Dubs decides what im jerkin off to tonight

Dubs decides what im jerkin off to tonight

Laura B set 08

Putting a needle through your dick. Be sure to heat it with a lighter first. Wouldn't want an infection.

everything in this thread

Pictures of apple cider.


denny's diner

Kkk gangbang black girl



Dicks with shit on them

shit well that was fast

I will be nice to you.

Guro on www.tsumino.com



fat anime

is that taylor momsen?

dance moms reruns






o fuk
You better deliver OP, we want a video of this shit.

i hope so i got some perfectly good dubs and OP hasn't said shit yet

people sticking forks down their urethra.

Dakota Fanning and her lesbian lover, Kristen Stewart.


Yourself, but not only looking at the mirror, but old pictures of yourself as well.