Secrets thread

Secrets thread.

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You want to know a secret OP?

You're a faggot

Yes please.

We ha sec all ve rets?

instructions unclear. Dick stuck in toaster.


I have two.

Lost my virginity to my fathers best friend


Traded sex to an old guy off tinder for an iphone

I'm gonna an hero in april.

i pissed out of my window when i was 11 in front of my friends and now they all think im gay

Such a good foo fighters song.

How and why?

When I was a little kid I used to lick my female cousin's butthole all the time, when no one was watching us. I loved her subtle shit smell.

We both enjoyed it, but haven't talked about with her now that we are both adults.

How old when you lost you virginity? Did your dad ever find out?

The only reason i haven't killed myself is because my life insurance wont pay off if its suicide.

>How old when you lost you virginity? Did your dad ever find out?
13 and no. thats why its a secret

Pills and alcohol in a forest.

I'm a colossal fuckup

Pay me and I'll do it.

Why April?

Gives me time to get affairs in order, distance myself from loved ones, etc.

Damn son ill prolly end up the same

Because I'm gonn get a sex change operation first.

>Pills and alcohol
Not a surefire way to end it tbh.

Don't wait until spring. We're coming up on the perfect time of the year so you can drink yourself to warmth while actually freezing to death.

Pills and alcohol are never a sure thing. Do it in the cold so you'll die quicker.

Hence the forest, I'll be too weak to do anything else. I'll keep pounding until I can't anymore with nobody to find me.

I live in a very warm climate, winter means nothing here


Like...why? Why her butthole and not her pussy?

They think you're gay because of some dumb shit aged 11? Kinda gay.

I'm into a lot of really weird shit like vore and furry stuff. Dont know why and I don't like myself for it.

Last time somebody mentioned it's because I don't think I could have an actual real life partner and that's probably true because I'm also massively sexually insecure - I have a load of fordyce spots all over the foreskin and around my dick, so I've only fucked once and that was when I was really drunk. I'm not an ugly guy so there's some interest but I really don't ever go through with it for those reasons. My dick does look very bad and I'm scared she'll either laugh at it or think I have an std.

I'm clinically depressed too, I want to kill myself all the fucking time. On pills for it but I never talk to people about it because who wants to hear about that.


Haven't been laid in awhile. Got an easy lay lined up but she's 2 hours away and chubby. What do? Save gas and jerk off or road trip and smash?

Just googling what all that stuff means

How long? And how chubby?

We ha sec. All ve rets


I mean, dicks arent the nicest looking things in the world. Shit, neither are pussies. I wouldnt worry too much.

a girl hugged me today :)

I have never posted on Sup Forums before

depends how long user

if it's gas money or fuckin, you're either a broke bitch or got laid within the last few months

this isn't gonna become a thing, nobody likes your meme, go away


Just found out that a paper I've been losing sleep over for the past couple of weeks will, at most, be glanced at, have a couple of comments that might not even be relevant copypasted, and forgotten about in the span of about 3 minutes. I'd be livid, but I'm just too defeated to care anymore

I have cheated on my wife.
8 times with as many women (although one was a gloryhole and i guess could have been a man sucking my dick)
I did it because sex with her is either painful for her or she feels nothing and gets no pleasure from it at all.
It wasnt like this when we were dating. When we were dating she would enjoy herself and she looked foreward to our occasional sex dates.

Now. Its like the soul has been sucked out of our marrisge snd she hss no interest in me beyond my wallet.

i can't get a grip on reality but i wear a mask of emotions to disguise myself.

no one will ever know.

lived in a shitty apartment building. there was a navy wife that lived across the hall from me. she cheated on her navy husband for 4 months while he was deployed. i was the 'other guy'.

i kill small animals
mostly guinea pigs
havent killed any in months tho, mainly because im currently out of work and cant even afford a bus pass to get out and pick the little guys up

stop doing it for the kids

That sucks balls. Have a drink user, forget about it.

Welcome, brother. Just be aware one day the mask may crumble and fall. Happened to me.

I threw a cactus at a girl named violet because her friends each ran off with half of my joggers that buttoned all the way down.

Have never been caught.

