone, not even his wife.

Initially it would seem ridiculous not to at least tell her, but there's several different conflicts that just, I would assume, make ned go 'Aw fuck it, I can leave with the least of immoral circumstances'.

Jon is still his nephew, and what with Jon now being the heir to the throne (in some aspect), Robert now holds that throne, we wouldn't want jon growing up and getting any funny ideas, nor robert. (keep in mind at the time it was assumed the viserys and dany are nowhere to be found or dead)

Robert wanted all the targs dead. So did tywin for that matter as a means of team switching. Robert was betrothed to lyanna, lyanna is ned's sister, jon is ned's nephew and so on and so on.

Yeah, easiest route would just be to claim jon as his own without further conflict.

No she didn't know. SHe hated him because she thought he was Ned's bastard son with another woman. Honestly Ned should have probably told her.

I kek'd

Exactly. Ned is one of the most honorable characters and he dishonored himself to spare her son out of love. He went to an early grave for honor in trying to spare Cersei's children.

The illegitimate child stood between him and Cat too, she really hated Jon and never forgave Ned. Really adds another layer to his character.

Really? Hell fucking no she didn't know. She would've sold him out ASA-fucking-P. She hated him because he embodies like 99% of her insecurities.

She literally prayed to the gods for him to die, then when he almost died she was like "lol jk," then when he didn't die she was like "lol I was jk about jk I really do hate this baby for no fucking reason."

I'd say it's between her and Cersei for most inhuman shit in the series, and I typed this while considering The Mountain AND Joffrey. She's a fucking piece of shit and they don't communicate it well enough in the show. I'm glad Stoneheart is not coming.

Although this is from the guy that was saying LOL CERSEI'S GONNA KILL THEM ALL WITH WILDFIRE RIGHT NOW BUT JK JK NOT RLLY as it was happening and just about cried at Tommen's bullshit.

Fuck D&D, I watched the last 5 seasons again over the past 2 weeks and they dropped like 3 hints a season that Cersei was gonna do that shit, not even that subtle because I was hardly paying attention and still caught it.


How is that surprising in any way. Since Season 1, since the books this has been the prevalent theory.

Yeah but, trying to orchestrate something with catelyn to 'let's just pretend he's my bastard at the dinner festivities and act like everything is ok' would be a little more difficult seeing as everyone in westeros is nosy as shit. plus with all the jabs and comments, at some point catelyn's frustration COULD boil over and she spills the beans. If she didn't pose any problem with Jon, what would the reaction be from others at that point? She gave a somewhat (but a little extreme and prolonged) reaction to the whole ordeal.

Besides, ned's not our top choice for scheming or coming up with white lie ideas. This was probably just the easiest decision.

To be fair, she was gonna use it when Stanis raided the city in season 2. The thing they don't communicate well is that this is a result of her paranoia (Joffrey is the only one dead at this point in the books), and she progressively descends into madness. Not to mention, the maggy the frog prophecy starts to play itself more and more in her head the further along she goes in the story.

>The normies will probably be confused and think Ned slept with his sister and that he's now an incest baby.
Kek, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what's already happening.

Are you retarded?

Pretty misogynist.

At first I thought so, but then again maybe not.

Catelyn constantly cunt-eye's jon his entire time at Winterfell before he goes to the Wall. She pours all of her embarrassment, shame, disappointment, envy, hurt (as any normal female would) onto the wrong person. Rarely do we see her harboring those feelings towards Ned. It's not Jon's fault even if he really was Ned Stark's bastard.

At times her seething is a bit overkill. So I can see where user is getting at. I don't share the same opinion, but I do think Catelyn can be a royal cunt when it comes to jon.

Why is Ned Stark literally the best character in the entire series?

Martin is just a fucking hipster contrarian for having killed him off.

>Lmao this isn't your grandpa's tolkein, le anyone can die. :^)

>redundantly uses the word literally in a post
>uses literally in the same vernacular as every other illiterate cunt
>calls martin a hipster

I mean literally in the full extent of the word. As in there is no character in the book better than him; He's literally the best character.

That's not how literally is used though.

You could simply say he is THE best, or he is the best.

Literally is pointless.

Let me give you an example

'Yo, that nigga Jesus is walking on water'

"Damn dude that's pretty cool...."

'No, you don't understand, he's LITERALLY walking on water'

See the difference? That's why it's rarely necessary to use, and yet I see the fucking word 10+ times a thread.

Literally autism.

Jon is literally Ned. Ned was only good because he died, making fun of the whole trope thing.

Jon gets revived, which makes him a fag.

yeah, how would anybody even remotely understand who the father's supposed to be? Let alone that it's a Targaryen.

We'll see after my sister watches the episode. I bet she has no idea what this scene is about, other than "Bran saw his father in a dream".

You'd have to be a complete dumbass not to figure it out after that scene.

This, the father is ofcourse strongly hinted but unconfirmed.

Plainly dumber than a nigger

Cat made him stay outside when the Lannisters came over and kicked him out of the room when he was trying to see Bran when he was leaving. She fucking hated him.

>keeps it vague by only letting us hear parts of what she tells Ned
Oh shit, maybe D&D will actually have some sort of subtle-
>cut from the baby's face to Jon's
I laughed

as a showfag i knew who llyana was but i really didnt know why she was in that tower, only that she was supposed to marry rob and died.
the baby being jon snow is p obvious from the fade into his fucking face, but i dont really know who his father is supposed to be or why she needed rescue

yes ive read the wiki but thats external to the show

>Preston's face when

i know, i remember, she's a bit of a huge bitch

That's about as subtle as you can get unless you wanna pull a Walking Dead and leave it for next season as retarded cliffhanger. Also that shot was great

That's not the first time they've done that where they jump to jon, they just didn't have the baby in the previous scene

What is the significance of Jon learning about his true parentage? What is the big deal about it? How will it affect him? How will affect the realm?

