Gets off scot free

>gets off scot free


She's a woman what did you expect? The can't be held accountable for their actions.

Oh but whenever I have a child BBQ it's wrong.

Melly did nothing wrong

It's hard to execute someone who's hot giving you a sad look

>executing the person who brought you back to life

Bad karma bruv.

Personally I think he should have locked her in one of Winterfell's towers. She's clearly got some uses.

She should get off scot free, Reddit. She's why Stannis and Jon are going to go down as Westoros' saviors.

i like how in a season about justice/vengeance whatever they brutally torture men to death but dont have theon-much balls to do anything to a girl especially if she showed her boobs once
>angry about dead child in GoT
>just tells her to go away #WomensLivesMatter
cant make this shit up senpai

well, she was sentenced by the man she brought back to life

"waaaaaaaaaaah every character should die for doing mean things for the greater good, especially WOMEN"
How did you make it 6 seasons in you whiny diva?

because Jon wasn't retarded like Davos. Anyone who heard what she said, knew Stannis burned his kid. This ain't even like lotr, he wasn't under mind control. just a desperate old man.

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

Jon is a fellow child killer also so he didn't really care.

how you gonna punish the healer that just rezzed you?

>hating melly because she did as stannis her king wanted
shereen was cursed with her hideous face, melly did her a favor

She got off Stannis for free too

>killing the woman who literally brought you back to life

She's earned one free do over.

>Melly gone

I want her to come back. Jon needs her.

Why are the torrents for the last episode encoded?

VLC won't play it and when I try and update codec in media player AVG goes off on one saying that it's suspicious and malware.

Of course she will come back.

She did not really do anything wrong. The blame is mostly on Stannis and Selyse.
Davos needs to grow up.


If she didn't burn Shireen, Stannis' wife wouldn't have hanged herself and he wouldn't have rushed to the fight, and she wouldn't have gone to the wall just in time to resurrect Jon.
The lord of light works in mysterious ways

Unfortunately Davos will always have Stannis's dick in his mouth.

you downloaded a virus you stupid fuck.
this is why you use private trackers.