She prolly just had a crush on me.


Does have nice feet tho

I'm a teaching assistant at the local martial arts studio. I volunteer for kids grappling classes because I like to touch little girls.

Get over yourself

Please stop. And consider suicide.

>How long? And how chubby?
2 years, pretty chubby but cute and would get pretty freaky. And I'm not really concerned about the gas money lol

I really want to do this but don't have the time

moms friend tried to fonger me in the back of my moms car

so the real question is time vs laziness. cmon user, what's more important?

Go get that pussy user

Why? It's a little bit fucked

organ failure, dehydration, and exposure is a pretty fucking painful way to die user. you sure you want that?

Tell me more about this fongering

Its better then killing people

buy me a ladder then.

it was in the back of my moms car

Good idea. I'll bring a knife too.

No lol.

They smell nice, and when I'm in their full guard I'm basically in position to plow them.

Used to be a camwhore~

try large game bow hunting, your killer insticts long to be set free

professional or recreational?

Arent you worried one day you'll lose control, get too touchy, and get fucked up?

how much money did you make, and how cute do you have to be

Recreational. Just wanted some $$$

i'm a scalie.

I will my friend, I will.

I made about $100 in an hour. Not that much but I was so vanilla back then lol

That would be so Kek to watch

I'll have to have a really good read on my students, to know when they're comfortable or uncomfortable with different degrees of closeness and touching. Most older ones are obviously more guarded, but not all. Most younger ones don't really know the meaning of boundaries, so long as they're having fun.

if you ever posted here I may be an old customer.

Tits or gtfo

i'm kinda interested in that sort of thing, but i'm a guy

Posted a few naughty pics here a few years ago so mayb

lel your gettin kukd

I've seen a few successful camwhores who were dudes. But you kinda have to have a cute face and 9yo body for it...

This person is an HIV+ crack head who barebacks old toothless men

as i have thought

You, my friend, are a goddamn evil genius. Age range??

She must be really fat if she's sharing a photo like that. Get a clearer photo before you waste your time

I've seen camwhores that are dudes that just have a massive cock. Entertaining the ladies and the gays I guess.

There are still lots of fetish sites you might get a few bites in~

I fucked my wife's younger sister while wife was working.
>Sister in law was 17 in hs, drove her everywhere she wanted bought her things here and there
>She starts holding my hand in my car, moves on to holding arm, then started to give me kiss on the cheek goodbye.
>I finally made the move when she came in for a goodbye kissed I basically shoved tongue down her throat.
>She was surprised and shocked, she got off the car quickly few days later she asks my wife if she can stay over at our house, wife questions it a bit since wife works 10 hr shifts at hospital at night so she asks me, tell wife I don't mind.
>Weekend comes drop off wife and pic up her sis, on the way home she asks if we can watch a movie and drink.
>I'm cool with it, get some bottles of Moscato (really sweet wine) and play a girly movie.
>She gets under blanket with me holding my arm and leaning head against me.
>She pounds bottle gets tipsy notice her other arm rubbing my leg she gets close to my cock each time until she reaches the tip and just focuses there.
>I unzip and pull dick our, she gave a few tugs before she went under the blanket and gave an ok bj.
>While she was facing my dick I stuck my hand down her pj's and played with her vaj, she was completely shaved, huge turn on.
>Couldn't wait anymore, turned her around and fucked her on the couch for maybe an hr before she came, we stopped cuddled and fucked again before we had to pick up wife.
>We still fuck every time she visits wife doesn't know but suspects something is up

To each their own

will consider, as it's divided between wanting to be admired and confident, and wanting money

Agreed, looks waaay beyond 'chubby' to me. Not that a fat girl is always a 'no', but at least know what you're driving for.

If real, your wife is gonna find out, and there goes your marriage kiddo.

Sounds like she's slowly working to blackmail you. Everything she did was way too intentional

I've had no life since 2008 so probably

then put together a little cash to go somewhere cold. I hear that's how people in cold climates off themselves, they just get super drunk and take off most their clothes in the middle of nowhere. you fall asleep warm and never wake up

Fair. Make a thread w/ link if you decide to go through with it. Refer to me as Nyx and I'll try find you~