The entire realm has heard about her incestuous relationship

>the entire realm has heard about her incestuous relationship
>humiliated in wak of atonement
>no children, no husband
>no family left except a traitor dwarf
>hated by Dorne, North, Vale, Stormlands, Iron Islands and Reach
>gold mines in Westerland are empty
>bankrupt kingdom
>terrible at ruling

Why has this show become basically fan fiction? This reads like some retarded teenage girl wrote it.

>"woow it would be so cool if cersei blew up every1 and became queen :PP"

Other urls found in this thread:

Why didn't anyone object her taking the throne?

Because literally everyone is dead you dumbasses.

If she isn't dead in the first episode of season 7 for all the reasons you've just stated this show is officially irredeemable

So? They can just overthrow her is she's such a cunt and a retard.

>no family left except a traitor dwarf
Jamie Lannister you retard.

Wasn't the whole reason that the High Sparrow was allowed to get away with his bullshit because he had the common folk behind him? Shouldn't they be tearing the city down to the ground or something?

Who can overthrow her? The dead?

She leads House Lannister and the Lannister armies through her brother Jaime.

Anyone else disappointed that after all the outsmarting the High Sparrow has done, he just ends up getting blown up because Cersei found some mountain dew?

Seeing the main sept blow up in a giant ball of wildfire with the high sparrow and all the medium sparrows inside probably calmed them the fuck down.

So why not just appoint Jaime as King?

This tbqh, realistically she would be assassinated by the first handmaiden to enter her room.

There have been unlikely Kings and Queens in history, but none of them have ever won the throne by staying locked up in their room after walking naked through the city.

This, too.

Jaime isn't even there to defend her.

Remember Season 1 where they made such a big deal out of who controls the Goldcloaks? Not even mentioned in ages. The story would make sense if Cersei had also secured command of the city watch and they'd be used to quell the riots which immediately would have followed. But that would imply decent writing.

>the high sparrow and all the medium sparrows

She's the former queen consort, queen mother, and queen regent, it doesn't completely come out of nowhere like it would for Jaime who has no official connection to the throne at all. And why would they anyway, she's clearly the one in charge in that relationship.

how many deus ex machina's need to happen on this show before people realize how shitty it is

Is Cersei the icon of toxic femininity?
Is this GRRM telling us that, despite his feminism, he isn't blind to the flaws of women?

it was so underwhelming
all the cool and interesting characters like Mace, Kevan, Margaery, High Sparrow, Loras, Lancel died from green CGI.

The show/books were never good

Yeah, doesn't really make sense that she destroys the most beloved people in the city as well as the most revered monument and everyone is just like, well I guess she's the queen now. I at least wanted a scene showing Lannister soldiers marching in or establishing some martial law shit or something.

But she was bethroned. What retarded city bethrones their Queen just to let her be Queen again? That's just really shitty writing.

she'll get BTFO very very soon
Danny+Dorne+Reach will absolutely squash her

Jon can just stand and watch their petty squabbles and focus on the walkers


>queen cersei will never force you to your knees and make you deep throat her 12 inch valyrian steel strapon

>The story would make sense if Cersei had also secured command of the city watch and they'd be used to quell the riots which immediately would have followed. But that would imply decent writing.
Yeah fair enough. She could probably have achieved that through a combination of Qyburn's spy work and the Mountain's muscle, but they skipped over all that in the show.

>Ask for 2 years why everyone is kowtowing to a bunch of idiots in rags when a hundred knights could kill them all
>Get told religion is so important if you killed them the people would revolt
>lel no you can totally just kill them all and in fact you can nuke the giant church in the process and no one cares

Dethroned? Well the trouble is, there's literally nobody else.

Yes. Remember how the Oldtown library didn't allow either women or children? Turns out it's the most expansive, well-kept library in the world. FEMINISTS BTFO

I miss Tywin

Fun fact: Cersei and Dany are both based on the same original character (at different times of her life).

She still has Qyburn, whose espionage capabilities seem to rival Varys. She also has the reanimated corpse of the strongest man in the country as her slave. Finally she (at least temporarily) has the Lannister army and Jaime.

Jaime's going to kill this bitch and fulfill the witch's prophecy. He's also going to be westeros's best king and queen slayer.

