What's your favorite book, Sup Forums?

What's your favorite book, Sup Forums?

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Meditation on the First Philosophy by Rene Descartes

Anything Ayn Rand

Read it 2.5 times.

Shit teaches you the mistakes we all make in everyday life and how we see the world with out biases, etc. Helps explain people a bit more.


i know im cheating a bit
either game of thrones (third one)
or the girl with dragon tattoo (second one)

The Bible t b h

Sounds interesting

Wry? I thought the story was lacking and there were major plot holes.

S.King - Dark Tower series -- favorite being ... all of them.



Alice In Wonderland

Definitely going to check it out, thanks user

Can be both!


Fucking pleb tier humor

Oh im laffing

I fond of the chronicles of Thomas Covenant.
Fantasy setting, man with leprosy gets transported to another world, he's mistaken for a reincarnation of their hero and his wedding ring is magic.

Thinks the whole thing is some bullshit dream and refuses to take responsibility for saving them from the BBEG.

Animal Farm - Georges Orwell

You really got to build up a lot of academic and pop culture tenacity for this one.

Although a bit softer science and more philosophical, this brother can put words to paper like no other scientist. Another good one.

This book deals with junk science from a different perspective than a lot of the other books I've read - it shows a historical context as opposed to pure debunking. He talks about how UFO sightings and the like are nothing new; before the 1950's the same delusions were called visitations by cherubs and demos and the like.

tldr; same shit, different era.

1984 -George Orwell
>Being and Nothingness -Jean Paul Sartre
>The Myth of Sisyphus -Albert Camus
>Generation of Swine -Hunter S. Thompson
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas -Hunter S. Thompson
>Pimp -Iceberg Slim
>Tragedy and Hope -Carroll Quigley
>The Republic -Plato
>JFK The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy -L. Fletcher Prouty
>A Brief History of Time -Stephen Hawking
>Haunted -Chuck Palahniuk
>Critique of Pure Reason -Immanuel Kant
>Meditations -Marcus Aurelius
>Crossfire -Jim Maars
>The Guns of August -Barbara Tuchman
>The Hero With a Thousand Faces -Joseph Campbell
>The Art of War -Sun Tzu
>Mutiny on the Bounty -Charles Nordhoff and James Hall

I can't just name one favorite. So I put a short list of ones that come to mind.

If you kids like Orwell then you should check out the other side of that coin and take Brave New Word for a spin.

Yep. I have that on my shelf as well. Great book.

The Art of the Deal


I read it just after I finished 1984. Very interesting to see two completely different viewpoints of dystopia. What I liked about Brave New World is that it made me question the core meaning of happiness.

The Vegetarian by Han Kang

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

Dr. Julian Jaynes

Since we going on about dystonia s. I always thought Atlas Shrugged was pretty interesting.

>At the heart of this classic, seminal book is Julian Jaynes's still-controversial thesis that human consciousness did not begin far back in animal evolution but instead is a learned process that came about only three thousand years ago and is still developing. The implications of this revolutionary scientific paradigm extend into virtually every aspect of our psychology, our history and culture, our religion -- and indeed our future.

Goddamn this sounds like a good read. Will definitely pick it up. Thanks Sup Forumsro.

Love this and TS

Can any One of you post the best fantasy novels like Game of Thrones or Lord of the rings, the hobbit, volkodav all Maria siminova books Vikings slavs pagan burzum summning trolls barbaric rome pagan russia vizantina my dark Ice fire kingdoms ..

I hope you Get the pic

Mein Kampf

"High Strangeness" by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

It'll blow your mind.

You should read Eaters of the Dead if you haven't.. it's the book 13th Warrior is based on

I've been reading a lot of medieval epics lately... the Volsung Saga, Orlando Furioso, The Song of Roland, etc. Good shit.

Have you read The Chronicles of Narnia? That's the closest thing I have on my shelf to what you describe.

I haven't read many books, but the ones by RA Salvatore featuring Drizzt and Entreri were really brilliant. I have no love for Drizzt, but Entreri and other characters are really likeable.

Crystal Shard idea was dumb though.

im not the most literate mother fucker around, but one of my all time favs is the lord of the rings, i know its sounds cheesy and shit, but every few years i pick that damn book up an read the shit out of it, king Theoden and Faramir are the charachters that most give me the feels, somewhat i feel identified with them, im kind of sad right now for some reason...

Just gonna leave this here...

Probably the A Song of Ice and Fire series. Other than that Harry Potter is probably the biggest reason I'm an avid reader. Recently I've really enjoyed The Name of the Wind and the books the The Witcher is based on. Other than that I mainly read non-fiction and biographies.

