ITT: mooning/girls in a group showing their ass

ITT: mooning/girls in a group showing their ass


Eewwwwe gross

Not that I'm complaining, but what is it with chicks and group shots?

Anyone got three chicks standing in a bathtub with a bit of shaving cream covering their ass?

warning tho
this is a cursed image tho
so save it at your own risk tho


how curse?

Where the hell are all these gyms with girls standing around taking naked pics??



>right for size.
>left for shape.


I appreciate this thread.

Learn to read retards

there's always one fag that has to complain about semi-relevant bumps without posting anything himself

god middle's feet look yummy


more narrow hips


I've got one shot of them I've saved if it helps , been looking for the rest for a while.


>You will never be a cheer coach taking qt tiny teen cheerleaders around the state/country to competitions and get to see them almost naked constantly


Def not


>Legal to have sex with teenagers where I live
>Still a difficult to pursue anyway because of social taboos
It's just not fair.

me on top, pls ignore


Agreed bro

4 white hos doing blow off my bbc

Got any more of that set?


I dunno though lads
Nowadays they all dance like niggers and listen to nigger music/use it for their competitions
Social decay is already making me want to blow my brains out, I dunno if coaching qt cheerleaders would be enough to offset having to be around that garbage


>taking around
>almost naked

why does anyone want this

True they do listen to nigger noise.. But I'm sure you can deal with that while u watching ass bouncing around.. Come on now

i know right? dont niggers and their shitty mud culture ruin everything?

This thread is a good thread

What a huge disappointment, you are.




I don't. I'd rather just fuck teenage girls than do all that other stuff.
You can't stick your dick in their shitty teenage attitude. I just want them for their supple, barely legal bodies.




>He doesn't understand the patrician love of borderline nudity
I could probably handle it for a season or two, but after a while I would have to quit. Ffs I went to a daycare a year ago to help a friend get their kid because their car was kill and they were playing that watch me whip song or whatever the fuck it was and I wanted to puke
They've got nothing better to do that's why

if your out of content, stop posting.




does anyone have one of those god tier pictures where there is a line of girls mooning, and one of them decides to spread their ass cheeks?



Lol what where is all this racism coming from?

more blonde!!

Truly, this is the best type of thread. Bless us all, anons



I get the get, you check em newfag

Gurl showing her F E E T


Yeah but the thing is you have to out up with the attitude nigger
Doing that isn't too hard but with the way "parents" let their daughters get niggerfied these days you might as well be talking to a ghetto sheboon


Is porn ok? or is it more than just a butt thing?

any with body?



shit thread. dump over.

porn is always ok.

Racism means you think your race is the best
You're thinking of prejudice
And it's coming hating and despising the "culture"
If you don't agree that's you're prerogative but to think there's anything wrong with me having my viewpoints just makes you a cuck
Not even niggers should like nigger culture


It's more or less the truth. Niggers do ruin everything, and their culture is the worst.

I mean certainly there's a way to describe a culture without racializing it, like using the n word is what makes your statement racist.


all of them girls are getting fucked

Shut it nigger lover

Kek that face in the bush

What if we did two things:
A) helped them to achieve social prosperity
And B) understood that different cultures can exist within a nation and didn't look down on the subjective aspects of each other's culture

Wtf is the dude in the woods

Lol see that's super racist

So does no one else want to know about the cursed butt pic

I'm a different guy than me the first one, and no. I'm not doing that.

you can't look at photos of young white girls without posting about how much you hate niggers

there's something wrong with you

I think you're exaggerating just a little m8. The way you're talking, I'd think I would have seen more white girls dressed like full blown niggers; but I don't see that many. Actually don't really see any for that matter, but I don't live in North America, either.

Literally replace any word you want you're free to do so, my criticisms still stand as valid though

Cursed? elaborate please.

Then you're in for a life full of hate when it could be full of love

Their shit culture needs to be wiped from history. They're not even evolved to the same point as the rest of the world.

Imagine pulling that tape off.

She looks like a kelsey

You just stated your literally racist opinion lol, plus if you're willing to replace words why not do it yourself and stop using the n word

Fuck off queer. Go hug a tree or something

The one on the bottom second from the left has a toe and foot wedged straight up her asshole.

>Not paying attention to the previous posts
They do, black "culture" has various types of dress for both sexes and it has massive influence on normies
Its the most prevalent there is right now pretty much anywhere.
Think of it this way
All of the white women you see dressing "American" are actually dressing like niggers


Why are they clenching? Must be cold.

That was me not that user. Believe it or not most people don't like them.

Because my job isn't to do your work for you nigger
And I could give a flying fuck about your preferences or feelings, you don't like what I say ignore it