>nukes the church
>there isn't a massive revolt that plunges the city into chaos
Disappointing desu

Yeah dethroned. There's Jaime who is a more competent Lannister and he really slayed the king before Robert. Why isn't he King? This show is just really dumb and the writers are just hacks.

He worships Cersei, if he ended up killing her it would mean he completely snapped.

Literally everyone? Literally?

So, the white walkers, everyone in essos, myr, the free cities, all the dothraki, the mountain clansmen, everyone in the vale, dorne, everyone on tarth....on and on

literally, everyone?

this is how using a fucking trendy word incorrectly makes you look like a 'dumbass'.

it's not cool, it's not hip, it adds no emphasis to your sentences or your unoriginal ideas; nothing.

See There's nothing to base him being king on. The only way he could be would be by taking it from Cersei by force and go full tyrant, but why would he do that? He wants Cersei to be queen.

Well she's just killed another one of her children, you can only forgive that one so many times.

Can someone tell me why Pycelle was killed? was it because that faggot didnt want competition on sucking the queens wiener?

In the books he stopped loving her a while ago and i think the show is catching up to that now

Literally everyone in King's Landing who could be any sort of rival to Cersei you dumbass.

Pycelle was always a cuck, and if you're going to kill that many people, you might as well go one step further.

Well, the Lannister armies basically control the city, so Cersei is pretty much Queen of Kings Landing and the Westerlands (maybe the Crownlands and Stormlands, too, but who even knows what's going on there in the show), not much else.
Don't know how the show will try to convince us next season that Cersei is some kind of threat though, considering that the Reach alone could probably take Kings Landing and put her head in mere weeks realisticly.

That's just shit writing. She literally destroyed everything she touched and killed so many people and destroyed a town. No one revolts. Its seriously shit hack writing.

He still told Edmure just one episode ago how he literally lives for her and cares about nothing else but her. They're "the only two people in the world" to each other.

iirc in the books he's just butthurt that she cucked him, but there isn't even a hint of that in the show.

That's a hard turn after the speech he gave to captive Edmure in the tent.

you sure about that user

Tywin's brother was the final respected member of their family, no? What's this mean for their giant military?

The show makes it clear over and over again they don't care at all about consistency, the showrunners will do whatever they think will get them ratings.

>No one revolts.
We don't know that yet, the show ends on the same day the sept blew up.

Literally not a dumbass because I don't rearrange the meaning of words to pointlessly make my posts seem more interesting.

You're a redundant cunt follower of the new trend 'lemme use literally in a sentence to sound cool'

call me a dumbass again though, the irony makes my dick hard.

I assume the main reason is simply because in the books, Varys was supposed to have already assassinated Pycelle AND Kevan at this point.

butt he also killed king aerys and he said he loved his rulership and him but killed him because he threatened to use wild fire, and cersei actualy used it so what will he do if she threatenes to use it again

It's during exactly the same event but which in the book occurs during book 3 or 4 that Jaime decides he hates his sister, they just took that event and reversed it.

>no official connection to the throne at all
well, he did murder the old king

You're literally retarded. Couldn't you even find a post where "literally" was actually literally used wrong for you to literally sperg out like the literal idiot autist you are?

>dues ex machinama
Don't use words you don't know

She is ruling because the people fear her. Thats all.

He might not stop loving her but if she tries to pull a king aerys when a certain queen rolls through with her dragons...

She looks so much better in her new sith dress tho

If Dany and her horde of chaos start attacking the city with fire-breathing monsters, Cersei will literally be the good guy.

She is the Westeros equivalent of Trump.

Calm down lad, he's a faggot for using literally mindlessly but, on principal, there's nothing wrong with redefining words. Language evolves for the sake of the users' ease of communication.

Don't even think about disagreeing m8, I've had this argument before and I've won every single time.

>Little dove, this is how you go full Darth

>literally calls me a faggot for literally using literally literally correctly
>literally can't even spell principle

I'd rather make a spelling error than be a homosexual.

Are you guys so mad about a woman on the Iton Throne that you are, purposely, ignoring the story and the fact that she was the wife of the King and mother of the last king?

Pick two you literal faggot.


I'm loving evil boss bitch Cersei so much, I was rooting for her to take out the High Sparrow but I had no idea that she'd take out so many other characters with her.
She's out of kids and she's out of fucks.

Darth Cersei is best character on the show right now desu senpai.