The Child Theirf by BRom

damn nigga, that's a book for elementary school kids. I should know Ir ead them all before 6th grade

Read The Name of the Wind. Great fantasy series. Often described as an adult Harry Potter.

Arrrrrr i have all this books i have a lot of russian swidish pagan lituratura


Did you read the Wicher ?? user?

The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie

ugh, edgy teenager pleb generation shit taste. good to see Kant maybe he'll help you, but in general you just went full meme

Proust's search of lost time
Cortazar's short stories
Kafka's Castle
and his Investigations of a Dog
Gombrowicz's Cosmos
Woolf and Joyce are fine
The Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature
I have a sentiment for Guo Xiaolu

pic related is my room

American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis. Fascinating picture of 80s yuppie culture and the insight into a psychopath's mind. The one book I read where I felt sick during one particular chapter. I also love Less Than Zero.

All Quiet on the western front
The things they carried

Well, my shelves look like OPs pic and it is considered a classic. I have only read the first one,

Is that your library? Can you take some more pics? Wouldn't mind seeing your collection.

Night Watch by Terry Pratchett

Great Again, By Donald Trump.

Any Cormac McCarthy fans in here? Probably gotta pick Blood Meridian for all time favorite

Have you read Lunar Park or Glamorama?

Almost all walls in my home are like this. It's a small flat though. Bookshelves are very expensive, but I have some too.

Yes, I'm polish.

A tale of two cities

Sadly most of pics I have are over 2mb.

I don't read

reading is a fucking waste of time and you're a fucking idiot for thinking you'll get anything out of any book

I don't know.

Plato's Republican or Materialism and the Dialectical Method by Cornforth.

I also like Aesop's Fables.

I couldn't pick just one. I liked a lot of Chuck Palahniuk's stuff, loved John Connolly's first three novels... One of my current favorites is The Reapers are the Angels.

Not a book its about 3 pages long

The Rape of the APE, Allan Sherman
Good luck finding a copy - Playboy Press stopped printing it many years ago.

Yes i have read it to I need a old fantasy books thet puts you in a different world a world with magical creatures and such along the lines of harry potter and lord of the rings. Volkodav Wicher Vikings konan the barbarian pagan satan greeks gods scandinavian russian slavic mitologia Odin old rus vatarland

Pic releted russian girls

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.

You don't have to be all cunty about it. I read. A lot. Listed my favorites. May not be your taste but you don't have to get shitty.

have to pick his quintessential work? lol

My shelf
The Creators
The Histories
Two Lives of Charlemagne
The Aeneid
Fifteen Decisive Battles of the Westeen World
Catcher in the Rye
The Jungle

pic not related

you can look at some titles here

don't take shitposts so personally user

"The life and opinions of tristram shandy gentlemen" Laurence Sterne 700 pages of complete rubbish that will change your life

Serpent and the Rainbow was a freaky read.

Maybe not my favorite though.

Brave new world

Pic related

YOU have shit taste, don't take it personally

he's a /lit/ poster probably. one of the worst boards despite having some of the best subject matter to discuss.
even Sup Forums has less head up its ass.

Breakfast of Champions


>you really got
>academic tenacity

>really got
>academic tenacity

How many edges were you intending to show today?

Come back after college and let us know

Mein Kampf

Get this


god tier

No, I've not read anything else by Ellis. It's something I have been intending to do for some time

Chuck Palahniuk is so full of awesome. I have read almost all of them. Haunted and Pygmy are a couple of my favorites.

I think we have caturday today, right?

okay, I wouldn't ever do that anyway.
I don't think you honestly mean that though, user.

there's nothing wrong in elitism of /lit/, but I stopped posting there few years ago because of all the worthless memes. I hate memes.

You should read this Tolkien love this book

Eric Brighteyes by H Rider Haggard

ODE with Dynamical Systems by Haberman

- anything from Echart Tolle
- the art of war

Will check

>a scanner darkly
>name of the wind


>I hate memes
Ok buddy

3 edgy 5 me

The whole Dragon Jousters series, fist big kid series I ever read when I was in 4th grade, sill remains one of my favorite series to date

Czesc polak Nice you are a colector like me
Do you Get any medieval epics polish russian german books ?? You know what i mean thet only we know about them and we dont wont to tell?

The Bible of course. I take all my life's philosophy from Jews, what could go wrong



Look like lord if the rings :D Thank you user you mad me happy i am going to check it out and Get this books


Awww thanks going to check it out to thanks user

I am Polak i love this book Pedofilia is not a crime you can look just dont touch :D god bless you fucking russians for this book you made me what i am today :D (loli lover