That's a good question for once. I'm starting to believe it's more for the audience's amusement at this point. Ned, Robert, Tywin, and a few other important figureheads that would otherwise care about him being a Targaeryan are out of the picture, so it's no longer important.

pleasing plebs that dream about Dany and Jon marriage

He was the firstborn of the prince back when the targs ruled. He has more claim than danerys.

I have watched ever episode and I have zero clue who that woman is. I'm assuming she's someone significant and not a whore (as previously believed to be Snow's mom), but I still have no idea.

Yeah I can kinda see how a showfag could not get all the implications of that scene.

For some reason D&D choose to believe their audience actually pays attention to the story.

One of my friends seriously thought the father was Benjen Stark

I said but thats Lyanna Stark

and he said, ye she married Benjen

I can only seeing it being of any importance is that he might marry someone for the sake of uniting the North back to the rest of the realm? Like, if Jon is a Targ and Stark the North would be more receptive to Dany.

Not in the strictest sense of the term, no.

Not to mention THE definitve line to demonstrate her hatred, which I forgot, but found anew in my reread. She sends Jon out of Brans room, after he shows compassion and tact, as he leaves she says:
"Jon." He turns around. "It should've been you."

This. Kinda.

Damn, that's cold blooded.

Soooo... It's Rhaegar who's jon's father, right?


This. Normies will never understand how much of a total fucking cunt bitch Cat is. She's a fierce mother, but look at how she treats Jon? She treated TYRION better when she thought he ATTEMPTED TO ASSASSINATE BRAN. She has absolutely no honor or code when it comes to Jon, but literally the "killer" of her son she treats okay and lets walk free with no complaint.

She prayed to the gods to have him die as a baby then was like "fuck I'm a terrible person don't really do it," then promised to treat him right AND have him legitimized, and never bothered to do any of that.

I've literally cringed at Cersei's smug fucking faces the last two seasons. She sets the Tyrell's up, then when it totally backfires on her it's like "onoes pls stahp I'm totally humble" then she gets out and its total smug face again when she blows up the sept with everyone she hates in it, and again smug face as she takes the throne that she has no right to, and I'd still say Cat is worse.

I fucking hate Cersei, and still I understand that Cat is either just as bad or worse. They just lack the ability to articulate it on the show. There's tons of shit that Cat does in the book to Jon that's mostly just to be a total cunt, and Cersei is mostly just a fucking crazy alcoholic overly protective mother spoiled-little-shit-grown.

>i can't remember all these fucking names and families.
Then maybe try Dora the Explorer or something more suited to your processing power

tell that to the 5 Blackfyres

It doesnt matter who is heir or who has what blood or who is married to who.
It only matters who has the biggest army.

I was literally like
>oh no you didn't just tease us fucking agai-
>babies face cuts to Jon's face
>just look down into my lap thinking about how fucking hamfisted the reveal is and what's the most creative way to kill myself

What is left to tease? It was obvious it was Jon for years now. It was a cool shot and led in perfectly to his King in the North scene.



>I was literally like
>I was literally like
>I was literally like
>I was literally like
>I was literally like
>was literally like
>literally like

Tyrion was still a Lannister. If she had tortured him the Lannisters would have taken revenge on her daughters. Jon was just some bastard and had no power so she could really treat him like shit all she wanted. Mothers do this quite a lot, actually. That being said, if Robert had bought one his bastards home I am pretty sure he/she would have been found dead somewhere in King's Landing not too soon afterwards.

It was standard for the Targaryans to have more than 1 wife

>they dropped like 3 hints a season that Cersei was gonna do that shit
this season or like the past few seasons? provide examples pls

>young ned gets a new baby from his dying sister
>expecting subtlety for something only a literal retard would miss if they didn't have the cut to old jon snow
how would you geniuses have done it?

I'm not sure if you're asking, but Jon is Rhaegar and Lyanna's bastard, and the only living person that still knows for sure is Howland Reed, unless he was the HS and just died like a fucking idiot. D&D have some stupid bullshit up their sleeve that only normies won't rage at, but unless Howland Reed steps forward with undeniable evidence that Jon is Targ AND someone legitimizes him, his heritage now means fuckall.

>Sansa wants him dead look at their dynamic this season and her fucking face every time they talk, when Jon was declared the King of the North she looked like her cunt was about to fall out
>if he somehow gets past that dumb bitch, Cersei is now NOT JUST QUEEN REAGENT BUT ACTUALLY THE QUEEN
Who is even supposed to take the throne now? I'm almost positive Cersei has no fucking claim whatsoever to it, and is just some dumb stand in while they setup for awesome lol zomg ub3r takeover from left field

>I'm not sure if you're asking
he's not. He's just telling you that the show did a shit job of laying out jon's lineage.

>no full mountain reveal

can someone xray this pls

That and the babe had jet black eyes. I thought it was a cool way to show it

Game of Thrones, a story written by the fans.

>Feed me your theories guys if I like them I'll put them in my story, I have no idea how to finish this mess.

Friendly reminder that the only thing GURM knows how to write are banquet descriptions.