is she the only one that didn't went to shit after TGWTG
>jesuotaku is a dude now
>cinema snob looks sick
>Nostalgia critic is terrible with money
>nostalgia chick is a full sjw
is she the only one that didn't went to shit after TGWTG
>jesuotaku is a dude now
>cinema snob looks sick
>Nostalgia critic is terrible with money
>nostalgia chick is a full sjw
Other urls found in this thread:
>jesuotaku is a dude now
You mean she looks more like one now, or did she become a dude?
Guess those man hands make more sense now.
full sexual transision
>all her new videos are with Brad
>while Phelous plays with toys and watches cartoons
Is he a cuckold?
Not exactly alumni, but an orbiter; he seems to be unjusting his shit tho
>implying the latest Linkara videos aren't pure reviewkino
More like outright stating
But please, post evidence to the contrary :^)
kyle kalgreen was the best thing out of that site
i allways jump over the review because i only watch him for the storyline.
trust me if you followed it from the start you would realize it's pure kino
I stand firmly corrected
The reviews do mar the narrative flow somewhat, thank god for the AT4W movie to show us Cockslut's true cinematic vision unburdened by commercial concerns
she still cute
good for her
isn't she a sjw too?
compared with Lindsay Ellis, she barely has an opinion
what did he mean by this
what did she mean by this?
Looks like Gianna minus the sweatermeat
Is LordFat still a thing or did he actually delete fucking everything and depart the internet following his tears of regret vid?
what did he do?
Nothing you prick
Posted a vid bawwing about how he'd realised he's a toxic fuck and has wrongly shat on those who helped establish him (CA generally, but esp Spooky) and was quitting forthwith
His cohosts seemed rattled by his raw confession and I'm not sure if or how it resolved itself, if at all
She looks like mistress T
T-Bag more liek
>I'm not sure if or how it resolved itself, if at all
The next week he released a new video saying the whole thing was a joke.
>nostalgia chick is a full sjw
a shame, but it's a good thing I don't fap to ideology
Got a link, bro, cuz it sounded fucking genuine and if he's that skilled of an actor he's in the wrongprofession: he was sobbing and begging forgiveness like a bitch
That's some child birthing hips....too soon?
>ywn throw hotdogs at her cute face as she shakes her pigtails coquettishly
Have fun digging back months you moron.
Thanks famalam :)
I'm friends with Jesuotaku through somethingawful and the "she's a man now" stuff is true, but not even the worst of it.