>No one revolts
lol 2 out of the 7 kingdoms revolt against her in the same fucking episode you idiot. Did you want the Queen of Thorns to walk to the Red Keep to tell Cersei that personally because you need it spelled out that explicitly?

I do agree the development is fanfiction-tire, but

>City is full of peasants
>Would like to riot but are afraid another batch of Wildfire would go off because Cersei is fucking insane.
>Other small lords are scared as well, therefor they don't say a word during her coronation.
>Cersei has under he control the only army around that would slaughter the folk of KL.

All the people in KL are hostages and they lost their leader.

Maybe they will next season.

The throne is, technically, rightfully hers. She is the closest blood relative to the last king.

Actually you look like the dumbass for taking a figure of speech way too literally.

and i dont think the north will be too happy being ruled under a family who took part in the red wedding.

That's not how succession works.

But in reality claims to the throne have more to do with what you can get away with rather than who "rightfully" should have it.

There is noone left to incite or lead a revolt. Moreover, the holy orders were a considerable force and could not have been killed by a hundred knights, that's why those orders were outlawed for hundreds of years. The last time they were legal they rivaled the power of the crown, which is why everyone thought Cersei short-sigthed when she allowed to reestablish them.

>City is full of peasants

Without the people, there is no income from taxes and tariffs. Even the worst ruler in history would not slaughter more than 25% of their population if they wanted to maintain any sort of position of power.

The King's landing part was the only really interesting part left of the show, so it makes sense.

The North already declared themselves independent. They don't give a fuck about a Church of the 7 in King's Landing being blown up, and the Lannisters aren't going to march their armies to Winterfell at the start of winter. The Iron Throne effectively has no power on the North right now.

Only possessions can be inherited. "Being a king", by virtue of not being a possession, can't be passed down or given, in any meaningful sense of the word.

you do realize he killed the king before for trying to blow up the city, the same shit Cersei just did.

What part of "She fucking killed EVERYONE" did you not understand? Queen is dead, HS is dead, hand of the king is dead, Master of coin, law, ships killed or gone, faith's powerbase and base is dead and gone.

A king or queen is only in power so long as everyone agrees they are. Who's to challenge her claim? She's the mother of the boy king, the cunty king and wife to their father and king.

Pol Pot killed about that percentage of the Cambodian population.

He had these weird events like "Today we kill everyone who wears glasses"

for the 100th time Jaime is the real next in line why are you all so retarded?

Jaime wasn't beating up Aerys' boipucci though

Yeah, some crazy old fart that his entire family was at war with. Not the love of his life and the only person that's real to him.

If you seriously think he's some kind of autistic paladin you haven't been paying attention.


Tell us what other lord or lady is there with an army to fight Cersei's Lannister troops + city guards?

On the other hand, you might not want to fuck with the person who blows all her enemies to smithereens on the day they everyone thought she would get her comeuppance. I think she'll rule by fear, at least for a while. Smallfolk know what soldiers can do, and if a bunch of city guards took out the sparrows, the people would probably feel they had the advantage of numbers against regular dudes in armor and go after them. But the mad king is still in living memory by most people living in kings's landing, and he ruled by fear and would use wildfire to do crazy shit all the time. She stepped into his shadow by using it and now I guess nobody wants to fuck with her either.

why cersei killed pycelle i mean wasnt he loyal to her

someone tell me how there still were so many noblemen/women left to attend Cersei's ceremony. didn't they all blow up in the sept?

Claims are only worth anything if people affirm it. The absence of a challenge is not enough. Cersei only has Qyburn and one Kingsguard as an ally. Her rule does not extend further than King's Landing, even if we somehow assume that the people of KL alone will accept her.

Even for the Westerland lords, there's at this point very little reason to throw in their lot with Cersei. They would realistically, immediately recall their levies from Jaime's army (especially after the death of the Freys).

Only retards will defend this episode.

Can someone tell me why Vayrs was in Dorne?

How the fuck does that work?

The next in line would be some Baratheon cousin or something who never appeared on the show.

He was an asshole

She threatened to have him fed to dogs before

Did they show what the piece of paper Margaery handed to the old woman had in it?

That guy was a straight up comic relief character, his whole character was in such stark contrast to the rest of the characters and themes, it was eerie. Is he confirmed for dead?