Bands whose members are all ugly

Lets start off with an easy one.

Other urls found in this thread:

Your mum's band


Is this the definition of glamour funk?

Dunno man, they just look goofy as fuck



My God, it's like if "Spinal Tap" was a true documentary, lol.

"It's better in a fake film. You know where you stand in a fake film. Folks lend a hand in a fake film. Girl get me back to my fake film!"




...You JUST know


middle guy looks like russell wilson with a stache

probably like 90% of modern metal bands


dude wtf holy shit i never looked at them that closely i mean yeah i knew that their "style" was retarded but the faces holy fuck

the girls on the right are pretty goodlooking though

Every single person in that picture is attractive

Pic related, but also Jethro Tull, King Crimson, The Kinks, Mothers of Invention, Camel, CSNY, Genesis and Black Sabbath

>king crimson

every american punk band ever

they look like a bunch of alcoholics in their 40ties

guy in the background has a good jaw

jesus christ youre fucking horrible at deciding whether is someone ugly or not

>Jon Anderson
>Chris Squire
>Alan White
>Bill Bruford
>Trevor Rabin


That being said, Steve Howe is a literal skeleton.

Why are they trying so hard to be the 70s beatles?


Ramones [Sire, 1976]

I love this record--love it--even though I know these boys flirt with images of brutality (Nazi especially) in much the same way "Midnight Rambler" flirts with rape. You couldn't say they condone any nasties, natch--they merely suggest that the power of their music has some fairly ominous sources and tap those sources even as they offer the suggestion. This makes me uneasy. But my theory has always been that good rock and roll should damn well make you uneasy, and the sheer pleasure of this stuff--which of course elicits howls of pain from the good old rock and roll crowd--is undeniable. For me, it blows everything else off the radio: it's clean the way the Dolls never were, sprightly the way the Velvets never were, and just plain listenable the way Black Sabbath never was. And I hear it cost $6400 to put on plastic. A

I tried listening to their debut album (Cardiac Arrest) but it was just elevator music other than the lame-as fuck P-Funk ripoff.

Joey is a qt

I would fuck all of them

White boys can't appreciate da funk.


Especially the guy that presses play and drinks Red Stripe

should be called Weezerds instead
virgin rock


Guy on the right is the only decent looking dude who looks cool too, the rest look like creepy virgins

You joking?


Aside from Deakin they all look normal.




How do you think Colin feels being both the least talented and the ugliest member in the band?

That said they're all gorgeous.

I'm sure they're handsome for Germany.

Genesis is great looking
>pic related
Gabriel (far right) would get more handsome when he cut his hair.

Ironically Rutherford got worse looking as he cut his hair.


deceptive trips


scarier than any black metal band



jesus fucking christ look at these greasy mug guidos, i bet they smell like a dogshit chimichanga

Delete this fat

>that 2nd girl

also probably bolt thrower, although Jo was a qt way back when

God, the 80s was the worst decade ever.

black bart simpson ass nigga lmaoooooo

is that our god DEV CHAN?

dave longsteth is the sexiest man alive

>Beach Boys
>Foo Fighters
>Animal Collective
>The Stooges
>Dinosaur Jr.
>Cpt Beefheart and magic band

Why does music attract so many ugly men?

Too bad 80s funk/R&B is obscure as fuck because the anti-disco backlash kept it off white radio.

When MTV happened, a lot of established artists couldn't adapt to the music video medium which put a premium on youthfulness and looks.

non of them are ugly

Direct access to top-drawer pussy by developing a skill that you can actually work on and improve at.




i hate oasis but liam is fucking god-tier

id put my big stick in kim


fuck right off

still pretty ugly desu


jason orange can catch this ass

far right is hot
where can i get that shirt

lol fat noel

>tfw you will never be a upper middle-class kid growing up in Brooklyn during the 90s/00s and live several deep long-term relationships every few years with well-off qts like you

Gary turned out to be the best looking

>mfw even with all these I'm still uglier than all of them
Fuck me.

Who are the first two?

yo la tengo

They are all qts except for far left.

Oh man, I'll never get over how baby faced they were. I wanna go back in time and pinch Dave's cheeks.

They've aged very well now - like fine wine. I'm glad they and the other original members haven't lost their hair.


Honestly River's grown into his looks, he's still very nerdy looking but decently attractive

the doors




Middle is hardly ugly, he just has a bad haircut


I didn't expect a zeuhl band to look like they listen to Smashmouth and nu-metal.






They are all entirely ugly kids

is that guy's barber blind?

moot on the right/10