Is she snuff porn material?

Is she snuff porn material?

Yup go for it

Looks a little bit like


All yes's so far

Want to brutalize/10



anyone is snuff porn material

But not everyone is good snuff material

You better be posting something lewd, OP

Wtf, no

Pretty sure this is hypothetical

Every female is snuff porn material. Once their primary use has been fulfilled, why bother keeping them alive? Get as much fun out of them as possible by raping and murdering every slut you can.

What would you have her do?

Post something more lewd and get more. For now I'll say she's nerdy girl who is comfortable in the world she inhabits. I would force her to see a more base an violent world.

What's snuff? Any why are some women qualified while other are not?

Porn where an individual is killed in a real life

How many snuff films has she made?

I think like 3 or so


What op is saying would she hypothetically be a good start for one. As in she would only ever be in one becuase she would be killed in it

The thing to do with a woman like that is tie her up. Keep her in your den for half a day. Check in on her. Give her water after several hours and don't say a word. Just look at her and smirk. She'll beg, she'll cry. Then turn on the giant monitor and play some porn. Hardcore stuff, but nothing too extreme. Some facefucking, some masochism. Just sit there at watch her be forced to watch it. I'd leave it on overnight and come back in the morning. I'd turn it off at tell her to suck my fucking cock. Luckily for me she wouldn't have a goddamn choice. I'd slowly approach her and tell her to unzip me. She'd be trembling too hard to do it. From there it's facefuck no. 1

Why would anybody watch something like this?

How she die?

Need nudes or your honest story of your relationship to this cumdump and why you get off on her being raped/murdered in order to post more.

Are no nudes of her and as far as I know the one who posted her first was ano ex or something





Cmon man

Gtfo then

Tell us


Please man