Sup Forums what race are half-white half-asians
i say latino
Sup Forums what race are half-white half-asians
i say latino
eurasians. there are who countries of them between china and russia in that rough area.
but those countries suck
I wouldn't group them together as "asians".
You have shit tier ones like Indonesians(who aren't asian, but like to be called it), Indians, and other south eastern asians.
Mid tier philipinos, chinese, light skinned mongolians, tibetans
upper-mid, koreans
god tier japanese
the japanese are manlets
chinese will be godtier in another 10 years or so
Chinese are not innovative, and will be easily defeated. Japan has done it once, and if it comes down to it, will do it again. The chinese are an unethical, rude, unorganized, weak minded group of people.
No matter how hard the Chinaman tries, they will always lose.
maybe. but the japanese are midgets
Ever read a history book??
average chinese man: 167.1 cm
average Japanese man: 171.4 cm
The reason the Japanese height on average is shorter, is because the women are shorter. Taller men, shorter women = superior
average height of chinese in developed cities where growth isn't limited by nutrition: 178cm
average height of japenese in developed cities: 171cm
still to get beat once by a little shit stain like that
>Sup Forums what race are half-white half-asians cock-asian
are you proud of that
They're Caucasian-asians.
Or eurasians.
lil b?
nah they look mexican
You look mexican faggot.
shut up take that back
Because the japs had no backbone and bowed down, pleading to the colonial imperialists in exchange for peace and favors. Innovation as a concept was from modern intervention seeded by american enterprises from overseas, after Japanese industries went down the toilet. Before that when Japan was ruled by a bunch of warmongering warchiefs whose only sophistication stemmed from their chinese cultural heritage going way back to the tang dynasty. Nothing has happened there except war and dispute until the europeans arrived. Meanwhile China has been driving innovation and progress across the globe ranging all across eurasia, africa and maybe even America before anyone set sad ser foot there.
>what race are half-white half-asians
white rice
Sorry pedro, no hable espanol
Eurasian. Knew a halfie girl back when I was young named Eurasia. She was cool until she started being a real cunt to me for no reason.
Aryan/Oriental mix is how you create elves.
fuck off dude im not mexican say youre sorry
Anybody else smell bean burritos and subhumanity?
stop it man you're making me mad
You say it like it's a bad thing
No comprehende jefe. if you want to fight irl i'll meet you at any hardware store. after I win you can do my roofing.
it's a terrible thing unless you're from california and your mind is ruined.
>i say latino
i say ayy'lmao
Mexicans are literally the lost cousins of the native americans. U jelly because you can't live a life in tune with nature communicate with the spirits of the ether?
Mexicans are actually descended from the Aztecs. You know, the ones that do all the human sacrifice.
spirits of jack daniels you mean.
bunch of whiskey soaked savages, I'm glad we killed most of them.
kek has seen fit to bless you in his wisdom however and I'll have to accept that. Please impregnate my wife.
Kyrgyzstan has a president who makes vladimir himself shit his pants tho. it's like a country run by a eurasian bruce campbell over there.
>jack daniels
more like tequila
besides russians, mexicans are the rawest alcoholics on the planet
A lot of Mexicans are half mongoloid, half European. They're descended of aboriginal peoples who originally migrated from Asia an ass-ton of years ago.
I was referring to prairie niggers not spics.
They're called Bui doi
The dust of life
Conceived in hell
And born in strife
I'm gonna pretend I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
It doesn't make you a homo if you do know what I'm talking about
And also with you. Carry on my good man.
What are you talking about i want to know
They are the the living reminders
Of all the good we failed to do
36.711978, -121.614731
We can't forget
Must not forget
That they are all
Our children too
Like all survivors, I once thought
When I'm home I won't give a damn