What does Sup Forums think of Poppy?

What does Sup Forums think of Poppy?

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idiotic project. if she wanted to make a statement on pop music. actually be a pop musician and the height of your frame start making parodies of yourself


Her videos are "weird" to normies, I think she's funny, but her music is just kinda ok, she does some cool covers, but otherwise she's alright

Pop singer who makes weird shit on Youtube. Kinda sounds like PC Music but more conventional.


man this is awful. least pc music sounds good

The kind of shit I'd expect my ex girlfriend to find deep, and she was a fucking mong who didn't know her arse from her elbow.

The only people who listen to this chick are dumb cunt chicks and virgin males with hairy necks.

her youtubes better than her actual music

>I think she's funny, but her music is just kinda ok, she does some cool covers, but otherwise she's alright

you could've said that so much better

Her cover of that one Mac Demarco song was alright

Her music is really good, but the videos range from "alright I guess" to "cancer." Bubblebath is a masterpiece beginning to end though

50's pop

the demarco cover was nice but shes not as good as mars argo

Gwen Stefani for millennial numale cucks desu senpai

Titanic Sinclair definitely has a sense of humor, but sometimes he seems to try to be deeper than he actually is. Some of the videos he's done with Poppy are very good, but the music released by her is terrible generic pop music.

The "message" she tries to put out with everything she does is pretentious and cringy but bunblebath is a fantastic ep

Most ostentatiously shallow surrealism ever.

I've gained some respect for Titanic Sinclair though. At first I thought he was a pretentious hack (he still is) but it's clear he knows 100% what he's doing.

Cringy attention whore



QT for stupid people

I'd fuck her but her "commentary" is shallow high school girl-tier.

>hurr people are so plastic and fake media and culture feeds you bullshit
Yeah I remember when I was 15 and thought I was profound too.

ITT: Pathetic cucks with no life achievements try to insult Sup Forums's Queen

Reskinned melanie martinez

She's fine, her videos have gotten really boring during this year, but I'm fine with this, lowlife is a nice song, bubblebath is not that good and doesn't stand out. Bring back mars argo

I'm Poppy

Her videos are so pretentious. Its obvious as hell that shes trying to do that weird, unexplained youtube channel thing like alantutorial, but its overwhelmingly forced.

she's cute and that's all there is to it

I'm Poppy.

I just realized all her pics have the same visual/color/hue aesthetic as BLACKED